Chojin - Tottori

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chojin

住所 :

125-1 Shozan, Tottori, 689-1103, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88778
Postal code : 689-1103

125-1 Shozan, Tottori, 689-1103, Japan
K Noriaki on Google

鳥人さん 初訪問です。早目に行き、スンナリ入れました。チャーシューラーメン&チャーハン 注文。あとは、皆様の言う通りのお味です。俺的には、最高でした。タダ、チャーハン同時注文は、2人連れ時の方が、エエかもです。量、多いです。 次回訪問時は、チャーシューラーメン ネギ 卵 トッピングで行きたいと思います。駐車場、広いので、安心して行けます。(^^) ご馳走様でした!
This is Torihito's first visit. I went early and put in a sunnari. Ordered char siu ramen & fried rice. The rest is exactly what you say. For me, it was the best. If you order free and fried rice at the same time, it may be better to bring two people together. The amount is large. The next time I visit, I would like to go with char siu ramen, green onion egg topping. The parking lot is large, so you can go with confidence. (^^) It was a treat!
_YOPINEKOよっぴぃ on Google

溢れんばかりというかスープが溢れながら着丼してくるインパクトも凄いが、アゴ出汁を使った醤油のスープもあっさりとしながら口の中にぐわっと広がる出汁の味が凄い。 もっちりとしたストレート麺とシャキシャキのネギの三位一体が病みつきです。 とても美味しかった!
The impact of the soup stock overflowing is amazing, but the soy sauce soup stock made with chin soup stock has a great taste that spreads in your mouth. The trinity of chewy straight noodles and crispy green onions is addictive. It was very delicious!
どてらい男 on Google

I went there a while ago. This is the shop I wanted to visit once after watching it on SKY PerfecTV's Travel Channel. The soy sauce soup contained onions and wakame seaweed (seaweed?) And was delicious. The parking lot seems to be crowded on Saturdays and Sundays, so I think weekdays are recommended.
釈朗然 on Google

鳥取に立ち寄りお昼は11時過ぎに鳥取市津ノ井の鳥人。食べログの評価は★3.55のラーメン専門店です。 汁が溢れんばかりの醬油ラーメン大盛 780円。具は焼豚とホウレン草と海苔と支那竹。典型的な東京のラーメンのスタイル。スープを一口。学生時代食べた味が思い出されました。他と異なるのはみじん切りの生の玉葱が散りばめられている事。これは好き嫌いが分かれるかも。麺は他の店の大盛りより少なかった。+百円ならしょうがないか。
We stopped by Tottori and had lunch at Tsunoi, Tottori City after 11 o'clock. The tabelog rating is ★ 3.55, a ramen specialty store. A large serving of soy sauce ramen that is full of juice for 780 yen. The ingredients are roast pork, spinach, seaweed and Chinese bamboo. Typical Tokyo ramen style. A bite of soup. I remembered the taste I ate when I was a student. What is different from the others is that it is studded with chopped raw onions. This may be like or dislike. The noodles were less than the large servings at other stores. Isn't it worth +100 yen?
Kazu君 on Google

I rounded up my skis in the morning and bothered me in the afternoon. There was still time before the closing time at 2:30 pm, but since it was a holiday, there were about 10 customers waiting in line. I bought a vending ticket from a vending machine near the entrance, waited in line, and had alcohol to disinfect my hands, but no other corona measures were taken. I was warned by the clerk not to leave a space when I sat next to me at the counter. It seems that there are basic soy sauce ramen in the daytime and dandan noodles in the evening, but honestly, I thought it was not enough to eat. I heard that it is a popular ramen shop, but I'm sorry ...!
舩橋正則 on Google

十年ぶりくらいに伺いました。変わらずとても美味しい醤油ラーメンです。刻みタマネギがとても良いアクセントで、チャーシュー麺をオーダーしましたが、こってりギトギト感が無くて美味しい。 30年前の弥生町のころと店内と同じ壁掛けの中国のお面が印象的でした。 また食べに行きたい。
I visited for the first time in ten years. It is still a very delicious soy sauce ramen. The chopped onion is a very nice accent, and I ordered the char siu noodles, but it is delicious without a thick and squeaky feeling. I was impressed with the same wall-mounted Chinese mask as in Yayoi-cho 30 years ago. I want to go eat again.
zu Su on Google

出張につき、ランチで訪問。 ネットで検索して上位にあったが、まさに当たり! ラーメンは醤油味で普通とチャーシューメンしかないけど、コスパもいいし美味しかった。 普通盛りでもチャーシュー大きいのが二枚入っており、ほうれん草や玉ねぎも入っていてアクセントに良い。(注文は玉ねぎ追加したためかチャーシューが写真では見えない) アゴだしとのことで、醤油は強くなく、濃いめに感じるものの後味スッキリ。 また、結構たくさんの人が注文していたチャーハンも連れが頼んだので分けてもらったところ、味は濃いめながらも旨い。チャーシューの小さいのがたくさん入っており、ミックスベジタブルも入っていて食べ応えあり、満足。 午後1時半ころの訪問であったが、ほぼ満席にも納得。ご馳走さまでした。
Visited for lunch on a business trip. I searched on the net and it was in the top, but it was a hit! The ramen is soy sauce flavored and there are only normal and char siu noodles, but the cospa was also good and delicious. There are two large char siu pork in the regular serving, and spinach and onions are also included, which is a good accent. (I can't see the char siu in the photo, probably because I added onions to the order) The soy sauce is not strong because it is a chin soup stock, and although it feels strong, the aftertaste is refreshing. Also, the fried rice that was ordered by quite a lot of people was ordered by my companion, so when I asked them to share it, the taste was strong but delicious. It contains a lot of small char siu and mixed vegetables, so it's satisfying to eat. The visit was around 1:30 pm, but I was satisfied that it was almost full. It was a feast.
やすくん on Google

結論から言うと僕の知っているラーメン屋の中では別格のスペシャルな店です。 住んでるところからはラーメン食べにだけ行くような距離ではないけど、行きたい!! どこの店ともなにラーメンか?っていうカテゴリーにも入れにくいほんまに美味しいラーメンです。 だしは飛魚だしということでめちゃくちゃ深いです。スープも最高、麺も自家製麺??これもめちゃくちゃ美味しい。 チャーシューも肩ロースだと思うけどもっちりジューシーでめっちゃ美味しい! スープに浮いてる玉ねぎのみじん切りがまたアクセントになっていて美味!! こんな美味しいラーメンはほんまなかなかないと思う。 鳥取行ったら是非じゃなく絶対いかんとあかんで!!
In conclusion, it is a special ramen shop that I know. It's not the distance to go to eat ramen from where I live, but I want to go! !! What kind of ramen is it at any store? It's a really delicious ramen that is hard to put in the category. Dashi is a flying fish, so it's insanely deep. The soup is the best, and the noodles are homemade? ?? This is also insanely delicious. I think the char siu is also shoulder butt, but it's juicy and really delicious! The chopped onions floating in the soup are also accented and delicious! !! I don't think there are many delicious ramen like this. If you go to Tottori, don't miss it! !!

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