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Contact 波々伯部(ほうかべ)神社

住所 :

Miyanomae, Tamba-Sasayama, 〒669-2414 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Webサイト : http://www.hyogo-jinjacho.com/data/6307024.html
街 : Hyogo

Miyanomae, Tamba-Sasayama, 〒669-2414 Hyogo,Japan
kk on Google

ここの宮司さんは博識で気さくです。ご高齢ですがずっとお元気でいてほしいです。 参道からずっと圧倒的な大木に癒されますが、本殿付近の御神木は更に凄いです。樹木の研究者の方も来られるようです。 ひっそりと鐘楼跡などもあり、神仏習合の歴史を感じられます。
Miyaji here is knowledgeable and friendly. I'd like you to stay healthy. You will be healed by the overwhelming large tree from the approach, but the sacred tree near the main shrine is even more amazing. It seems that tree researchers can also come. There is also a quiet ruin of the bell tower, and you can feel the history of Shinto Buddhism.
gomi on Google

This is the Hokabe Shrine, which is said to be the Gion of Tamba, seen from National Highway 372 (Decancho Highway). The annual festival (Gion Festival) was held in August, and the summer weather, rural scenery, and floats were the perfect match. Once every three years there is a simple performing arts ritual called the prototype of the Ningyo Joruri called Oyama Shrine.
小林謙一 on Google

The copper torii gate and the big cedar tree are wonderful.
石戸祐多 on Google

御朱印がどうしても欲しくてチャイムを鳴らしてお願いしました。 宮司さんがとてもいい方で畑作業を中断して対応して頂き、色んな話をして下さいました。頂いた栞は今も使わせて貰ってます。
I really wanted the red stamp, so I asked him to ring the chime. Mr. Miyaji was a very nice person who interrupted the field work and responded and talked about various things. I still use the bookmarks I received.
吉川康彦 on Google

