Miyayama Ancient tomb - Natori

4.4/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Miyayama Ancient tomb

住所 :

5 Chome-3-33-6 Iinozaka, Natori, Miyagi 981-1225, Japan

Postal code : 981-1225
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

5 Chome-3-33-6 Iinozaka, Natori, Miyagi 981-1225, Japan
** on Google

渡辺秀太郎 on Google

古山和彦 on Google

武藤温人 on Google

Y on Google

Kei Nantonaku on Google

古墳(前方後方墳) 現況:山林 墳長約60m、後方辺約30m・高3.5m・頂辺約16m、前方幅約20m・長約30m・高1.7m、後前高差-2.3m、葺石なし。
Tumulus (front and back tomb) Status: Forest The tomb is about 60m in length, about 30m in the rear, 3.5m in height, about 16m in the top, and about 20m in the front, about 30m in length, 1.7m in height, and the height difference between the back and the front is -2.3m.
fragrance autumn on Google

愛島丘陵の東端に位置する国指定史跡、飯野坂古墳群に属する古墳の1つで、前方後方墳です。他の古墳と同様に、古墳時代前期~中期に築造されたものだそうです。飯野坂古墳群はほぼ直線上に並んで古墳が存在しており、宮山古墳は東側から数えて2番目で、薬師堂古墳の北西に位置します。 館腰駅と名取駅のほぼ中間にありますので、徒歩で行く場合は、周囲の古墳群や雷神山古墳も一緒に巡られる事をお勧めします。
It is one of the old burial mounds belonging to the Iinosaka burial mounds, a nationally designated historic site located at the eastern end of the Aishima Hills. Like other burial mounds, it seems that it was built in the early to middle ages of the Kofun period. The Iinosaka burial mounds are lined up in a straight line and there are burial mounds. Miyayama burial mound is second from the east and is located northwest of Yakushido burial mound. Since it is in the middle between Tatekoshi Station and Natori Station, it is recommended that you visit the tombs of the surrounding burial mounds and Raijinzan burial mounds if you go on foot.

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