Monnaka orthopedic - Koto City

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Monnaka orthopedic

住所 :

増田ビル 1F 2 Chome-14-10 Etchujima, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 135-0044
Webサイト :

増田ビル 1F 2 Chome-14-10 Etchujima, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0044, Japan
Ohyama Masu on Google

受付兼看護師に酷い態度を取られました。 キセノンの照射を受けていたのですが、機械が外れそうになって、「すみません」と呼んだら「自分で直して下さい」と軽くキレられました。 自分で出来れば苦労しません。 会計の時も物凄く不機嫌、というかいつも刺々しい。何なんでしょうね。 医師からは悪い印象を受けなかったですが、スタッフが悪くて行かなくなった病院です。
The receptionist and nurse took a terrible attitude. I had been irradiated with xenon, but when the machine seemed to come off and called "I'm sorry", I was lightly struck with "Please fix it yourself". If you can do it yourself, you will not have any trouble. It's always a bit stupid even when accounting. What is it? The hospital did not get a bad impression from the doctor, but the staff was so bad that they could not go there.
ダニー on Google

原因を明かすために、すぐに色んな診断を行って頂けるので、病気の早期発見につながります。 膝に水が溜まり、定期的に抜いて頂いているのですが、かなり腕が良く、採血程度の痛みしかないので助かります。 (膝の水を抜く時はかなり太い針を使うので、普通はめちゃくちゃ痛いです) 撮影したレントゲンの写真を拡大して、現状の自分の症状と今後の治療方針について分かりやすく説明してくれるので、信頼できるお医者さんです。
Since various diagnoses can be made immediately to clarify the cause, it will lead to early detection of the disease. Water collects in my knees and I have them drained regularly, but my arms are quite good and I only have pain like blood sampling, which is helpful. (When draining water from the knee, I use a fairly thick needle, so it usually hurts a lot.) He is a reliable doctor because he can magnify the X-rays he took and explain his current symptoms and future treatment policies in an easy-to-understand manner.
A “ATK” Y on Google

年末の混んでいる時期でしたが、診察優先予約をしていたらそこまでは待ちませんでした。一般の方は90分待ちとありましたので、予約してからの方が良さそうです。 受付の方や看護師さんも愛想はないかもしれませんがお年寄りの方に気を遣って順番を教えてあげたりされてました。 先生は怖そうに見えますが、子供に話しかけてレントゲンを見せてくれたり優しかったです。 先生に骨折部位を聞いたら、難しくて、覚えられないなぁと思っていたら看護師さんがメモしてくれて渡してくださいました。 忙しい時期でしたので、気遣いに感動しました。いい病院だと思います。
It was crowded at the end of the year, but I did not wait until I had made a medical appointment reservation. The general public was waiting for 90 minutes, so it seems better to make a reservation. The receptionists and nurses may not be fond of them, but they were concerned about the elderly and told them the order. The teacher seemed scary, but she was kind and talked to the child to show her X-rays. When I asked my teacher about the fracture, it was difficult and I couldn't remember it. It was a busy time, so I was impressed with my concern. I think it is a good hospital.
千利休 on Google

悪い病院ではないとは思いますが、先生は忙しそうな感じで、説明もわかりづらく、こちらの話も100%は聞いてもらえていない印象でした。 リハビリは機械的な感じなので、さっと帰れてよかったです。 時間帯によってはかなり混んでいるようなので、診察は予約をしていったほうが無難です。
I don't think it's a bad hospital, but the teacher seemed to be busy, the explanation was difficult to understand, and I had the impression that 100% of this story was not heard. The rehabilitation feels mechanical, so I'm glad I got home quickly. It seems to be quite crowded depending on the time of day, so it is safer to make an appointment for the examination.
hiromi Owa yanagisawa on Google

昔足の捻挫でお世話になり大変良い処置を感謝しております コロナ前に持病の首ヘルニアでうかがいました リハビリを受けてみようということになり 専用室へ入った途端環境の質に驚き具合が悪くなってしまいました 下駄箱から毛布からスリッパは消毒もされてないようなものが蛇腹になって置いてあり常連さん離れたルーティンでどんどん自分で装具を取り付けたり自由に使ってる感じでした どこに座って何をどうするという説明さえ面倒なのか看護師の対応も受付けも全て馴れ合いな感じでした 残念ですが事実なので 有能な先生であると信じる反面、環境が劣化して評価が下がっていることが残念です
Thank you very much for your help with a sprained leg a long time ago. I had a chronic neck hernia before Corona. I decided to get rehabilitation As soon as I entered the private room, I was surprised at the quality of the environment. From the clogs box to the blankets to the slippers, things that weren't disinfected were placed in a bellows, and it felt like I was steadily attaching equipment and using it freely in a routine away from the regulars. Is it troublesome even to explain? It was a pity that the nurses' response and acceptance were all familiar, but it is a fact. Although I believe that he is a talented teacher, it is a pity that the environment has deteriorated and the evaluation has declined.
Naofumi Mori on Google

椎間板ヘルニアで2回通院しました。 医師:先生自ら検査し、患者目線で必要なことをきちんと伝えてくれる先生でした。腰が激痛のときに少しでも早く助けようとしていただき、心から感謝しています。 リハビリ:ヒステリーなおばさんスタッフが一気に機器の電圧を上げたせいで、信じられないくらい痛い思いをした。その後わざとやったと分かって、この病院に通うことが怖くなった。 看護士:気がきく方でした。 事務:愛想は全くない。あのお釣りの渡し方。キチガイじゃないの?
I visited the hospital twice for herniated disc. Doctor: He was a teacher who inspected himself and told me what he needed from the patient's point of view. I am deeply grateful for trying to help as soon as possible when my back is severely painful. Rehab: The hysterical aunt staff suddenly raised the voltage on the equipment, which made me feel incredibly painful. After that, I realized that I had done it on purpose, and I was afraid to go to this hospital. Nurse: He was a nice person. Office work: I have no amiability. How to hand over that change. Isn't it a madman?
kj siku on Google

残念ながら患者の話を聞かず経験と直感だけで勝手に決めつける典型的な町医者。 直感が的中すれば正しい治療が受けられるのでしょうが、そんなロシアンルーレットのような当たりを期待するなら他の整形外科に行く方がマシだと思います。 レビューを見てから受診すれば良かったと後悔してます。
Unfortunately, a typical town doctor who decides on his own without listening to the patient's story and only with experience and intuition. If your intuition is right, you will be able to receive the correct treatment, but if you expect a hit like Russian roulette, I think it is better to go to another orthopedic surgery. I regret that I should have seen the review before going to the clinic.
Rex T on Google

As others have commented, the teacher is a typical doctor who listens only halfway to the patient's story. Even if I tried to talk about the basics of when and how this hurt, I interrupted it, said only what I wanted to say, and even if I tried to explain that it wasn't such a pain, I was overtly disgusted. The attitude was also bad. The inspection fee was solid even though there was no decent explanation in the super assembly line work. I received treatment, but it didn't heal at all, and if it didn't work, I went to another acupuncture and moxibustion and it got better. There are many elderly patients, but I wonder if there are many people who go to the elderly home as a place of relaxation. If you have serious pain, I recommend you to go elsewhere.

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