スギとクスノキの巨木のそびえる静かな雰囲気のある「神社」でした。 昔は「旧篠山街道」に面する宿場町の神社として栄えていたと思われます。(「本殿」前のスギの巨木は、樹齢約950年だそうです。) 「波々伯部」は、氏子8か村を指す「荘園・波々伯部保」の名からついています。 ○御祭神 御祭神は「素戔嗚尊(スサノオノミコト)」です。 元は、仏教の守護神の「牛頭天王(ごずてんのう)」でした。 ○経緯 京都の「八坂神社」と同じように、明治政府の「神仏分離令」によって、お寺の「竜王山萬楽寺(りゅうおうざんまんらくじ)」から神社になった経歴があります。 神職の方の説明によると、姫路市にある元の「牛頭天王社」の「廣峰(ひろみね)神社」の分霊になるそうです。 (「牛頭天王本宮」については、「廣峰神社」と「八坂神社」の間にいわゆる「本家」争いがあるそうです。) しかし、この神社の「青銅の鳥居」のところの丹波篠山市教育委員会の説明看板には、「承徳ニ年(1098年)波々伯部村が、京都の祇園社に寄進され・・・京都祇園社の分霊を勧請・・・丹波の祇園さんと呼ばれています」とあることから、京都の八坂神社の分霊(出先)の寺だと思います。 ですからこの神社(寺)も、「八坂神社」同様に夏に「祇園祭」が執り行われています。 ●明治時代「国家神道」が作られて、全国の「寺社(寺や神社)」を「明治政府」の下に「国の役所」とした時に、「仏教(寺院)」の「神」の「牛頭天王」の日本の神にあたる「素戔嗚尊」に変えました。 そこで「萬楽寺」から、「波々伯部(ほうかべ)神社」となったようです。 (比叡山延暦寺などに行きますと、「仏」が日本の「神」のどれにあたるかを絵解きしていました。これを「神仏習合」と言います。江戸幕府が「寺社奉行」とひとまとめにしていたのは、このためです。日本人の文化に「神社」と「寺」を区別するものはありません。産まれて初参り、七五三、結婚式は神社へ。十三参り、お葬式、法事はお寺。初詣は神社とお寺は当たり前なのです。) ○社殿の建築様式 元はお寺ですから、50年ほど前に「本殿」の屋根に「千木(ちぎ)」と「鰹木(かつおぎ)」を取り付ける前は、「拝殿」と同じに「寺院建築」の姿だったそうです。(これは京都「八坂神社」の国宝の「本殿」と同じです。) 【①千木(ちぎ)=神社の社殿の屋根の棟木の端に空に向かい斜めに突き出した飾りのこと。 ②「鰹木(かつおぎ)」=神社の社殿の屋根の棟木の上に置く丸太やそれを模した円柱の飾りのこと。】 また、そのため境内の「神域」の南東隅には、鐘の無い「鐘楼」が残っています。 ○「青銅の大鳥居」 この神社の大鳥居は「青銅」で作られた特徴のあるものです。 「延徳ニ年(1490年)建立」の銘があり、青銅製では最古ということです。 (日本の「神」と仏教の「仏」は、同じものとする「神仏習合」であったので、大阪の「四天王寺」や「勝尾寺」などの古いお寺には鳥居があります。) 鳥居のそばにあった狛犬も「青銅製」であったそうですが、戦時中に釣り鐘と一緒に「供出」されて今は、石の狛犬に変わっています。(戦後、市内の小学校の講堂の倉庫に放り込んであったという情報もあるそうですが、戻ってきていません。) ●この神社(寺)にも、戦国時代の終わりに「焼き討ち」にあったということが伝わっています。 たぶん、京都「八坂神社(祗園社)」のように「僧兵」を持ち、武士に対抗して「荘園(波々伯部保)」の領主支配を行っていたと見られます。近くに「淀山城」という、戦国時代の山城(砦)跡がありますので、交通の要地でもありましたから、戦闘に巻き込まれたのだと思われます。 ※調べると、ありました。 「丹波の国人」という本に。 織田信長の指示による明智光秀の「丹波攻め」の時に、国人(地域の土豪の武士のこと)の「波々伯部氏」が滅ぼされたと。「波々伯部氏」の寺ですから、彼らが明智光秀軍に対して、抵抗して立て籠り滅ぼされたのでしょう。明智光秀は理由もなく攻撃するほどヒマ人ではないということです。 ○今の社殿は、江戸時代の末から、明治時代にかけて整備されたようです。「本殿」にある見事な木彫は明治になってから地元の彫刻師によるものと伝わります。 ●玉垣 神社の多くは「神域」を「玉垣」と呼ばれる石の柵を張り巡らしています。この神社の「神域」は、瓦を葺いたコンクリートの「土塀」を張り巡らしています。これは、元はお寺であったからなのだと初めは思っていましたが、神域の東の土塀沿いを見ますと明治時代の社殿の整備の時に、信者(氏子)が寄付したのであろう「金壹円△△」と刻まれている玉垣の石柱が、一見20本以上無造作に積まれていました。(罰当たり) ○御神紋 非常に特徴のある御神紋に目がいきました。お話を伺うと。 「夫婦鶴に松の苗」をデザインしたものだそうです。 神域の東には、鶴が運んだ苗が植えられて幹の太さが直径2~3mにもなる巨木に成長してシンボルになったと伝わっているそうです。それで御神紋や本殿に「二鶴松苗(二羽の鶴と松の苗)」が使われているのです。 ▲立地 周辺を見渡しますと。東方より西に開けた谷間になります。 北に、東西に並ぶ山裾に、急角度に立ち上がる山の斜面を背に本殿が建ててあります。これは、丹波地方や播磨地方によく見られる東西方向に伸びる活断層による「断層崖」であると見られます。直下型地震と斜面崩壊に注意の必要なところです。 (このような「断層崖」を利用して、古代から現在に至る道路が建設されています。)
It was a "shrine" with a quiet atmosphere where giant trees of Sugi and camphor trees tower. It seems that it used to prosper as a shrine in a post town facing the "Old Shinoyama Highway". (The giant Sugi tree in front of the "main shrine" is about 950 years old.) "Hanami Hakube" comes from the name of "Shoen / Hanami Hakube Yasushi", which refers to eight parishioners or villages. ○ Deity The deity is "Susanoo-no-Mikoto". Originally, it was the guardian deity of Buddhism, "Gozu Tenno". ○ Background Similar to the "Yasaka Shrine" in Kyoto, there is a history of becoming a shrine from the temple "Ryuozan Manrakuji" by the "Shinbutsu bunri decree" of the Meiji government. According to the explanation of the priest, it will be the spirit of "Hiromine Shrine" of the original "Gozu Tenno Shrine" in Himeji City. (As for "Gozu Tenno Hongu," there is a so-called "head family" dispute between "Hiromine Shrine" and "Yasaka Shrine.") However, on the explanation sign of the Tamba Shinoyama City Board of Education at the "Bronze Torii" of this shrine, "Hanami Hakubemura was donated to Gion Shrine in Kyoto in 1098.・ Soliciting the spirits of Kyoto Gion Shrine ... It is called Gion-san in Tamba. " Therefore, at this shrine (temple), the "Gion Festival" is held in the summer as well as the "Yasaka Shrine". ● When the "State Shinto" was created in the Meiji era and the "temples (temples and shrines)" nationwide were changed to the "national government office" under the "Meiji government", the "god" of "Buddhism (temple)" I changed it to "Susanoo-no-Son", which is the Japanese god of "Gozu Tenno". Therefore, it seems that it changed from "Manrakuji" to "Hokabe Shrine". (When I went to Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei, I was trying to figure out which of the "gods" in Japan the "buddha" was. This is called "Shinbutsu Shugo". This is why there is no distinction between "shrine" and "temple" in Japanese culture. First visit to a shrine, 753, wedding to a shrine. 