Mitō Sansō - Tokyo

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mitō Sansō

住所 :

2603 数馬 Hinohara, Nishitama District, Tokyo, Tokyo 190-0221, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Postal code : 190-0221
Webサイト :

2603 数馬 Hinohara, Nishitama District, Tokyo, Tokyo 190-0221, Japan
s. ishibashi on Google

アイドル? のいる山荘 奥多摩というのは、冬は本当に寒いです。雪はあまり降らないのですが寒さが芯まで冷えます。三頭山に登ったり、アマチュア無線で来たり、ドライブや花見、まあ本当に、良くこの周遊道路は来ています。 良い季節は5月からです。奥多摩周遊道路 入るまでに、食事の出来る店は、色々あります。三頭山荘は、前は何回も通るのですが行った事がありませんでした。山菜の小皿料理は有名でした。今回、お昼でお邪魔しました。平日でしたが結構お客さんが来ていました。連れ合いが日本酒を頼んで運転手の私は山桜コースという山菜12品+とろろ+川魚塩焼きという定食をお願いしました。2280円と書いてありました。 お料理は、美味しかったです。皆さん てんぷら蕎麦を注文している方も随分いらっしゃいましたが、ここの名物は小皿の山菜なので、こちらを頂きました。都会ではなかなか味わえない味で美味しかったです。 こちらはご家族で営業されているようですが、おばあちゃんがいらっしゃつて、お客さんのアイドルになっているようです。 みなさんに山菜の「のらぼう」とか、茹で立ての和え物等を配ってくれます。 いつもいらっしゃる訳では無いようなので、気が向いた時だけかもしれません。こちらの宿には秋篠宮殿下と、ご家族がお忍び? で良くいらっしゃるようで、おばあちゃんに 常連の方が「写真みせてよ」と頼むとおばあちゃんと秋篠宮家ご家族と一緒に写った額入の写真を持って来て見せてくれます。何回もいらっしゃるようで、その時々事のエピソードを本当に楽しそうにお話し頂けます。 私の行った時はお店のご家族の方は、凄く忙しいという感じで、「それどころではない」という感じですが、このおばあちゃんとお話しただけで、もう充分横浜から来た甲斐がありました。伝え聞いたところでは、95歳とか?  そんな風には見えません。上品で、本当に素晴らしい方でした。又、母屋は4階立てで、兜家になっていて、上の階を見る事が出来ます。 店の方にお願いすると電気をつけてくれます。高山の合掌づくりより、何か 手が入ってなくて、感心させられます。 階段等も、昔のままで、少し危ない感じが、臨場感を煽ります。 養蚕農家の原風景を見る事が出来ます。 ここで食事をしたら是非ご覧ください。お料理も美味しかったですがそれ以上に、楽しいお店でした。 おばあちゃん いつまでもアイドルを続けて お元気でサービスをお願いいたします。
Mountain cottage where there is an idol? Okutama is really cold in winter. The snow does not fall much, but the cold cools to the core. Climb to Mt. Mito, come on amateur radio, drive and see a flower, well, really, this tour road is coming. The good season is from May. There are various stores where you can eat before you enter Okutama Syukyo Road. I've been there many times before, but I have never been there. The small dish of wild vegetables was famous. We disturbed at noon this time. It was a weekday, but quite a few customers were coming. My friend asked for sake, and I of the driver requested a set meal of 12 dishes of Yamasa course called Yamazakura course + Tororo + grilled with grilled fish. It was written as 2280 yen. The food was delicious. Everybody who was ordering tempura soba was also very much, but the specialty here was a small dish of wild vegetables, so I received it. It was delicious with taste that can not be tasted in the city. This seems to be open to the family, but it seems that you are an idol of your customers, with grandma coming. He will give you the Yamanora Norabou, and a bowl of freshly-made fork. It doesn't always happen, so it may only be when you feel better. It seems that you are well at this hotel where the family is incognito and the family under the acupuncture palace, and if you ask the grandma's regulars to ask, "Please show me the picture" Will bring me to show you. Many times, you can talk about episodes of things from time to time. When I went there, the family in the shop felt like they were really busy, and I felt that they were "not on the way," but just talking with this grandma had enough to come from Yokohama. By the way, I heard that you are 95 years old or something like that. It was classy and really wonderful. Also, the main house is on the 4th floor, and it is a private house, where you can see the upper floors. If you ask the shop, it will turn on the electricity. You can be impressed by the lack of hands-on work from Takayama Gazette. The stairs, as they used to be, feel a bit dangerous, but give a sense of presence. You can see the original scenery of a sericulture farmer. Please have a look after you eat here. The food was delicious, but more than that, it was a fun shop. Grandma Idol will continue forever I hope your service with good health.
清水茂穂 on Google

