藤の回廊 - Toyota

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 藤の回廊

住所 :

Mitsukuricho, Toyota, 〒470-0424 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 470-0424
Webサイト : http://www.fujioka-kanko.com/html/fujinokairo.html
街 : Aichi

Mitsukuricho, Toyota, 〒470-0424 Aichi,Japan
ririri xia on Google

駐車場は無料だし自然がいっぱいでいいと思います。紫色の藤が終わった頃にシロバナ藤が満開になると思われます。 2021.4.22
The parking lot is free and I think it's good to have a lot of nature. It seems that the white wisteria will be in full bloom when the purple wisteria is over. 2021.4.22
mo JASDF on Google

It was out of season, but the fresh green was beautiful. I want to come again during the wisteria flower season. As long as the parking lot is free and you are happy.
飯田浩人 on Google

2021年4月27日に行ってきました。 一部まだ満開ではありませんでしたが、十分楽しめました。 そんなに起伏の激しい道ではないので、御年配の方も安心して楽しめると思います。
I went there on April 27, 2021. It wasn't in full bloom yet, but I enjoyed it enough. The road is not so rugged, so I think elderly people can enjoy it with peace of mind.
ラローズ on Google

5/2 日曜日の午後。GWだから混んでるかなーて思ったけどガラガラでしたー。お天気が良くないから空いてたのかしら。。もう枯れ始め〜散ってたりとゅ感じ。。満開と言えば満開。藤棚のボリューム感が微妙だった。駐車場は無料だけど少し離れたところなので歩きました。
5/2 Sunday afternoon. I thought it was crowded because it was GW, but it was rattling. I wonder if it was vacant because the weather was not good. .. It's already starting to die-it feels like it's scattered. .. Speaking of full bloom, it is in full bloom. The volume of the wisteria trellis was subtle. The parking lot is free, but I walked because it was a little far away.
NAOちゃんねる on Google

5月4日行ったら ふじ祭りが開催されていました。 地元の有志なのか出店も出ていて 賑わって居ましたが 思っていたより人は少なくて助かった。 敷地の入り口では 検温と消毒を行なっていました。 ふじがこんなにも種類が有るだなんて とても驚いた。 ただ、 見頃は過ぎていてちと枯れ気味だったかな。 もう少し早ければ 鮮やかな色彩だったのかもしれない。 回廊の起伏はそこまでキツくは無いけど 足の不自由な方には ちと厳しいかもしれない。 交通整理もきちんとされていて 駐車場にもすんなり案内してもらえた。
If you go on May 4th The Fuji Festival was being held. There are also stores that are local volunteers It was crowded There were fewer people than I expected and it was helpful. At the entrance of the site I was measuring the temperature and disinfecting. There are so many types of Fuji I was very surprised. However, The best time to see it has passed and it seems to have withered. A little earlier It may have been a vivid color. The undulations of the corridor are not that tight For people with disabilities It may be tough. Traffic control is also neat I was able to easily guide me to the parking lot.
采女華夫 on Google

Several kinds of wisteria are planted alternately on the shelves so that you can enjoy the best time to see them for a long time. Bees are attracted to the sweet scent, but they do not come down from the height of the flowers, so I do not feel any danger. Why don't you bring your lunch and light meals and enjoy it slowly? I think it's best to hit the sun before 2 pm.
Tさとみ on Google

御作小学校の前の、紫三尺は、七分咲くらいですが綺麗です。九尺藤は、まだまだ。しろばな藤に至っては蕾でした。 今年は開花が早いかな、と思いましたが1週間くらい後でも良かったかな。 それでも平日でまあまあの人。 クルマは10時過ぎで何とか停められました。 12時少し前になると小学校敷地前まで(九尺藤の回廊沿い)路駐が目立ちました。 ここは通学路ではないのでしょうか? 少し心配です…… 手入れが行き届いていて、中間の休憩所、水洗トイレもあります。 しろばな藤側の方は、クルマは入れません。 住民の方用です。 「藤の回廊」看板の所が駐車場です。 見頃の時は、時間をずらした方が良いかも。 難しいですけれどね。 バスも停ります。 クマバチは、仕方ないですが無料ですし、見頃より早くても、来て良かったなぁと思いました。 87歳の母も喜んでくれました。 帰りに鰻を食べました。
In front of Mitsukuri Elementary School, the purple three-shaku is about three-quarter bloom, but it is beautiful. Kusakufuji is still a long way off. The white wisteria was a bud. I wondered if the flowering would be early this year, but I wonder if it would have been good even after about a week. Still, it's a good person on weekdays. The car managed to stop after 10 o'clock. A little before 12 o'clock, the road station was conspicuous up to the elementary school site (along the corridor of Kusakufuji). Isn't this a school route? I am a little worried…… It is in good condition and has an intermediate rest area and flush toilet. The Shirobana wisteria side cannot enter a car. For residents. The parking lot is at the "Wisteria Corridor" sign. When it's in full bloom, it may be better to stagger the time. It's difficult, though. The bus also stops. Carpenter bees are unavoidable, but they are free, and I'm glad I came even if it was earlier than the best time to see them. My 87-year-old mother was happy too. I ate eel on my way home.
ymk 883 on Google

There were no events or shops at Corona, but the wisteria flowers alone are wonderful enough. The color of the sky and the color of the wisteria flowers matched perfectly. The area is not a vast area, so you can easily take a leisurely walk. It's a place you'll want to come back next year.

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