Mizushima - Toyota

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mizushima

住所 :

Harayama-91 Josuicho, Toyota, Aichi 470-0343, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 470-0343
Webサイト : http://www.katsusuke.com/

Harayama-91 Josuicho, Toyota, Aichi 470-0343, Japan
Bell MA on Google

料理は丁寧に作ってあり、とても美味しかったです。 カウンター5席と4人がけのテーブルが2卓あり、奥には個室があるようです。
The food was carefully prepared and very delicious. There are 5 seats at the counter and 2 tables for 4 people, and there seems to be a private room in the back.
Favorite St on Google

ランチで季節御膳を利用 先付の後に写真の御膳、最後にデザートと飲み物の流れで提供される。若い料理人にも関わらず、1品毎に丁寧な味付けがされていた。ただ、全体的に量は少なめ。女性には丁度良い量になりそうだが、男性には物足りない(自分は8分目にも到達しない)。今まで書いてきた口コミの中でも一番少ない。決して悪いとは思わないが量、味、値段、栄養バランスどの面を取っても、自分だったら越戸のおか山を選ぶ。ランチタイムは個室も含めて3テーブルで、1組で1時間は滞在することを考えれば、コスト的に厳しい部分はあるかも知れないが、個人的には少し高額でもいいので、これだけあれば男性の腹も満たせる…といった物が欲しい。
Use the seasonal set for lunch It will be served with a set of photos after the front end, and finally with a flow of desserts and drinks. Despite being a young chef, each dish was carefully seasoned. However, the amount is small overall. It seems to be just right for women, but not enough for men (I do not reach the 8th minute). It's the least of the reviews I've written so far. I don't think it's bad, but no matter what aspect of quantity, taste, price, and nutritional balance, I choose Koshido's Okayama. At lunch time, there are 3 tables including private rooms, and considering that one group stays for 1 hour, there may be a difficult part in terms of cost, but personally it may be a little expensive, so this is the only man I want something that can satisfy my stomach...
ゆかり on Google

The quiet and beautiful shop, homemade sesame tofu was very delicious. The fried food was thin and crispy, crispy, and salted, which was delicious. The chawanmushi without ingredients was good, but I thought it would be even better if it was a cooked dish that you can feel the taste of the serving, but I had a seasonal set for lunch, but I made a reservation and wanted to eat kaiseki. The shopkeeper was also young and nice. Also, I will go if the season changes.
K SHOKO on Google

隠れ家のようなお店。2つのテーブルとカウンター席の店内、奥にはもう一つ半個室があります。 ランチは1500円のメニューのみ。一つ一つ丁寧なお料理でした。夜にも伺いたいです。
A shop like a hideout. There are two tables and a counter seat in the shop, another half a room in the back. Lunch is only for the menu of 1500 yen. It was polite cuisine one by one. I would like to ask even in the evening.
GO to dreams on Google

The lunch set was delicious, but the amount was small and even women were hungry.
直哉 on Google

可もなく不可もなし、感動がありませんでした ただ、料理のペースが良くないのと、机の立て付けが悪くガタガタするのが気になりました。
There was neither good nor bad, and I was not impressed. However, I was worried that the pace of cooking was not good and that the desk was not set up properly and rattled.
noriko on Google

家族の食事会で利用させて頂きました 料理は季節の食材を一つ一つ丁寧に扱って作っていて 料理もゆっくり楽しめる感じでした (夜の基本はカウンターコースのみでしたが無理言って個室にして頂きました) 写真おまかせのコースで、6000円です お酒を楽しみながらなら良かったのですが、 飲めない人には料理の出て来るペースと量が少なく感じました
I used it at my family meal party Cooking cooked seasonal ingredients one by one carefully making It was a feeling that I could enjoy cooking slowly (Although the basic course of the night was only for the counter course, I made it into a private room saying impossible) It is 6000 yen in the picture of the auto random course I wish I enjoyed drinking, For those who can not drink, I felt the cooking pace and the amount of food is small
節子 on Google

初めての訪問です。 ランチで伺いました。 季節のお任せランチで¥2000とリーズナブルです。茶碗蒸し、焼き物、天ぷら、刺身、赤だし、後でコーヒーも付いています。味も上品で美味しかったです。店内も綺麗で接客も良いです。 コロナ対策もしっかりしてあり安心です。 又機会が有ったら伺いたいお店です。
This is the first visit. I visited for lunch. It is reasonably priced at 2000 yen for a seasonal lunch. It comes with chawanmushi, grilled food, tempura, sashimi, red sashimi, and coffee later. The taste was also elegant and delicious. The inside of the store is beautiful and the customer service is good. Corona measures are also solid and it is safe. If you have a chance, I would like to visit this shop.

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