Dai Shrine Gu - Yamaguchi

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Dai Shrine Gu

住所 :

4-4 Takimachi, Yamaguchi, 753-0071, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88978
Postal code : 753-0071
Webサイト : http://www.yamaguchi-daijingu.or.jp/

4-4 Takimachi, Yamaguchi, 753-0071, Japan
Akira Nishi on Google

通称「西のお伊勢さま」とも呼ばれる格式の高いお社です。旧社格は県社。神社としての創建は比較的新しく永正17年(1520年)に伊勢皇大神宮の分霊を勧請した事に始まります。主祭神は天照大御神、天手力男命、萬幡豐秋津姫命。内宮別宮に荒祭宮、荒御魂、瀬織津姫命。内宮摂社に恵美須社、事代主命となります。14世紀中頃から大内氏は山口に本拠を置いていたが、京都で応仁の乱がおこり、その兵火で京都が疲弊するに反して、山口の町は平和で豊かであった。それで都から移り住む公卿や文化人等が多く、西の京都と言われる程の繁栄を誇った。大内文化の華やかりし頃ですね。大内義興の時代、前将軍足利義稙が京都を追われ山口に来て大内氏に頼ったが、義興は義興は永正5年(1508年)6月、これを奉じて上洛し以後11年間、管領主として将軍に代わって日本の政治に与った。この間大内氏の武力と財力はよく京都の治安に任じ、義興が管領主であった11年間は応仁の乱後、京都にはじめて平和の気分がよみがえったと伝えます。義興は京都に滞在中、永正11年(1514年)に伊勢の皇大神宮に参拝した。参拝した義興は、その森厳な神霊にうたれてこの太神宮を山口に勧請したいという気持ちを持った。義興は永正15年(1518年)8月に京都を発って、10月に11年ぶりに山口に帰ったが、帰ると直ぐに太神宮を勧請する用意に取り掛かった。義興は自らその社地を視察し、高嶺の東麓を境内地と決め、直ぐに社殿建立の御作治始めを行った。永正16年(1519年)11月に外宮、永正17年(1520年)4月に内宮が落成。それで義興は天皇に太神宮勧請を奏聞し、勅許を得て同年6月29日に神霊を遷宮しました。当初は社号を「高嶺神明」と称えていましたが、後柏原天皇から「高嶺太神宮」、後陽成天皇から「伊勢」の勅額を賜ったりし「高嶺太神宮」「今伊勢」と称される様になりました。昭和3年(1928年)社格が県社になり「高嶺神社」と称する事になったが、昭和22年(1948年)に今の山口大神宮と改称したとの事。式年遷宮は皇大神宮に習い当初は21年毎に行われたが、戦乱などにより延期されたり規模を縮小したりもあった。近年では明治12年(1879年)、明治35年(1902年)に行われたが、その後は戦争で出来ず昭和35年(1960年)、平成12年(2000年)に式年遷宮を行った。伊勢皇大神宮から直接分霊を受けて太神宮社が創建されたのは、明治になるまで日本国中では実に当社だけだったとの事です。境内は山の斜面に沿う様にして外宮、一段上に内宮が鎮座しています。道路(駐車場)からやや急な石段を7~8分昇れば内宮に着きます。今日は小雨が降っていたせいもあり、境内は幽玄な雰囲気になっており、神明造の社殿とも相まって水墨画の様でした。本殿屋根には10本もの鰹木と内削ぎの千木を乗せます。社務所で御朱印(¥300-)を頂きましたが、流石に本家の様に外宮内宮には別れておらず「山口大神宮」とありました。駐車場は道沿いに10台程度、同じ敷地内の多賀神社下にやはり10数台分ありました。手水舎は何か工事をしているのか「まだ使えません」の札が下がっていました。R9号から100m程山手に入った場所にありアプローチも容易です。今日まで山口に「お伊勢さん」があるのを知りませんでした。 2021.03.20
It is a prestigious company also known as "Ise-sama in the west". The old shrine is a prefectural shrine. The construction of the shrine is relatively new and begins with the solicitation of the spirit of the Ise Emperor Grand Shrine in 1520. The main deities are Amaterasu Omikami, Tente Rikio Otoko, and Manhata Shioakitsu Himemei. Arasaigu, Araomitama, Seoritsuhimemei in Naiku Betsugu. Ebisu-sha becomes the chief of the affairs of Naiku Setsusha. Mr. Ouchi had been based in Yamaguchi since the middle of the 14th century, but despite the Onin War in Kyoto and the exhaustion of Kyoto by the fire, the town of Yamaguchi was peaceful and prosperous. Therefore, there were many lords and cultural figures who moved from the capital, and it was so prosperous that it was said to be Kyoto in the west. It was the time when Ouchi culture was brilliant. During the era of Yoshioki Ouchi, former Shogun Ashikaga Yoshitane came to Yamaguchi after being chased by Kyoto and relied on Mr. Ouchi. For years, he took part in Japanese politics on behalf of the shogun as the governor. During this time, Mr. Ouchi's armed forces and financial strength were often appointed