Kushiman - Osaka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kushiman

住所 :

4 Chome-3-37 Nishikujo, Konohana Ward, Osaka, 554-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 554-0012
Webサイト : https://athara.info/athara-sheet/shop_members/osaka/konohana-ku/kushiman/

4 Chome-3-37 Nishikujo, Konohana Ward, Osaka, 554-0012, Japan
T. satoshi on Google

It's a big and delicious kushikatsu shop ?
福井寿雄 on Google

It was a very delicious skewer shop.
ゆきち。 on Google

店長さんがとても良い人で、 追加のメニューをそろそろ頼みたいと思ってるときも 絶妙なタイミングで店長さんは串を揚げながらも 追加メニューを聞いてくれるので、お客さんのことを しっかり見てくださってるなーと思います。 臨時休業明けたら、また行きます!
The store manager is a very good person Even when I'm about to ask for an additional menu While the store manager fries the skewers at the perfect timing You will be asked for additional menus, so you can talk about your customers I think you are watching closely. I will go again after the temporary closure!
윤창민 on Google

니시쿠조에서 거주하는 일본인이 추천한 곳 입니다. 난바, 우메다 등 여행객이 많은 곳 보다. 저렴하고 맛도 좋은 곳입니다. 무엇보다 대부분 가게의 쿠시카츠 소스는 네모난 철통에 들어있어서 전에 먹었던 사람이랑 공유를 하게 되는 경우가 생기는데 이곳은 개인 접시가 마련되어 있어서 좋습니다. 직원들 또한 매우 친절합니다.
Recommended by Japanese living in Nishikujo. Namba, Umeda and other tourists. It is inexpensive and tastes good. Above all, most of the shop's Kushikatsu sauce is in a square tube There are times when you share with someone you've eaten before. It is nice to have a private plate. Staff are also very friendly.

西九条駅近くにある串カツ屋さんです。 揚げたての串揚げが美味しいです。 店内も活気があっていい雰囲気です。 チキン南蛮串や煮たまごカツなどあまり見ないメニューもあり、美味しかったです。 お肉やお魚、野菜系、変わり種といろいろ食べましたが、今回、食べた中でのオススメは煮たまごカツです。 煮たまごカツは煮たまごを揚げた物なのですが、黄身が固まっておらず、トロトロして美味しいです。 全体的にお値段はお手頃価格なのでいろいろ注文しやすいです。 個人的に残念なところはエビの串揚げがなかったのが残念でした。
It is a kushikatsu restaurant near Nishikujo station. Freshly fried skewers are delicious. The inside of the store is also lively and has a nice atmosphere. There was a menu that I rarely see, such as chicken nanban skewers and boiled egg cutlets, and it was delicious. I ate a lot of meat, fish, vegetables, and varieties, but this time I recommend the boiled egg cutlet. Boiled egg cutlet is fried boiled egg, but the yolk is not solidified and it is delicious. Overall, the price is reasonable, so it's easy to order various things. Personally, I was disappointed that there was no fried shrimp skewers.
t.morikawa on Google

I stopped by when I was traveling to Osaka. The young clerk is fine and comfortable. The kushikatsu was crispy and delicious. Infectious disease countermeasures are also solid.
かる中 on Google

大阪の夜は串カツが食べたい! てな感じで、行きました。 揚げたての串カツは美味しかったです(´▽`) どて焼きも初めて食べましたが、ビールにピッタリでした。
I want to eat kushikatsu at night in Osaka! I went there with a feeling. The freshly fried kushikatsu was delicious (´ ▽ `) I ate doteyaki for the first time, but it was perfect for beer.
Gary McQuiggin on Google

very yummy kushikatsu, loads of veggie options and an english menu

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