三崎町青木皮膚科(旧 明神下青木皮膚科)

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三崎町青木皮膚科(旧 明神下青木皮膚科)

住所 :

Misakicho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.aoki-hifuka.info/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:45AM–12:45PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:45AM–12:45PM
Tuesday 9:45AM–12:45PM
Wednesday 9:45AM–12:45PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:45AM–12:45PM
街 : Tokyo

Misakicho, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0061 Tokyo,Japan
ぶりにーた on Google

北原美顔の2階にあります。初めて行くときには少し入り口がわかりにくいかも?北原美顔の入り口横の階段から上がります。エレベーターも使えます。 50代くらいの女医さんです。説明、応対は親切丁寧だと思います。こちらからの質問にもキチンと答えてくれます。 飛び込みで行くと待つことになります。web予約が基本です。 すぐ近くには調剤薬局が無く、徒歩数分のウェルシアかマツキヨが最寄りになります。自宅や職場近くの調剤薬局に処方箋を持ち込むのもいいかと。
It's on the 2nd floor of Kitahara Bijou. The entrance may be a little confusing when you go there for the first time? Go up from the stairs next to the entrance of Kitahara Bihyo. You can also use the elevator. A female doctor in her 50s. I think the explanations and responses are kind and polite. He will answer your questions as well. If you go in, you will have to wait. Web reservation is basic. There are no dispensing pharmacies in the immediate vicinity, and Welcia or Matsukiyo, which are only a few minutes' walk away, are the nearest. Is it okay to bring a prescription to a dispensing pharmacy near my home or workplace?
miss N. on Google

皮膚科ならココ! 今年の冬は例年よりも乾燥肌が酷くて…上半身が粉を吹いて大変な状態だったのですが、受診して最初に、荒れ果てた私の肌を見た青木先生の「時間をかけて治していきましょう」という一言に救われました。 親切・丁寧・的確の三拍子が揃った素晴らしい診察を受けることができます。 ただ、予約をせずに受診すると待ち時間が長い(それだけ人気ということ)ので、ネットで予約してから受診されることをオススメします。
Click here for dermatology! This winter, my dry skin was worse than usual ... I was in a difficult condition with my upper body blowing powder, but when I first saw my desolate skin, Dr. Aoki said, "Take time. Let's cure it. " You can receive a wonderful medical examination with the triple time of kindness, politeness, and accuracy. However, if you go to the clinic without making an appointment, the waiting time will be long (it is so popular), so we recommend that you make an appointment online before going to the clinic.
hana erute on Google

1年間悩んでいた顔のひどい問題が治りました!院長先生や受付の方、院長助手の方がとても優しいです。 心から感謝します!
The terrible facial problem I had been suffering for a year has been cured! The director, receptionist, and assistant director are very kind. Sincerely thank!
jade K on Google

北原美顔の2階、階段を上ります! 待合室も診療室も清潔で気持ちいいです。受付の方も優しい。 先生は上品なおばさまって感じで話をよく聞いてくださいます。 私の場合は頭の前方とおでこがムズムズ痒い症状で脂漏性皮膚炎 と目のフチにできる眼瞼黄色腫と診断されました。 脂漏性皮膚炎は比較的軽いのでローションを頂き、眼瞼黄色腫は高脂血症を治療して、どうしても気になるようなら手術して除去するしかない様ですが、除去しても再発する事もあるので大きくならなければ暫く様子見にしていただきました。 2.3週間ローションをぬって良くなれば再診しなくても良いそうです。 追伸 2.3日たち、痒みも抜け毛も治まってきました。
Go up the stairs on the 2nd floor of Kitahara Bigan! Both the waiting room and the doctor's office are clean and comfortable. The receptionist is also kind. The teacher listens to the story as if he were an elegant lady. In my case, the front of my head and my forehead are itchy and seborrheic dermatitis. I was diagnosed with xanthelasma of the eyelids on the edge of the eye. Since seborrheic dermatitis is relatively mild, I have to get lotion, and it seems that there is no choice but to treat hyperlipidemia and remove it by surgery if it really bothers me, but it will recur even if it is removed. There are some things, so if it doesn't get bigger, I'll wait for a while. It seems that you don't have to revisit if you get better after applying lotion for 2.3 weeks. PS 2.3 days later, itching and hair loss have subsided.
みさ on Google

先生がとても優しく感じの良い方で、説明も丁寧で安心しました。 初診でしたが今後も通いたいと思います。 ただ三崎町に場所が移転しておりましたので行かれる方はご注意を。
The teacher was very kind and pleasant, and the explanation was polite and reassuring. It was my first visit, but I would like to continue to attend. However, the location has moved to Misaki-cho, so please be careful if you go.
Da Co on Google

予約システムが使いやすい。ネットで予約キャンセル確認が、簡単。 女医の先生は話を丁寧にきいてくれて説明もわかりやすいです。受付の方もとても丁寧で感じがいいです。 予約時間に行けばそんなに待つことなく診察いただけるので大変助かります。 こちらの皮膚科に出会えてよかったです。
The reservation system is easy to use. Reservation cancellation confirmation is easy online. The female doctor's teacher listens carefully and the explanation is easy to understand. The receptionist is also very polite and nice. If you go to the appointment time, you will be able to see the doctor without waiting so much, which is very helpful. I'm glad I met this dermatologist.
岸健一 on Google

お礼のメッセージを送ろうと思いましたがクリニックサイトからだと送れなかったのでこちらに。 予約はオンラインでスムーズ、受付の方は親切にいろいろ説明してくれるし、先生もすごく丁寧で聞いたことにはきちんと説明してくれます。 処理してもらってからは嘘みたいに痛くなくなりました。 痛くないってこんなにすばらしいことなんだと感激し、この感激をGoogleマップの力を借りてお礼申し上げます。
I thought I'd send a thank-you message, but I couldn't send it from the clinic site, so here. Reservations are smooth online, the receptionist kindly explains various things, and the teacher is very polite and explains exactly what I heard. After being treated, it didn't hurt like a lie. I am impressed that it is such a wonderful thing that it does not hurt, and I would like to thank you for this excitement with the help of Google Maps.
Mickey K on Google

I visited here because there is only bad clinics near where i live.The receptionists and female doctor were both very much kind and full of hospitality,it was definetly worth to take a little trip. It will be perfect if they have an online reservation system.strongly recommended to visit this clinic.

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