Minamino Cardiology Hospital - Hachioji

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Minamino Cardiology Hospital

住所 :

1 Chome-25-1 Hyoe, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0918, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 192-0918
Webサイト : https://mjhospital.tokyo/

1 Chome-25-1 Hyoe, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0918, Japan
reiko ishibashi on Google

院長先生の受診は丁寧、優しく、分かり易いです。安心してかかれました。 駐車場は広く、コインパーキング式になっており、2時間までは受付すれば無料でした。
The director's consultation is polite, gentle, and easy to understand. It was written with confidence. The parking lot is large and coin-operated, and it was free of charge for up to 2 hours.
にょんパパ on Google

院長先生はとても優しく患者の話を良く聞いてくれます。 検査機器もかなり揃っているので、大概の検査や手術は こちらで済ませることが出来ます。 自分は特殊らしくて、大病院へ紹介状になりましたが・・・。
The director is very kind and listens to the patients. We have a lot of testing equipment, so most tests and surgeries are done. You can do it here. I was special, so I got a letter of introduction to a large hospital ...
gang tian jian on Google

Check with your family practitioner! At that time, it was called Heart Clinic. They have a lot of equipment and the director is friendly. After examining various things and finding out that it could not be treated in the cardiology department, I was referred to the best hospital in Japan for surgical treatment. With the surgical treatment at the hospital, I am now completely cured and have been followed up. Nurses and laboratory technicians are also impressed with only excellent people. My mother and I had a stent here for catheterization, and I was surprised at the speed of catheterization. From what I hear, the director is a master catheterist. It's the best hospital in the area, so it's always crowded. If you have anxiety about your blood pressure or heart, I think you should definitely see a doctor first. I have never used it, but I think that the rehabilitation facility seems to be attached to it, so I'm focusing on strengthening cardiorespiratory function. Anyway, I only appreciate this hospital.
Ekg Noza on Google

I had a medical examination and treatment for sleep apnea. The procedure and medical examination proceeded smoothly with almost no waiting by appointment. Credit cards are convenient for accounting. The parking lot is adjacent to the hospital and is large, so it is not inconvenient to park.
ARI N on Google

母が息苦しさで救急に電話してやっと受け入れ先がこちらの病院でした。 コロナではありませんでしたが、かなりの重症の肺炎でした。 ですが懸命な処置をして頂き改善しました。 不安な時も先生方は詳しく状況を教えていただき、また不安でしたらいつでも連絡くださいと言って頂き、看護師さんも親切な方ばかりでした。 本当に素晴らしい病院です。 ありがとうございました。
My mother was suffocating and called for an emergency, and finally the hospital was accepted. It wasn't a corona, but it was a fairly severe pneumonia. However, I received hard treatment and improved. Even when I was worried, the teachers told me the situation in detail, and when I was worried, I was told to contact me anytime, and all the nurses were kind. It's a really great hospital. Thank you very much.
k n on Google

こちらのクリニックができたばかりの時、以前から心臓か痛むのと、風邪をひいたので受診しました。診察で「風邪の人が来る病院じゃないんだよね」と半笑いで言われました。 心臓も痛いのですがと話したら検査はしてくれました。今はどうか分かりませんが、風邪の人に来てほしくないならホームページに書くなり、受付で言うなりしてください。 地元民ですが二度と行きたくないと思いました。
When this clinic was just opened, I had a heartache and had a cold, so I went to the clinic. At the medical examination, he said with a half laugh, "It's not a hospital where people with colds come." When I told him that my heart hurts, he gave me an examination. I don't know about it now, but if you don't want people with a cold to come, please write it on the homepage or say it at the reception. I'm a local, but I didn't want to go there again.
57 ampkd on Google

先生を信頼してこちらの病院にかかっていました。 夜間に具合が悪くなり、急患外来で対応していただきました。 看護師さんたちの対応はよかったのですが、 診察まで待たされた挙句、診察はしなくて帰っていいと言われました。 え?ってなりました。。 こっちは体調が悪いからって緊急で来院しているのに、心電図だけとって診察は聞きたいなら聞いて帰ればなんてすごいぶっきらぼうですね。。 一人感じ悪い看護師さんも居ましたし、 ここはもう2度と行かないです。不信感が凄いです。 なんのために来たんだろうと後悔しました。
I trusted my teacher and went to this hospital. I felt sick at night, so I was treated in an emergency outpatient department. The nurses' response was good, but After waiting for the medical examination, I was told that I could go home without having a medical examination. picture? It became. .. I'm urgently coming to the hospital because I'm not feeling well, but if I want to hear the medical examination only by taking the electrocardiogram, it's really crazy to ask and go home. .. There was also a nurse who felt uncomfortable alone, I will never go here again. The feeling of distrust is great. I regretted why I came.
N N on Google

The nurse is kind, but since it is a holiday medical treatment, did you happen to hit a part-time doctor who feels uncomfortable? Without even listening to this story, he said, "I'll give you a cough medicine." I came all the way because it doesn't seem to be just a cold ... "If I was dissatisfied, I should have consulted with my hospital sooner." I don't think there are usually only doctors like this. I'm unlucky and the impression is the worst.

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