大沢不動明王と不動の滝 - Toyota

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大沢不動明王と不動の滝

住所 :

Kitasasadairacho, Toyota, 〒470-0543 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 470-0543
街 : Aichi

Kitasasadairacho, Toyota, 〒470-0543 Aichi,Japan
魔封太子 on Google

いやされるう 今のご時世特に疫病関連なのでどんぴしゃ
Healed: Nowadays, especially because it is related to epidemics
T K on Google

It's not a waterfall. I used to encounter wild birds and wild animals, but now the water is dead and not even that. It's probably not managed either. I haven't even seen people or cars
森田正樹 on Google

Somehow it seems to be forgotten by people and lonely
Yukko (ユッコ) on Google

あまり大きな滝ではないですが、 不動明王像が祀られていて浮世から隔離された ような雰囲気が少しします。 滝近くまで車で行けますが、幅の狭い砂利道 なので少し躊躇しました。
It's not a big waterfall, but The statue of Fudo Myo was enshrined and isolated from the Ukiyo There is a little atmosphere like that. You can drive to near the waterfall, but the narrow gravel road So I hesitated a little.
采女華夫 on Google

古来地元には御嶽信仰が盛んで、昭和7年に山頂(木瀬町展望台の所?)に御嶽神社石碑が建立された。 昭和47年7月の豪雨までは立派なお堂もあり日夜修行をされた信者もあったが、豪雨で全て流され石碑のみ残った。 月日は流れ山頂まで足を運ぶ人も少なくなった。 平成7年にこの地に御霊場を作りここへ移動された。
Since ancient times, the Ontake faith has been popular in the local area, and a stone monument to the Ontake Shrine was erected on the summit (at the Kisecho observatory?) In 1952. Until the heavy rain in July 1972, there was a magnificent hall and some believers practiced day and night, but the heavy rain washed away everything and only the stone monument remained. As the days went by, fewer people went to the summit. In 1995, a sacred place was created in this area and moved here.
吾亦紅 on Google

You will walk here to Kisemachi Observatory. Even a small waterfall is cool to some extent in summer due to the ion effect of the waterfall.
Monster ZDM904 on Google

There is a parking lot in front of the waterfall, and a toilet is permanently installed. The waterfall has a head of 4 to 5 meters. The amount of water is small and it is not powerful, but it seems that you can spend quietly and coolly because there are few people coming and going.
あみ on Google

秋葉山より落ち葉に隠れた崩壊気味な土留め階段を降りると、トイレや小屋 ベンチのある広場に出ました。 大きな岩の手前に不動明王の祠があり、辺りは履き清められてました。 とても静かなところですが、ゆっくりお茶をされている方も見えますよ。 滝は大沢遊歩道を上がると滝の上に出ます。大沢池が水源の様です。 その先は秋葉山ヘ戻る登山道に合流です。
When you get off the collapse downside earth retaining staircase hidden in fallen leaves from Akibasan, it came out in the square with a toilet and hut bench. Big in front of the rock there is a small shrine of Acala, around had been cleansed wear. It is a very quiet place, but you will see those who are slowly tea. Waterfall I get to waterfall and go up the Osawa promenade. Osawa pond is like a water source. Ahead it is joined to the mountain trail to return f Akibasan.

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