コープこうべ コープ岡本 - Kobe

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コープこうべ コープ岡本

住所 :

Okamoto, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, 〒658-0072 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 658-0072
Webサイト : http://shop.coop-kobe.net/shop/detail/index.php%3Fid%3D5680
街 : Hyogo

Okamoto, Higashinada Ward, Kobe, 〒658-0072 Hyogo,Japan
なかじまみゆき on Google

阪急電車 岡本下車 徒歩1分 こちらは殆ど食料品で 少し日用品もありますが 見ていて楽しくついつい衝動買いをしてしまいます。 阪急電車の岡本駅のすぐ側にあり大変便利で 御手洗いも綺麗で全体的に清潔な感じがします。 喉が乾いたときや、食料品を 買い忘れたときなどはすごく助かります。 店内も明るくて、広くて見やすく商品が選びやすいです。 会員になれば得点が有るようですが はっきりとはわかりませんので 興味のある方は店員さんに お聞きするのをおすすめします。 毎日の買い物される方はお得になると思います。
Hankyu train Get off at Okamoto 1 minute walk This is mostly groceries There are some daily necessities, It's fun to watch and I just make impulse purchases. Very convenient as it is right next to Okamoto station on the Hankyu train Mitarai is also beautiful and feels clean overall. When you're thirsty or grocery It will be very helpful if you forget to buy it. The inside of the store is bright, spacious and easy to see, and it is easy to select products. There seems to be a score if you become a member I'm not sure If you are interested, ask the clerk I recommend you to ask. I think that those who shop every day will get a good deal.
Noeko Koihara on Google

生鮮食料品が二階なのが、毎回不便に感じてしまいます。 何か狙いがあっての事なのでしょうが、やはり一階にあってほしいです。
I always find it inconvenient to have fresh food on the second floor. I think it was something I was aiming for, but I still want it to be on the first floor.
市川悦也 on Google

Since I usually use the CO-OP on Konan-dori, I stopped by when using Hankyu Okamoto Station, but it takes time to reach the target product because the sales floor is on the 1st and 2nd floors. felt.
山田太郎 on Google

女性・老人に配慮するのはいいが、中年男性が特に週末Tシャツなどラフな格好で行くと、1階の女性スタッフには恐ろしく露骨に不愉快な気持ちにさせられる態度を取られます。 平日の仕事帰りのスーツ姿や男性でも老人だと態度が全く違います。 相手によって態度を変える下品さに生協らしさの劣化を感じます。
It's good to be considerate of women and the elderly, but if middle-aged men wear rough clothes such as T-shirts on weekends, the female staff on the first floor will be terribly blatantly unpleasant. Even men in suits on the way home from work on weekdays have a completely different attitude when they are old. I feel the deterioration of the co-op-ness due to the vulgarity that changes the attitude depending on the other party.
凛々 on Google

売り場が一階二階と別れていて、二階が豆腐や玉子、野菜…生鮮食品。 一階が冷凍食品、調味料や酒類。 と…買い物しにくい店舗配列です。所詮コープ。 今日久しぶりに行ったら レジが進歩していて?‼️びっくり たまげました。 レジ閉め楽だね(笑)
The sales floor is separated from the first and second floors, and the second floor is tofu, eggs, vegetables ... fresh food. The first floor is frozen foods, seasonings and alcoholic beverages. And ... It is a store arrangement that is difficult to shop. After all, the co-op. If you go for the first time in a long time today The cash register is progressing ?‼ ️ surprised I was surprised. It's easy to close the cash register (laughs)
narumi tanaka on Google

阪急岡本駅改札口直ぐにあるコープ岡本は1階にはお花ドリンクお酒お菓子お米お惣菜冷食乳製品 その他は2階に商品があります。少量パックやコープ厳選のフードプラン野菜もひとつから買えたりできる 単身者にはとてもありがたい 商品ラインナップです。 また季節行事に合わせた販売や配達サービスもあります。年に何度か包丁研ぎなども来てくれてたすかります。
Coop Okamoto, right next to the Hankyu Okamoto Station ticket gate, has flower drinks, liquor, sweets, rice dishes, cold dairy products, and other items on the second floor. It is a product lineup that is very thankful for singles who can buy small-sized packs and co-op selected food plan vegetables from one. There are also sales and delivery services tailored to seasonal events. I'm glad you came to sharpen the knife several times a year.
Andreas Haryono on Google

Good supa near Okamoto station.
Tylo Awesome on Google

Good grocery store conveniently right next to Okamoto station.

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