MARUSHO - Nishitokyo

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

マノアビル 4 Chome-13-9 Shimohoya, Nishitokyo, Tokyo 202-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 202-0004
Webサイト :

マノアビル 4 Chome-13-9 Shimohoya, Nishitokyo, Tokyo 202-0004, Japan
wataru uribou on Google

Since it was the end of the year, there were a lot of New Year related products. It seems that the parking fee will be free for 40 minutes if you shop over 3000 yen. To that end, you need to issue a parking certificate from the toll machine at the place you stopped.
H Fukuda on Google

Many vegetables and meat are fresh and have a good cost performance. Alcohol and sweets are not cheap, but it seems that there are some rare ones for the size of the store.
林喜晴 on Google

It's close and convenient. We will continue to use many items.
まる on Google

The sushi here is delicious for a supermarket, so I bought it once in a while, but I haven't been there since the Corona sushi. However, I was surprised to buy it for the first time in a long time. I bought a special sushi for 880 yen, but the material is fluent. I didn't notice it when I saw it at the store, but when I opened the pack and tried to eat it, the tuna was not an exaggeration but a thin skin, which was ridiculously thin. What's more, it's dry and rough for some reason, and it's very bad ... What part of the tuna is this ... If there was only one, it was the same for both. This is my first time. I have never eaten such tuna in sushi at other restaurants. I was so shocked that my family was stunned when I asked them to confirm it. Looking at the other sushi, it seems that the other sushi is much thinner than before ... In this case, I think the 100 yen sushi chain sushi is much more affordable. When did the store become like this? Or did it happen that what I bought was a loss? I don't need such an event. I will never buy it again.
佐々木くらのすけ on Google

全てが超安いわけではないが、アボカドや葡萄、鶏肉、お煎餅など、品質が良くて安いものがある。 初めての店舗カード発行にも親切に対応頂いた。
Not all are super cheap, but there are good quality and cheap ones such as avocado, grapes, chicken and rice crackers. He kindly responded to the issuance of the store card for the first time.
河田雅晴 on Google

西武池袋線の保谷駅北口に有る、チェーン店系のスーパーです。 が、きちんとそのお店なりの特長を出しているところがグッド。 庶民の味方、地域密着型の町のスーパーです。 朝10時からのオープンより近隣の奥さんが沢山やって来て、質の良い商品をキープして行くイイトコ取り買い物がこのお店のスタイルと言えるだろうか。 店舗の面積がさほど大きく無いがゆえに野菜・魚・肉のコーナーは種類こそ一歩少なく感じるが、その鮮度の良さに文句は無い。 しゃきしゃきの野菜、目の黒いハリの有る魚、鮮度の良い肉を買うならば、このお店を覚えておいて損は無いハズ。 反対に言えば中身の濃さで勝負していると言えるだろう。 家庭料理に必要な品揃えは文句無しの状態だから安心。 価格も周辺のスーパーと同等なので、何軒かピックアップしておいてローテーションに組んでおくとヨシッ。 自分の買い物はその夕方から後の時間帯に行く事が多く、特に閉店を意識する時間帯に行くと、おべんとうや惣菜が3割引きとか5割引きで購入出来るので、ズルい買い物方法では有るが、お財布に優しい事は間違い無い。 スナック菓子、菓子パン、1リットルパックの飲料水等は定番をハズさずに品種を揃えた上で、「おっ、こんなの有るの!?」っと言うバクダンが仕掛けられている事もしばしば有るので、サッと見て流さず、注意していないと見落としてしまう。 ポイントの貯まる会員カード有ります。 丸正に行く回数が多いならば作りましょう。 目の前に自転車置場有ります。 ドカ買いするなら前後にカゴつけましょう。 クレジット払いも出来るけれど、現金払いの機械は何の疑問も湧かない位カンタンだから、トラブル無しのスムーズ会計が◎。
It is a chain store supermarket located at the north exit of Hoya Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line. However, it is good that the features of the store are properly exhibited. It is a supermarket in a community-based town that is on the side of the common people. Is it possible to say that the style of this shop is to buy good-quality products by having a lot of nearby wives come in from the opening at 10 am and keep good quality products? Since the area of ​​the store is not so large, I feel that the variety of vegetables, fish and meat is one step smaller, but there is no complaint about its freshness. If you want to buy crispy vegetables, black-eyed fish, and fresh meat, it's worth remembering this shop. On the contrary, it can be said that the game is based on the depth of the contents. You can rest assured that the assortment of items required for home cooking is perfect. The price is the same as the supermarkets in the area, so it's a good idea to pick up some of them and set them up for rotation. I often go to the time zone after that evening for my shopping, especially when I go to the time zone when I am conscious of closing the store, I can buy obentouya and side dishes at a discount of 3 or 5, so it is a sloppy shopping method. There is no doubt that it is kind to your wallet. For snacks, sweet buns, 1 liter packs of drinking water, etc., there are often varieties that are set up without losing the standard, and then "Oh, there is such a thing !?" If you don't take a quick look and don't let it flow, you will overlook it. There is a membership card that collects points. If you go to Marusho a lot, let's make it. There is a bicycle storage area in front of you. If you want to buy a doka, put a basket before and after. You can pay by credit card, but cash payment machines are so easy that you don't have any doubts, so smooth accounting without trouble is ◎.
Sugar enujima on Google

魚と野菜の品質は他の周辺スーパーの追随を許さないレベルの高さです。 肉も高級路線の取り扱いで、自宅からは少し遠いものの敢えてここを選んで行く事もあります。 すべてのジャンルにおいて品揃えは決して豊富ではありませんが、定番よりも珍しい寄りの取り扱いに刺激を受けながらお買い物を楽しめます(*^o^*) 唯一改善して欲しいなと思う所はお惣菜の手作りポテサラです。舌触り悪し、味もボケボケ。(個人の感想です)
The quality of fish and vegetables is unrivaled by other supermarkets in the surrounding area. Meat is also handled on high-end routes, and although it is a little far from home, I sometimes dare to choose this place. There is not a wide selection of items in all genres, but you can enjoy shopping while being inspired by the unusual handling of items (* ^ o ^ *). The only place I would like to see improved is the handmade potato salad, which is a side dish. The texture is bad and the taste is blurry. (It is an individual impression)
T I on Google

クラフトビールの品揃えが凄いことになっています。うちゅう、WCBなど手に入りにくいビールがたまに入荷しています。Brewdogも5~8種類、伊勢角屋麦酒やエチゴビールなど。もちろん定番のよなよな、コエド、常陸野もあり、Vedettなどベルギービールも。外飲みに行きにくい昨今、とてもありがたいです。 #クラフトビール
The assortment of craft beers is supposed to be amazing. Beers that are hard to come by, such as Uchu and WCB, are occasionally in stock. There are 5 to 8 types of Brewdog, such as Ise Kadoya beer and Echigo beer. Of course, there are also classics such as Coed and Hitachino, as well as Belgian beers such as Vedett. I am very grateful these days when it is difficult to go out for a drink. #Craft beer

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