13 visits, funerals, and rituals are temples. Shrines and temples are the norm for the first visit.) ○ Architectural style of the shrine Since it was originally a temple, before installing "Chigi" and "Katsuogi" on the roof of the "main hall" about 50 years ago, it looked like a "temple architecture" like the "haiden". that's right. (This is the same as the national treasure "Main Hall" of Kyoto "Yasaka Shrine".) [1] Chigi = A decoration that protrudes diagonally toward the sky at the end of the purlin on the roof of the shrine. (2) "Katsuogi" = A log placed on the roof rafter of a shrine or a columnar decoration that imitates it. ] For this reason, a bell-less "bell tower" remains in the southeastern corner of the "sacred area" in the precincts. ○ "Bronze Otorii" The large torii gate of this shrine is characterized by being made of "bronze". It has the inscription "Built in the second year of Entoku (1490)" and is the oldest bronze product. (Since the "God" in Japan and the "Buddha" in Buddhism were the same "Shinbutsu Shugo", there are torii gates in old temples such as "Shitennoji" and "Katsuoji" in Osaka.) It is said that the guardian dog near the torii was also "made of bronze", but it was "offered" with a bell during the war and is now changed to a stone guardian dog. (There is information that it was thrown into the warehouse of the auditorium of an elementary school in the city after the war, but it has not returned.) ● It is also known that this shrine (temple) was in the "burning" at the end of the Warring States period. Probably, it had a "monk soldier" like "Yasaka Shrine (Gion Shrine)" in Kyoto, and it seems that it was controlling the lord of "Shoen (Hami Hakubeho)" against the samurai. There is a mountain castle (fort) ruins of the Warring States period called "Yodoyama Castle" nearby, so it was also a key point of transportation, so it seems that he was involved in the battle. * I found it when I looked it up. In the book "Tamba no Kunijin". At the time of Akechi Mitsuhide's "Attack on Tamba" under the direction of Oda Nobunaga, it is said that "Mr. Hakube", a national (a samurai of a local landlord), was destroyed. Since it is a temple of "Mr. Hakube", they probably resisted the Akechi Mitsuhide army and were destroyed. Akechi Mitsuhide is not a freelancer to attack for no reason. ○ The current shrine building seems to have been maintained from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period. The splendid wood carvings in the "main shrine" are said to have been made by a local engraver since the Meiji era. ● Tamagaki Many shrines have stone fences called "Tamagaki" around the "sacred area". The "shrine area" of this shrine is lined with tiled concrete "earthen walls". At first I thought that this was because it was a temple, but if you look along the earthen wall to the east of the shrine, it seems that a believer (child) donated it when the shrine was built in the Meiji era. At first glance, more than 20 stone pillars of Tamagaki, which are engraved with "Kinbo Yen △△", were randomly piled up. (Bad karma) ○ God crest I noticed the very characteristic god crest. When I hear the story. It seems that it was a design of "Pine seedlings on a couple crane". It is said that seedlings carried by cranes were planted in the eastern part of the sanctuary and grew into a giant tree with a trunk thickness of 2 to 3 m, becoming a symbol. That is why "Nitsuru Matsunae (two cranes and pine seedlings)" is used in the sacred crest and the main shrine. ▲ Location Looking around. It is a valley that opens to the west from the east. The main shrine is built in the north, at the foot of the mountain lined up in the east and west, with the slope of the mountain rising at a steep angle as the back. This is thought to be a "fault scarp" due to active faults extending in the east-west direction, which are often seen in the Tamba and Harima regions. It is necessary to pay attention to direct earthquakes and slope failures. (Roads from ancient times to the present have been constructed using such "fault scarps".)
レレレのショータ on Google

