Miu's - Kobe

4.8/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Miu's

住所 :

Motoyama Kitamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, 〒658-0003 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878898
Postal code : 658-0003
Webサイト : https://miu-s.com/
街 : Hyogo

Motoyama Kitamachi, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, 〒658-0003 Hyogo,Japan
チカクゥ on Google

The owner was very friendly and impressed with the friendly response. The salon room is also very clean, and infection control is properly done, so you can leave it to us with confidence. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Natsumi Funabiki on Google

他のお店でVIO脱毛の経験がありますが、痛みが強く続けられませんでした。 こちらは痛みがほとんどないのに、しばらく経つとポロポロと毛が抜け落ちて、たった1度なのに効果を実感できました!続けて通わせていただこうと思います?
I have experience of VIO hair removal at other shops, but the pain did not continue strongly. There was almost no pain here, but after a while, the hair fell off and I could feel the effect even though it was only once! I will continue to let you go ?
pirotti on Google

痛くないし、肌も綺麗になるのでミウズさんにハマり、いろいろとお世話になっています。 今回は、ずっと悩んでいる手の甲と腕、デコルテのシミに、シミフェイシャルの機械をあててもらいました。 やはりワントーン薄くなった様に思います。 私のシミは老人性色素斑と重なり、クリニックでも無理と言われて諦めていたので、しっかり日焼け止めでカバーしながら、気長に、少しでも薄くなるようミウズさんで続けていこうと思います。
It doesn't hurt and my skin is beautiful, so I'm addicted to Miuzu-san, and I'm indebted to him in various ways. This time, I asked the back and arms of my hands and the stains on the décolletage, which I have been worried about for a long time, to apply the stain facial machine. After all I think that one tone has become thinner. My stains overlapped with senile pigment spots, and I was told that it was impossible at the clinic, so I gave up, so I will continue to do it patiently with Miuzu so that it will be as thin as possible while covering it with sunscreen.
たあ on Google

仕事で近くに立ち寄った際、時間がかなり空いたので 岡本駅近くの脱毛サロンを探してみました。 駅からも近く、サロンの中も綺麗にされていました。 他の場所でも脱毛したことがありますが、使用している機械が良いせいかあまり痛みが無かったです。 スタッフさんも気さくな方でしたよ。
When I stopped by for work, I had a lot of time, so I searched for a hair removal salon near Okamoto station. It was close to the station and the salon was clean. I have had hair loss in other places, but it didn't hurt so much probably because the machine I was using was good. The staff was also friendly.
東口清美 on Google

I thought that it was a good salon in total including the personality, cleanliness, knowledge, and price of the person in charge, and I would like to thank you for your continued support.
Hiroe on Google

東灘区の岡本駅からすぐ、摂津本山駅からも5分くらい所にあるサロンさんです。 老後の事を考え、思い切ってVIOをお願いしました。 全く痛みが無く、私の場合、一度で毛量の減りが顕著にわかりました! それよりも驚いたのは、10日くらい経った時に5ミリ程の毛がショーツにたくさん付いたこと! そう言えばカウンセリングの時にスタッフさんが抜けるって仰ってたなと。全体的になかなか生えてこないし、痛く無いのにこれは凄いです! 当分通います。
The salon is located just off Okamoto station in Higashinada Ward and about 5 minutes from Settsu Motoyama station. Thinking about my old age, I dared to ask for VIO. There was no pain at all, and in my case, I noticed a noticeable loss of hair volume at one time! What was even more surprising was that after about 10 days, a lot of hair of about 5 mm was attached to the shorts! By the way, he said that the staff would leave during counseling. Overall, it doesn't grow easily and it doesn't hurt, but this is amazing! I will attend for the time being.

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