Minato Shrine - Watari District

4/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Minato Shrine

住所 :

Watari, Watari District, Miyagi 989-2311, Japan

Postal code : 989-2311

Watari, Watari District, Miyagi 989-2311, Japan
木村勝則 on Google

Chiyoko Ogawa on Google

佐藤巧 on Google

山口友貴 on Google

みつえ菅野 on Google

I am thankful that I have protected this area from the tsunami and am always visiting.
キンタクンテ on Google

湊神社社殿 湊神社は、亘理氏(亘理伊達氏の全領主)八代の行胤が、弘和三年~元中九年(1383年~1392年)に建立したと伝えられている。当時この地は、亘理郡高須賀村と呼ばれ、阿武隈川河口の湊だった。それで湊(河口)の守り神としてこの神社が建てられたものと思われる。ご神体は鮫の背に乗った金色の十一面観音である。御当地には嵐で海に流された漁師が鮫に助けられたというご神体にまつわる言い伝えが残っている。現在の社殿は、江戸時代の末期に建てられたと推定され、建築様式は近世古建築の一間社流れ造りと呼ばれたものである。周囲には蟇股彫刻が施されているなど、大変優れた建造物であることから、昭和五十七年五月一日、町の文化財に指定された。
Sakai Shrine The Sakai Shrine is reported to have been built by Mr. Watari (the lord of Mr. Watari Date), Yatsushiro Yakuta, from the 3rd year of Kowa 3 to the 9th year of the original (1383 to 1392). At that time, this place was called Takasuka Village in Watari-gun and was the foot of the Abukuma River estuary. Therefore, it seems that this shrine was built as a guardian god of the estuary. The god is a golden eleven-faced Kannon on the back of a frog. There is a legend about the god that fishermen who were swept into the sea by the storm were helped by a spear. The current shrine is presumed to have been built at the end of the Edo period, and the architectural style was called the Ichima-sha-zukuri style of early modern architecture. It was designated as a cultural asset on the 1st of May, 1957, because it is a very excellent structure, such as a crotch sculpture around it.
最上和子 on Google

I went there because it was the place that Iwanuma Chief introduced. May you benefit ...

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