何度か訪れている。 雰囲気はいいが、やっぱり高いな。散財だ??
I have visited several times. The atmosphere is nice, but it's still expensive. It's a splurge ??
癒されたい癒されたい on Google

山菜ランチ(22種類) ごはん、みそ汁、蒟蒻、わさび漬け、とろろ で2800円位です 色々な種類を少しずつ食べれるのは嬉しいですね? 友達は、天ぷら定食……季節の食材だったかな 凄い量です シェアした方がいいかもって思う位 天ぷら定食は確か2000円位です 満足です☺ 空いているタイミングでしたのでのんびり過ごす事が出来ました 泊まってみたいです。
Yamana lunch (22 types) Rice, miso soup, salmon, wasabi pickles, tororo It is around 2800 yen I'm glad I can eat various kinds little by little. My friend is a tempura set meal ...... Takano seasonal food It is a huge amount A place where I think if I should share it The tempura set meal is certainly around 2000 yen I am satisfied It was a vacant timing, so I was able to spend leisurely I would like to stay.
Ryohei Nagaoka on Google

It is used for day trip bathing. Since it was a weekday morning, I was able to monopolize the bath. I wondered if two old couples were turning it around, and there was no one at the reception, so I ate a wait. To be honest, I'm really wondering if the service was worth the price, but the atmosphere is good.
絶対正義 on Google

【令和2年7月初訪問】 平日、日帰り温泉として利用のコメです。 料金は税込み千円。ガスっていたので他の客は無く、終始独泉状態でした。 ラジウム温泉とのことで、循環式ながら塩素臭は皆無でした。 内湯と露天風呂の構成でそれぞれ5人程度入れる感じです。
[First visit in July, 2019] This rice is used as a hot spring for day trips on weekdays. The price is 1,000 yen including tax. Because I was out of gas, there was no other customer, and I was in a state of self-reliance from beginning to end. It was a radium hot spring, so there was no chlorine smell even though it was a circulation type. There are about 5 people in each of the indoor and outdoor baths.
Kaori Wakano on Google

日帰り温泉に入りました。 看板を見て、入口が少し解りにくかったですが、無事到着。料金は大人一人千円。鍵付きの無料ロッカーもあります。 私以外にお客さんはいなく貸し切り状態。 お湯は、人工泉ですがとても良いです。結構良いです(^^)。浴室内の階段を上がると、露天風呂に行く事が出来ます。周辺の山々に囲まれ、山を眺めながら入る温泉は、とてもリフレッシュ出来ます。 私、この温泉♨好きだなぁ。
I took a one-day hot spring. Looking at the signboard, the entrance was a bit difficult to understand, but I arrived safely. The price is 1,000 yen per adult. There is also a free locker with a lock. There is no customer other than me and it is in a chartered state. The hot spring is an artificial spring, but it is very good. It's pretty good (^^). If you go up the stairs in the bathroom, you can go to the open-air bath. Surrounded by the surrounding mountains, you can refresh yourself in the hot springs that enter while looking at the mountains. I like this hot spring♨.
Taka I on Google

Take a day trip bath on Sundays. There is an indoor bath and a rooftop outdoor bath in the annex for 1000 yen. Since it was before noon, there were no customers, so we could relax and enjoy the scenery of green mountains and mountain villages. The chirping of birds, which is thought to be a higashi and miracle, added healing. I wanted to try eating some wild vegetables in the main building because some of them are famous for their edible wild plants.
kazuhisa kondo on Google

I was introduced at Hinohara Oine House and stayed there. Both dinner and breakfast were too much to eat. The river fish and wild plants were delicious only in the local area. The outdoor hot springs were closed due to a state of emergency, but I look forward to another opportunity.

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