
5/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact 富より健康パーソナルジム

住所 :

Minamioizumi, Nerima City, 〒178-0064 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888898
Webサイト : https://tomiken.allpphha.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Minamioizumi, Nerima City, 〒178-0064 Tokyo,Japan
なりようこ on Google

It's been a month since I was taken care of here, but I've lost about 5 kilos! Even if you are in your 40s after giving birth and have no exercise experience, you can enjoy training! I think it is a recommended training gym for people who want to get results.
大澤匡平 on Google

20代男です。 きれい、丁寧、安いという印象です。何より自分に合ったメニューを考えてくれるのが良いです。 自分は筋肉がつきにくい体質なのか、今までジムに行っても効果がなかなか出ず、長く続けられませんでした。 ここではトレーナーの方が最新の機材を使って丁寧に教えてくれるだけでなく、食生活などの普段の過ごし方のアドバイスも頂けます。 おかげで1ヶ月で2kgほど増量でき、見た目もだいぶよくなったと実感しています。 継続していきたいと思います。
A man in his twenties. The impression is that it is clean, polite, and cheap. Above all, it is good to come up with a menu that suits you. Perhaps I have a constitution that makes it difficult for me to build muscle, and even if I went to the gym, it didn't work well and I couldn't continue for a long time. Here, the trainer not only teaches you carefully using the latest equipment, but also gives you advice on how to spend your daily life such as eating habits. Thanks to that, I was able to increase the weight by about 2 kg in a month, and I feel that the appearance has improved considerably. I would like to continue.
ササキアヤカ on Google

体験が安いので気軽に行けました。 トレーナーの田村さんは、人づきあいが苦手な私でも話しやすいとても丁寧な方です! 元々トレーニングが嫌いだったようで、運動が苦手な私の気持ちをわかってくれました。 豊富な知識があり、食事などの指導も的確にしてくれます。 運動は学生時代のテニスを引退してから二度としないのだろうと諦めていましたが、今ではこちらのジムに行く事が趣味の一つになりました!これからも体質改善していきたいのでよろしくお願い致します!
The experience was cheap so I could easily go there. Mr. Tamura, a trainer, is a very polite person who is easy to talk to even though I am not good at socializing! It seems that he hated training from the beginning, and he understood my feelings that I was not good at exercising. He has a wealth of knowledge and can provide accurate guidance such as meals. I had given up thinking that I would never do exercise again after I retired from tennis when I was a student, but now going to this gym is one of my hobbies! I would like to continue to improve my constitution, so I look forward to working with you!
Makoto Hattori on Google

信頼のおけるトレーナーさんがお一人で指導して下さいます。 以前、大手パーソナルジムに行っていましたが、担当の当たり外れが大きく、大学生のような方もいました。 そして別のジムも行ってみると真逆の事を教わったりと頭が混乱してしまいました。 こちらのジムは一貫性のある指導でトレーニングから食事まで幅広く丁寧に教えて下さいます。 これからも毎週通わせて頂くのでよろしくお願い致します!
A reliable trainer will guide you alone. I used to go to a major personal gym, but the person in charge was a big hit, and there were people like college students. And when I went to another gym, I was confused when I was taught the exact opposite. This gym teaches a wide range of things from training to meals with consistent guidance. I will continue to attend every week, so I look forward to working with you!
高橋颯 on Google

11/23 オープンでしたが、その準備段階の時から気になっていたジムでした。 オープンした一週間後に体験を受けました。 筋肉に対する知識はほぼ0のど素人に、論理的かつ分かりやすく筋トレの仕方を教えてくれました。 初めて見るような筋トレマシーンの使い方、筋肉の動かしかたなど、その道を極めたプロしか知らないような情報を たった90分でたくさん教えていただき、「この方、マジだ。」と思い、その場で入会を決めました。 トレーナーの田村さんは、とても爽やかでコミュニケーション能力も高い方です。 また、分かりやすい指導をしてくれるので、筋肉を最大限いじめる(褒め言葉)ことができます。 そして何よりも、様々なトレーニング方法を毎回教えてくれるので、やっていてとても楽しいです。 休憩中には、世の中の筋肉超人のプチ情報もくれるので思わず笑ってしまう環境で筋トレができています! 理想の身体を手に入れる為にこれからも、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。 食事、がんばります!!!!!!!!!笑
It was open on November 23, but it was a gym that I had been interested in since the preparation stage. I received the experience a week after it opened. He taught a throat amateur who has almost no knowledge of muscles how to train muscles in a logical and easy-to-understand manner. Information that only professionals who have mastered the path know, such as how to use the muscle training machine that you see for the first time, how to move the muscles, etc. I learned a lot in just 90 minutes, and thought, "This person is serious," and decided to join on the spot. Mr. Tamura, a trainer, is very refreshing and has high communication skills. In addition, since it provides easy-to-understand guidance, you can tease your muscles as much as possible (a compliment). And above all, it teaches me various training methods every time, so it's a lot of fun to do. During the break, it also gives you petit information on the muscle superhumans in the world, so you can do muscle training in an environment that makes you laugh unintentionally! We look forward to your continued support in order to obtain your ideal body. I'll do my best to eat! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! Lol

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