
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 伝兵衛らーめん

住所 :

Misakichoizumi, Isumi, 〒299-4503 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878779
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–10PM
Sunday 11:30AM–10PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–10PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–10PM
Thursday 11:30AM–10PM
Friday 11:30AM–10PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Misakichoizumi, Isumi, 〒299-4503 Chiba,Japan
ユーリバンビ on Google

星3か4か迷うところ アリラン系など口コミありますが私的には勝浦タンタンメンに似ていると感じました。(あくまで個人の感想です) たまり醤油ラーメンが今回の私の欲していた味だったみたいで美味しかったです。 懐かしい中華そばって感じでした。
Where to lose 3 or 4 stars There are word-of-mouth communication such as Arirang, but I personally felt that it was similar to Katsuura Tantanmen. (It is an individual impression to the last) Tamari soy sauce ramen was delicious as it was the taste I wanted this time. It felt like nostalgic Chinese buckwheat.
智靖小川 on Google

こちらのラーメンは病みつきになり、ある時、無性に食べたくなる。 普通のラーメンでもチャーシュー、スープが特にやさしく気付くと飲み干しレベル… また食べたくなってきた…
This ramen is addictive and at one point makes me want to eat it asexually. Even with ordinary ramen, if you notice that the char siu and soup are especially gentle, you can drink it up ... I want to eat again ...
Shojiro Kobayashi on Google

迷子犬のビラ配り途中、昼メシに寄りました。オススメの伝兵衛ラーメン、辛さ普通。 自分はニンニク系苦手なんだけど、処理が違うのか美味しかった。量は多くないから腹減らしの時は麺大盛りが良いかも。
While handing out the lost puppy's villa, I stopped by for lunch. Recommended Denbei ramen, normal spiciness. I'm not good at garlic, but it was delicious because the treatment was different. Since the amount is not large, a large serving of noodles may be good when you are hungry.
中原サユリ on Google

緊急事態が解除され久々の訪問 お店2ヶ月半くらいお休みしてたそうです 辛さの伝兵衛ラーメンとチャーシュー丼変わりない味で大満足?
Visit after a long time since the emergency was lifted It seems that the shop was closed for about two and a half months. Spicy Denbei Ramen and Char Siu Bowl I am very satisfied with the same taste ?
怪人四十面相 on Google

It ’s like Arirang and Vitocon. The pork was also delicious. The taste of the soup was good, but cospa is not good
週刊うめっちTV on Google

大将が一人で独学でラーメンを作ったようです。アリランと勝浦タンタンが合わさったようなラーメンです。 チャーシューは極厚なので覚悟して❗️
It seems that the general made ramen by himself. It's a ramen that looks like a combination of Arirang and Katsuura Tantan. The char siu is very thick, so be prepared ❗️
レボちゃん on Google

走り納めツーにて立ち寄りました。 伝兵衛たまり醤油チャーシューを注文。 大粒のタマネギニンニクが大量に入っていて見た目アリランで食欲をそそる逸品。 辛さも調整出来るみたいですが普通でかなり辛い。 まぁ、美味しいことには変わりありませんでした。
I stopped by at the run-in two. I ordered Denbei Tamari soy sauce char siu. A gem that has a large amount of large onion garlic and looks like Arirang and is appetizing. It seems that the spiciness can be adjusted, but it is normal and quite spicy. Well, it was still delicious.
シェフ嫁 長真子(chef.s_wife_masako.cho) on Google

月に多いときは週末3回程伺う「いすみ市」。最近お気に入りのラーメン屋さん。野菜ラーメンはたっぷり野菜、シンプルなラーメンには絶品チャーシュー。 伝兵衛ラーメンは玉ねぎが入っているので、少し甘めな印象です。餃子も美味しいです。チャーハンも食べてみたい。 大変気さくな店主様。安心感あるお店です。
When there are many months, I visit Isumi City about three times on weekends. Recently my favorite ramen shop. Vegetable ramen is plenty of vegetables, and simple ramen is excellent char siu. Denbei ramen contains onions, so it gives a slightly sweet impression. Dumplings are also delicious. I also want to eat fried rice. Very friendly shop owner. It is a shop with a sense of security.

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