mocas - Kawasaki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact mocas

住所 :

767 Shinmarukomachi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0005, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 211-0005
Webサイト :

767 Shinmarukomachi, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-0005, Japan
小松恒久 on Google

My favorite hair salon tells me the double color and is my favorite.
H U on Google

アットホームな雰囲気の美容室です。 終わるといつもお菓子を一つくれます
A beauty salon with an at-home atmosphere. When you're done, you'll always get one candy
moon tree on Google

時間限られるが土日でも前日に予約取れることが多い。 店員の方含め雰囲気は良いと思う。
Although the time is limited, it is often possible to make a reservation the day before even on Saturdays and Sundays. I think the atmosphere is good, including the clerk.
hiroki muramoto on Google

何年も通ってる イメージ通りに仕上げてくれる
I've been going for years Will finish according to the image
sera910 on Google

I go to a haircut (cut 3500 yen) once a month. The technical level of the staff is high and the price is low, so it is very cost effective. For men who have a haircut for around 1500-2000 yen, we recommend that you go to this shop once. Even with the usual hairstyle, it will give you a nice atmosphere.
北島健治 on Google

10年以上利用させていただいています。 常にカットしかお願いしていませんが丁寧に対応していただいています。 最近、雑誌がiPadになりました。
I have been using it for over 10 years. We always ask only for cuts, but we are polite. Recently, the magazine has become an iPad.
長谷部はせべ on Google

注文しやすい。 こちらの希望をよくよく聞いて、くみ取って提案もしてくれるスタッフばかりです。 女性のショートカットも上手。
Easy to order. All the staff members listen carefully to their wishes and make suggestions. Women's shortcuts are also good.
Katharine McPhee on Google

男性スタイリストに前髪を雑に切られた。さっさと終わらせよう、面倒くさいという態度で煙草臭いのが気になった。帰宅後、自身で再度切る羽目に。 店長からの謝罪メールもテキトーな定型文で誤字が目立った。電話での謝罪もなっておらず「すみません」と言われた。そこは申し訳ございませんではないのか? 後日返金分を取りに店に伺い、スタイリストから謝罪されたが頭を下げたまま上目使い。 店長はひたすら接客をしており、謝罪はなかった。こういう時は店長も謝罪するものではないか。ビジネスマナーを店長含めスタッフ全員学んだ方が良いと思う。
A male stylist cut his bangs roughly. I was worried about the smell of cigarettes with a troublesome attitude so that I could finish it quickly. After returning home, I had to cut it again by myself. The apology email from the store manager was also a textual fixed phrase, and typographical errors were conspicuous. I didn't even apologize over the phone and was told "I'm sorry". Isn't that sorry? Later, I went to the store to get a refund, and the stylist apologized, but I used my upper eye with my head down. The store manager was just serving customers and did not apologize. In such a case, the store manager may also apologize. I think it is better to learn business etiquette for all staff including the store manager.

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