
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三と九

住所 :

Misaki, Minato Ward, 〒552-0016 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
街 : Osaka

Misaki, Minato Ward, 〒552-0016 Osaka,Japan
Yuzo Yamada on Google

Deep-fried skewers are delicious.
杉浦睦夫 on Google

I received 15 courses of skewers, but after the meal it was especially light and the creative skewers were the best!
片山鍼灸整骨院 on Google

知る人ぞ知る串揚げの名店。 10本コース、15本コースがありこだわりの品々を大変リーズナブルに美味しくいただけます。 日本酒もこだわりの逸品を多数取り揃えてます。
A famous kushiage shop known to those in the know. There are 10 courses and 15 courses, and you can enjoy delicious products at a very reasonable price. Sake also has a large selection of special dishes.
あちょうスペシャル on Google

下味をきちんと染み込ませた創作の串カツ、素材の美味しさを引き出した野菜の串カツ、みんなとてもおいしいです。 おまかせの出てくる速度も早食い姉妹に合わせてポンポン出していただきました。 カウンター7席しかないお店ですが、清潔でまた行きたいです。
The original skewered cutlet that has been thoroughly impregnated with the seasonings, and the vegetable skewered cutlet that brings out the deliciousness of the ingredients are all delicious. As for the speed at which Omakase comes out, I asked them to pompon according to their fast eating sisters. The shop has only 7 seats at the counter, but I want to go there again because it is clean.
山本啓子 on Google

Oil is good. You can eat as much as you want without leaning. Excellent creative skewers!
AY WTNB on Google

It was a nice shop. I was impressed by the skewers that I had never eaten!
山本和司 on Google

A number of skewers with elaborate seasonal tastes. It's delicious and you can eat as many as you like. It's also gentle on the stomach.
久王 on Google

とにかく新潟の地酒が豊富。 串に関しては、粕汁風大根が最高! キメの細かい衣で全てが美味しいが、軟骨が旨すぎる。 衣は特別製で行ってから楽しんでください!
Anyway, there are plenty of local sake in Niigata. As for skewers, Kasuju-style radish is the best! Everything is delicious with fine-textured clothes, but the cartilage is too delicious. Please enjoy the batter after making it special!

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