旧道から鳥居をくぐり参道を車で境内へ行って、車は境内に停めることになります その境内はけっこう広いです こちらの本殿の彫刻は中井一統によるものと聞いたので行ってみましたが、塀に囲まれているため、よく見ることが出来ませんでした
From the old road, go through the torii gate and drive to the precincts, and the car will be parked in the precincts. The precincts are quite large I heard that the sculpture of this main shrine was made by Kazunori Nakai, so I went there, but I couldn't see it well because it was surrounded by a wall.
みねやん on Google

旧国道、篠山街道沿いにあります。国内最古と言われている室町に遡る青銅の鳥居が出迎えてくれます。 もとは蔓楽寺と言う寺院だった様で薬師如来由来で、薬師如来の化身である祇園牛頭大王を祀り、現在は祇園三神合祀だそうで、京都祗園との関わりがあって祗園さんと呼ばれている様です。 鳥居をくぐると杉と楠の囲われた長い参道を歩くのですが、静かで心地よく吹き抜ける秋風に和やかに歩めます。ただ生活道路を兼ねているので時々車が走るので注意です。 境内には参道を上回る巨木が立ち並び圧巻です。それだけでパワーを感じる事が出来ます。拝殿と本殿が並び御神体は背後の山である様な構造です。とにかく境内のパワーと懐かしさを感じる優しさに感動しました。 本殿は結構豪華な造りで木製の彫物のデザインが緻密で凝っています。この地域の祭についても知る事が出来て、大切に祀られている事も分かり素敵な神社です。
It is located along the old national highway, Shinoyama Kaido. A bronze torii dating back to Muromachi, which is said to be the oldest in Japan, welcomes you. It seems that it was originally a temple called Gionji, and it is derived from Yakushi Nyorai, and enshrines Gion Ushito Daiou, who is the incarnation of Yakushi Nyorai. It seems that it is called. After passing through the torii gate, you will walk along the long approach surrounded by cedar and camphor trees, but you can walk peacefully in the quiet and comfortable autumn breeze. However, since it also serves as a living road, cars sometimes run, so be careful. The precincts are lined with giant trees that exceed the approach to the shrine. You can feel the power just by that. The worship hall and the main hall are lined up, and the shrine is like a mountain behind. Anyway, I was impressed by the power and nostalgia of the precincts. The main shrine is quite luxurious and the wooden carving design is elaborate and elaborate. It is a wonderful shrine where you can learn about the festivals in this area and know that they are carefully enshrined.
John Saunders on Google

Very interesting Japanese rock garden. The 'god' of the shrine is a sea god, but the shrine location is way inland close to mountains. The garden designer created an ocean scene which is quite stunning. It was all renovated by local volunteers about 1 year ago.

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