to the security of Kyoto, and during the 11 years when Yoshioki was the lord, he reportedly regained a sense of peace in Kyoto for the first time after the Onin War. While staying in Kyoto, Yoshiko worshiped at the Ise Grand Shrine in 1514. Yoshiko, who worshiped, had a desire to solicit this Taijingu to Yamaguchi, sung by the solemn spirit of the forest. Yoshiko left Kyoto in August 1518 and returned to Yamaguchi in October for the first time in 11 years, but as soon as he returned, he began preparing to solicit Taijingu. Yoshiko himself inspected the shrine, decided that the eastern foot of Takamine was the precinct, and immediately started the construction of the shrine. The outer shrine was completed in November 1519, and the inner shrine was completed in April 1520. So Yoshiko asked the emperor to solicit the Taijingu Shrine, and with his permission, he relocated the spirit of the god on June 29 of the same year. Initially, the company name was called "Takamine Shinmei", but it was called "Takamine Tai Jingu" and "Ise Ise" because Emperor Go-Kashiwabara gave him "Takamine Tai Jingu" and Emperor Goyosei gave him the amount of "Ise". It came to be done. In 1928, the shrine became a prefectural shrine and was called "Takamine Shrine", but in 1948 it was renamed to the current Yamaguchi Daijingu Shrine. The ceremony was held every 21 years at the beginning after learning from the Imperial Grand Shrine, but it was postponed or reduced in scale due to the war. In recent years, it was held in 1879 (Meiji 12) and 1902 (Meiji 35), but after that it was not possible due to the war, and in 1960 (Showa 35) and 2000 (2000), the ceremony was relocated. It was. It is said that we were the only company in Japan that built the Taijingu Shrine directly from the Ise Grand Shrine until the Meiji era. In the precincts, the outer shrine is located along the slope of the mountain, and the inner shrine is located one step higher. From the road (parking lot), climb the slightly steep stone steps for 7 to 8 minutes to reach the inner shrine. Partly because it was raining lightly today, the precincts had a mysterious atmosphere, and together with the Shinmei-zukuri shrine, it looked like an ink painting. As many as 10 bonito trees and chigi and katsuo are placed on the roof of the main shrine. I received a red stamp (¥ 300-) at the office, but it was not separated into the outer shrine and inner shrine like the head family, and it was called "Yamaguchi Daijingu". There were about 10 parking lots along the road, and there were more than 10 parking lots under the Taga Shrine on the same site. I wondered if the Chozuya was under construction, and the "Not usable yet" tag was down. It is easy to approach because it is located about 100m from R9 in Yamate. Until today, I didn't know that there was "Ise-san" in Yamaguchi. 2021.03.20
Tomoko Fujiyama on Google

