株式会社サークルホーム 横浜西口店

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Contact 株式会社サークルホーム 横浜西口店

住所 :

Minamisaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0005 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Minamisaiwai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0005 Kanagawa,Japan
Kei Sen on Google

お部屋を紹介頂いたのですが、営業の方の口頭の説明が契約内容と異なっており、不利益を生じました。こちらの紹介では特に、契約時は、大家さんとの契約内容をよくよく確認されることをお勧めします。 『いい角部屋があります』⇨他県から現地へ内見に来た段階で契約済みが発覚、『じゃあ隣で良いよね』と勧められる。 『家電プレゼントの物件なります』⇨と聞いたため、前部屋から引っ越す際に家電一式を処分して入居。その後、実はプレゼントではなくリースであったことが退去時に発覚。
I was introduced to the room, but the oral explanation of the sales person was different from the contract, which caused a disadvantage. Especially in this introduction, it is recommended that you carefully check the details of the contract with the landlord when making a contract. "I have a nice corner room." ⇨ When I came to see the area from another prefecture, I found a contract, and I was advised, "Now it's good next door." I heard that "It will be a home appliance present property" ⇨, so when moving from the previous room, I dispose of the set of home appliances and move in. Later, it was discovered that she was a lease, not a present, when she moved out.
myaa aaym on Google

管理会社が変わってここになりましたが、指定の日時に折り返しの連絡が来ないのでとても困っています。 更新のための契約書(保証人の捺印が必要)を送ってくる時も、締め切りまでに2週間程度しかなく、保証人が遠方に住んでいる私はとても2週間では間に合わず。 会社として成り立たないレベルで日時を守らないですね。
The management company has changed and I am here, but I am in great trouble because I do not receive a call back at the specified date and time. Even when I send a contract for renewal (a guarantor's seal is required), the deadline is only about 2 weeks, and I, who lives far away from the guarantor, can't make it in 2 weeks. You don't keep the date and time at a level that doesn't work as a company.
ys ssyh on Google

In 2020, due to the influence of Corona, I lost my job and was forced to delinquent rent and move out of the prefecture. As of January 2021, under the state of emergency, the request to go to this place, the unreasonable request, and the offer to forgive me were ruthlessly rejected. Despite telling me that my work is still unresolved, I made a merciless call for collection, and I called my parents without hesitation. I really want you to forgive me, Mr. Imamura.
加勢貴広 on Google

上の階に住んでいる方の生活音に困って相談しましたが、対応いただいたのは最初だけ。その後は、相談の連絡をしても返信すらない状態が続きましたが、担当者の方の都合が悪い連絡をしたときにはすぐ連絡をしていただける。そんな対応でした。結果、私は、引っ越しをすることになりました。 また、上記の引っ越しに伴い解約通知を出したにもかかわらず、翌月分の賃料が勝手に引き落とされる始末。一応、敷金とともに精算をしていただきましたが、その明細を出してほしいと連絡をしたものの、なんの連絡もありません。 やむなく星1つを付けましたが、評価は0です。不信感しかない会社です。 情報の共有のため、あえて文句を書きました。 【2020.2.11追記】 上記で記載しましたが、敷金返還等に関する明細書に関連して何も連絡がなかったため、担当者に対して、神奈川県等にクレームを入れたい旨の連絡をしたところ、案の定すぐ返信がありました。そのなかでは、「明細書とはどのような書類でしょうか。」とのことです。さすがに頭にきましたので、会社に直接電話をして、明細書発行の可否を問い合わせたところ、客の希望があれば発行しているとのことでした。 担当者が悪かっただけなのかもしれませんが、私の常識の範囲ではありえない対応をする者が所属する会社のようです。不信感しかありません。
We talked about the sound of living on the upper floor in trouble, but we only dealt with it for the first time. After that, there was no reply even if you contacted us for consultation, but you can contact us immediately if you make a contact that is inconvenient for the person in charge. That was the response. As a result, I decided to move. In addition, despite the notice of cancellation due to the above move, the rent for the following month will be deducted without permission. For the time being, we settled the deposit together with the security deposit, but we contacted us that we wanted to get a statement, but there was no report. I gave one star, but the rating is 0. It is a company with only distrust. I wrote a complaint to share information. [Postscript on 2020.2.11] As described above, there was no communication related to the statement on the return of security deposit, etc., so when I contacted the person in charge that I would like to make a complaint to Kanagawa Prefecture etc., there was a reply as soon as I could. did. Among them, "What kind of documents are statements?" As I came to mind, I called the company directly and inquired about whether or not a statement could be issued. It may be that the person in charge was just bad, but it seems to be a company to which a person who responds that can not be within the scope of my common sense belongs. There is only distrust.
紫電一閃 on Google

