らーめん 三十二匁

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact らーめん 三十二匁

住所 :

Minamizaocho, Fukuyama, 〒721-0973 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
街 : Hiroshima

Minamizaocho, Fukuyama, 〒721-0973 Hiroshima,Japan
aki on Google

I ate beef bone ramen this time. It was a light soup that was not as heavy as pork bones and was very delicious. I'm glad that the delivery speed was already good.
べベツキー on Google

美味しかったです! 日替わりセットで満腹。
It was delicious! Full with a daily set.
mai on Google

I love chicken soup vegetables and chicken soba and always eat them. It was free to add vegetables, and on the day I went there, there was no replacement ball, and the dessert ice cream was free, so the whole family was very satisfied. Yuzu shio ramen was also delicious. The restaurant has a nice atmosphere, and although it's so delicious, it's not so crowded and you can eat it right away, so it's always here when you want to eat ramen.
小川敏子 on Google

初めて来たので、どれにしようか迷いました?で、トマトラーメン?を、食べました!な、なんと、めっちゃ美味しい〜トマトスープの中で、ラーメンが、チーズと、とろっとした卵に絡んで、何コレ?美味しい〜???✨?? 美味しすぎる!900円?1200円でも、価値あると思いました!また行きたい!??✨??
I came here for the first time, so I was wondering what to do ?, so I ate tomato ramen ?! What a delicious ~ In tomato soup, ramen is entwined with cheese and thick eggs, what is this? Delicious ~ ???✨?? It's too delicious! 900 yen? I thought that 1200 yen was worth it! I want to go again! ??✨??
A papa on Google

嫁が牛骨野菜ラーメン、私が野菜鶏そば。様子見で1辛、嫁はイロイロ味変して美味しかったらしい。私は、ニンニク入れて美味しかったです。チャーハンも食べたかったけど鉄鍋肉チャーハンらしく今回はライスにしようと頼んだら、混ぜソバの締め用なのか、仏様のお供えほどの…(笑)-☆ 餃子も小ぶりでしたが美味しかったです。次は野菜、増し増し増し増しで行こうと嫁と話しました。スープも飲み干しかけた。追加、リピートしましたが、二度目は牛骨に変えてみれば良かったかな?チャーハンは振って頂きたいですな。
My daughter-in-law is beef bone vegetable ramen, and I am vegetable chicken soba. It was 1 spicy on the wait-and-see, and the bride's taste changed to Iloilo and it was delicious. I put garlic and it was delicious. I also wanted to eat fried rice, but like fried rice with iron pot meat, if I asked for rice this time, maybe it was for tightening mixed buckwheat, as much as a Buddha's offering ... (laughs)-☆ The dumplings were small but delicious. Next, I talked with my wife about vegetables and more and more. I almost drank the soup. I added and repeated it, but should I change it to beef bones the second time? I want you to shake the fried rice.
Hideaki on Google

アッサリ鶏白湯スープに山盛りの野菜を乗せたラーメンが人気みたいで最近野菜不足だなと思い鶏野菜ラーメンをオーダー 野菜増しや辛さなど選べます 見た目よりアッサリの野菜沢山でした
Ramen with a heap of vegetables on assari chicken plain hot water soup seems to be popular, so I thought that there was a shortage of vegetables recently and ordered chicken vegetable ramen You can choose more vegetables and spiciness There were more vegetables in the assari than it looked
わっぜびんてくらぃ on Google

スープの種類が多いのでムッ(゚ω゚)!?と構えがちになりますが、どのスープもアタリ?で美味しくいただけます。 ただ、少し塩味がつよいかな、と気になります。 それでもツイツイ替玉もしながらスープを飲み干してしまいます? 人気な牛骨?と鶏そば?と迷いますが、豚骨?もクセがなく非常に美味しいんですよ。 サービスで食後のアイス?が出てきます。
There are many kinds of soup, so it's stuffy (゜ ω ゜)! ?? However, all soups are delicious at Atari ?. However, I'm wondering if the saltiness is a little strong. Even so, I drank the soup while doing a twisty replacement ball ? I'm at a loss with the popular beef bones ? and chicken soba ?, but the pork bones ? are also very delicious without any habit. After-meal ice cream ? will be served at the service.
khuja on Google

牛骨チャーシュー麺とチリマヨ唐揚げを注文しました 第一印象は 写真はイメージですがピッタリ チャーシューはとても小さく スープに全く浸かってないので 冷たかったです スープは猫舌の自分でも 直ぐに飲める位なので 熱くは無かった 味は さっぱり系で悪くはないが… チリマヨ唐揚げは 作り置きなのかな? 冷たいものでしたが 提供は遅めです 個人的に味は気に入りましたが 熱い方がいいので(ry 次行くことは無いですね
I ordered beef bone char siu noodles and fried chicken mayo The first impression is that the photo is an image, but it is perfect The char siu is so small that it's not soaked in the soup at all It was cold The soup is soup that you can drink it immediately even if you have a cat tongue. It wasn't hot The taste is refreshing and not bad, but ... Is fried chicken mayo pre-made? It was cold Offer is late I personally like the taste, but it's better to be hot (ry) I won't go next

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