山口で伊勢詣り 参拝後、素晴らしい虹?を見ることができました?
Visiting Ise in Yamaguchi After worshiping, I was able to see a wonderful rainbow ? ?
yoshie N on Google

御朱印を預けてお参りに行きました。 階段を上がる途中に 木彫りのお馬さんが2頭 珍しい 今まで見たことがないです 凄い!! とても自然豊かで 心穏やかになりました? 一番奥には行ってませんが 山道を20分くらい登ると岩戸社というのがあるらしく 大きな岩窟に天照大御神様 入口に天手力男命様が祀られているそうです。
I left the red stamp and went to visit. On the way up the stairs, there are two wood carving horses, which is rare. I have never seen it before! It's very natural and calm ? I didn't go to the back It seems that there is Iwato-sha after climbing the mountain road for about 20 minutes. It seems that Amaterasu Omikami is enshrined in a large cave and Tente Rikio is enshrined at the entrance.
ぽんぽん on Google

身近なところにある西のお伊勢さん 山口大神宮、別名高嶺大神宮は、元々防長の守護大名だった大内氏第30代当主、大内義興が将軍義稙を奉じて入京し、そのままおよそ十一年間在京していた間、伊勢(現三重県)の皇太神宮に参拝した際、その姿に感動して地元山口にも勧請したいと考え、それを実現したことによって建てられたといいます。 内宮を見に行けばわかりますが、伊勢神宮と同じように式年遷宮を行うための土地が用意されています。式年遷宮とは定期的に(伊勢神宮なら二十年に一度)本殿を解体し、新しく建て替えることです。山口大神宮も当初は21年に一度遷宮を実施していたようですが、戦乱などで行えなかった時期もあったようです。 山口大神宮の敷地は本家の伊勢神宮よりは大きくありませんが、それでも周辺の山などはよく整備されており、荘厳な雰囲気もあります。かつては「西のお伊勢様」として信仰を集めていたようですが、伊勢神宮に行きたいけどちょっと遠いな、と思う方は山口の神宮に行ってみるのもいいのではないでしょうか。
Ise in the west, which is close to us Yamaguchi Daijingu, also known as Takamine Daijingu, was originally the guardian daimyo of the chief of defense, Ouchi's 30th head, Yoshioki Ouchi, who entered Tokyo with the shogun Yoshitane, and stayed in Tokyo for about 11 years. When he visited the Imperial Shrine in (currently Mie Prefecture), he was impressed by its appearance and wanted to solicit local Yamaguchi, and it is said that it was built by realizing that. As you can see if you go to see the Naiku, the land for the ceremony is prepared like Ise Jingu. Shikinen Sengu is to dismantle and rebuild the main shrine on a regular basis (once every 20 years for Ise Jingu). It seems that Yamaguchi Daijingu also initially relocated the shrine once every 21 years, but there were times when it could not be done due to war. The site of Yamaguchidai Shrine is not as large as the head family Ise Jingu, but the surrounding mountains are still well maintained and have a solemn atmosphere. It seems that it used to be worshiped as "Ise-sama in the west", but if you want to go to Ise Jingu but think it's a little far away, you might want to go to Yamaguchi Jingu.
同じ阿呆なら踊らな損々 on Google

西のお伊勢。鴻ノ峰(山)の袂にご鎮座されてます。 正月期間はご参拝の方々で賑わってます。 今はわかりませんが数年前は境内で剣道の大会も行われてました。 静かで下界と遮断された空気感が気持ちいいです。 階段を登ると高嶺稲荷神社、多賀大社の分社、大神宮とあります。高嶺は鴻ノ峰からきてる気がします。
Ise in the west. It is enshrined in the skirt of Konomine (mountain). It is crowded with worshipers during the New Year period. I don't know now, but a few years ago there was a kendo tournament in the precincts. It feels good to be quiet and isolated from the lower world. If you climb the stairs, you will find Takane Inari Shrine, a branch of Taga Taisha Shrine, and Ojingu Shrine. I feel that Takamine is coming from Konomine.
Kenichi T on Google

1504年大内義興が伊勢神宮の神霊を勧請して創建された 伊勢神宮と同じ様に、内宮、下宮があり、山の一番奥に位置する空間は、本家と似た様な、質素で清廉 やんごとない存在を感じる
Like Ise Jingu, which was built by Yoshioki Ouchi in 1504 by soliciting the spirit of Ise Jingu, there are Naiku and Shimomiya, and the space located at the back of the mountain is simple and similar to the head family. I feel an innocent existence
Y A. on Google

It is said that it was established by being promoted by Ise Jingu from the Kinki area, which was devastated by the Onin War. The construction of the outer and inner shrines imitates Ise. I can't beat the majesty of Ise Jingu, but if it was the heart of the war-torn Kyoto aristocrats, I would feel the history of Japan. I visited from Shin-Yamaguchi station by rental car. Parking is free, and if you come near us, we highly recommend visiting.
Timothy Takemoto on Google

You can see what you can't see at the real Ise Shrine Only the emperor and his family are allowed into the shrine precinct at the real Ise Shrine but you can see scaled down version (perhaps 1/4 size?) at this model Ise Shrine. You can also climb the adjacent Kounomine mountain for a great view if the city if you are fit -- it takes about 30 mins each way.

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