結論から言うと最悪、星1つすら勿体ないぐらいです。 管理会社と名乗っているのに管理されていない物件にあたってしまい クレームの電話を入れても受話器を取った人物は名乗りはせず、担当者も終始上から目線な口調で悪びれる様子もなく適当に流しておこうみたいな対応。 不動産屋としては分かりませんが、これからここの管理物件を利用しようと考えている方は初期費用と管理費が勉強代になってしまう可能性があると言う事と、他の店舗の口コミも参考にする事をお勧めします。
From the conclusion, at worst, even one star is a waste. I hit a property that is not managed even though I call myself a management company Even if I make a complaint call, the person who picked up the phone does not give his name, and the person in charge does not seem to be afraid of the tone from the top from beginning to end, so I would like to let it flow appropriately. I do not know as a real estate agent, but those who are thinking of using the managed property here may say that the initial cost and management cost may become a study fee, and reviews of other stores We recommend that you refer to it.
S ITO on Google

サークルホームは管理マンションを全く管理しておりません。 入居当日に排水トラブルがあった際にも全く対応してくれませんでした。その後の連絡もこちらから電話をしないと連絡をくれることもない。 最終的には電話も出ずにメールも返信なしで切り抜けようとします。 この会社の管理する物件には住むことをお勧めしません。 最悪です。 新規で物件を借りる方がいらっしゃいましたらこの会社が管理会社となっている物件は契約することを絶対にお勧めしません。いまむらさん。
Circle Home does not manage managed condominiums at all. Even if there was a drainage problem on the day of moving in, he did not respond at all. If you don't call us after that, you won't be contacted. Eventually it will try to get through without answering the phone and replying to the email. We do not recommend living in a property managed by this company. It's the worst. If you are renting a new property, we definitely do not recommend contracting for a property managed by this company. Mr. Imamura.
オニータンジョー鬼ジョー on Google

I have already moved, but the 56-year-old apartment, the kitchen floor has begun to rot, and there are some holes. I need to check other rooms, but I feel like I'm not doing anything. He said he would still rent. Abuna. Also, I've broken the door and compensated for it before, but I've done the impossible not to send a receipt. Should it be mandatory to give a receipt under the dialectic? Therefore, he told me that the repair cost of the move should be brought to court. Even though he always made a phone call, he was willing to make a witness promise only when he was paying for repairs. Something is wrong. The west exit store has also moved to a strange place, and since I started real estate in a room in the condominium instead of a tenant, I wouldn't have any money. Trial with safety measures, this can not rip off like at the door
kaname asahina on Google

今の管理会社がココ。契約したのは繁盛期じゃない、閑散期の8月ですが、使えない、兎に角使えない。担当不在多すぎ。折り返しがまともに掛かって来た試しがない。まともに聞かない率高すぎる。 此方も住居確保が最優先でしたので、妥協しましたが妥協しすぎましたね… 入居後の現状悲惨杉。担当さんちゃんと確認取ってます? 酷過ぎるので色々証拠取ってから苦情入れるも、上の空の対応で生活に支障出る奴だけ対応。 それ以外の修繕費は自分持ちにしろだとよ…おかしくねーか? ちゃんと退去時と修繕後と掃除後のチェックして下さいね。 ヤニカス嫌いなのを伝えてるんだから、ちゃんとチェックしようね? エアコンやベーぐらいヤニカスまみれじゃんか!!!! ちゃんと業者呼べよ!!! いちゃもんつけられたらたまらんので、色々証拠は残してますが…退去する時どうなる事やら…
The current management company is here. I signed the contract in August, which is not a prosperous period, but a quiet period, but I can't use it, and I can't use it for rabbits. There are too many people in charge. There is no trial that the wrapping has come straight. The rate of not listening properly is too high. We also made a compromise because securing housing was our top priority, but we compromised too much ... The current situation after moving in Sugi. Do you confirm with the person in charge? It's too terrible, so I'll take various evidences and then make a complaint, but only those who have trouble with their lives due to the sky above will respond. You should own the other repair costs ... Isn't it strange? Please check when you move out, after repairs, and after cleaning. I'm telling you that I don't like Yanikas, so let's check it out. Isn't it covered with air conditioners and bait? !! !! !! Call the trader properly! !! !! I don't want to be flirted with it, so I'm leaving a lot of evidence, but ... what happens when I move out ...

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