らー麺屋 バリバリジョニー

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact らー麺屋 バリバリジョニー

住所 :

Minatoshinden, Ichikawa, 〒272-0132 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://barixbali.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Minatoshinden, Ichikawa, 〒272-0132 Chiba,Japan
Sinjitu Sakashita on Google

The noodles are also thick and chewy, and the soup is rich and I feel that I am particular about it. The char siu is also handled with good care and good grilling. Even if it looks a little modest, it seems that the amount is appropriate to give satisfaction as the content.
on Google

レギュラーメニューはもちろん、限定ラーメンも素材の旨味MAXでおいしいです(^^)♪ 売り切れ臨休がわりと多めなので訪問前にツイやインスタ等で営業情報を要チェック。
Not only the regular menu but also the limited ramen is delicious with the maximum flavor of the ingredients (^^) ♪ Since it is sold out and there are a lot of holidays, please check the sales information on Twi or Instagram before visiting.
Ippei Niwa on Google

常連の店という感じ。店主一人で切りもりしていて基本セルフ。客にもルールがありそうで、胡椒が欲しかったがテーブルにないので我慢した。聞くのが憚られる雰囲気。 駐車場は無く、隣接のコインパーキングで30分200円。 塩ラーメン800円を注文した。味はコラーゲンたっぷりのアッサリめのスープが口当たり良く、ちぢれ麺によくあって美味しかった。量は多くはないか。 駐車場代と併せて1000円は割高と感じる。
It feels like a regular shop. The owner is alone and is a basic self. There seemed to be rules for the customers, and I wanted pepper, but I didn't have it at the table, so I put up with it. Atmosphere that is confusing to hear. There is no parking lot, and it costs 200 yen for 30 minutes at the adjacent coin parking lot. I ordered salt ramen for 800 yen. As for the taste, the collagen-rich assari soup tasted good, and it was delicious because it went well with the small noodles. Isn't the amount large? I feel that 1000 yen is expensive including the parking fee.
O sweet on Google

【行徳 バリバリジョニー】 ======================= 『ざるそば風冷たい出汁の昆布水つけ麺』850円 ======================= スープ美味しかったです。 麺がとても多かった。 300gって書いてあったけど… その日はひとつしかメニューがない日だったみたい。 写真は少なめにって書いていてくださったので、ささっと撮って対応しました。 写真が嫌なお店はこのように書いてくださっていると嬉しい。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー バリバリジョニー 東京メトロ東西線 / 行徳駅 徒歩8分 千葉県市川市湊新田2-9-10 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
[Gyotoku Bali Bali Johnny] ======================= "Zaru soba-style cold soup kelp water tsukemen" 850 yen ======================= The soup was delicious. There were a lot of noodles. It said 300g, but ... It seems that the day was the day when there was only one menu. He wrote a few photos, so I took a quick shot and responded. I'd be happy if the shops that don't like photos write like this. ―――――――――――――――――――――――――― Bali Bali Johnny Tokyo Metro Tozai Line / 8 minutes walk from Gyotoku Station 2-9-10 Minatoshinden, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture ――――――――――――――――――――――――――
Outliner Itoh Takashi on Google

おすすめできません。 塩ラーメンにチャーシュートッピングを注文しました。 スープが塩っぱすぎるし、旨味も少ない。 チャーシューは、固くて歯ごたえがある状態でした。 スープの匂いもいまいちです。 接客は最低レベルです。
Not recommended. I ordered char siu topping from shio ramen. The soup is too salty and has little umami. The char siu was firm and chewy. The smell of soup is not good either. Customer service is the lowest level.
黒茶 on Google

接客が最低レベルなのはともかくこれ程口に合わないラーメンは久しぶりだった。 まずスープが生臭く、おそらく下処理が雑。 血管や脂肪の処理が甘いので生臭さが残ってると思われる。 またタレも塩辛さが強烈で刺々しく鶏白湯と全く合わない。 それを野趣溢れると評して良いのかどうかは判断出来ないが、少なくとももう一度食べたいとは思わない。
It's been a while since I haven't had a ramen that is so unpalatable, even though the customer service is at the lowest level. First of all, the soup has a fishy smell, and the preparation is probably miscellaneous. Since the treatment of blood vessels and fat is sweet, it seems that the fishy odor remains. Also, the sauce is so salty that it is piercing and does not go well with chicken plain hot water. I can't tell if it's okay to describe it as wild, but at least I don't want to eat it again.
Kiyoshi Kagoshima on Google

鶏白湯ベジポタスープが人気なラーメン店で、ランチにバリシオラーメンを注文。 白濁した濃厚なスープは錦爽鳥×名古屋コーチン×香味野菜によるもの。 野菜が効いているのか意外とくどくなく、一方で塩気もわりとしっかりしてます。 濃厚がゆえもちっと平麺との絡みもいい感じですね。 軽くスモーク?なチャーシューも独特で、食べ応えある美味しさでした! . 830円(バリシオラーメン) +100円(半熟たまご追加)
At a ramen shop where chicken shirayu veggie pota soup is popular, I ordered Baricio ramen for lunch. The thick cloudy soup is made from Nishiki Soutori x Nagoya Cochin x flavored vegetables. It's not surprising that the vegetables are working, but on the other hand, the saltiness is rather firm. Because of its richness, it feels good to be entwined with flat noodles. Lightly smoked? The char siu was also unique and delicious! .. 830 yen (Varicio Ramen) +100 yen (additional soft-boiled egg)
Nicholas Pettas ニコラスペタス The Tokyo Show on Google

I loved it! Highly recommend this awesome master piece of Ramen close to Disneyland in Urayasu. Not far from the Gyotoku Station. Johnny speak fluent English and loves RockNRoll, if you want to see more then please check The Spirit of Ramen show on youtube channel The Tokyo Show.

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