十念寺 (善光寺七寺)

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 十念寺 (善光寺七寺)

住所 :

Minaminagano, 〒380-0845 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Nagano

Minaminagano, 〒380-0845 Nagano,Japan
ma “machy” am on Google

仏様は立派でした。余り大きくない お寺さんですが、御朱印を頂けるとの事を地元の観光ガイドさんより お聞きしたので、御朱印を頂こうとお寺さんの玄関のチャイムを押したら、中から「うちでは やっていません。神社の方へ」との お返事。えーっ 神社? 同じ敷地内に大きくない年季の入った 神社が有るけど・・・??? 結局 諦めました。違う所だったのでしょうか?
The Buddha was fine. The temple is not very big, but I heard from a local tourist guide that I could get a red stamp, so when I pressed the chime at the entrance of the temple to get the red stamp, I said "I haven't done it at home." . To the shrine ". Eh shrine? There is a shrine with a small age on the same site, but ...? ?? ?? I gave up after all. Was it a different place?
chih-wei pai on Google

Come for the first time. Very attracted to Fu Lushou. Also like the child breeding ground.
まんまるまーま on Google

七福神巡りで訪れた秋葉神社と同居。 出世の大仏様で、そこにいるだけで心が静まる思い。これからの長い人生、のびのびゆったりと生きる勇気が湧いてきた。友人と訪ね、荘厳な雰囲気を味わえた場所。
I live with Akiha Shrine, which I visited for visiting Seven Lucky Gods. I think that the mind is calmed just by being there in the great Buddha of the future. I have been brave enough to live freely and freely for a long life. A place to visit with friends and taste a majestic atmosphere.
敏男山口 on Google

朝7:30から、大仏殿にて朝のお務めが行われてます。 途中参加、退出自由なので、一度参加してみてはどうでしょうか? 浄土宗のお務めです。 法然上人のご遺訓の読み上げも有ります。 鎌倉時代のご法語ですが、現代に通じるものが有ります。
From 7:30 in the morning, morning duty will be held at the Great Buddha Hall. Participation is possible on the way and leaving, so why not join us once? It is the duty of the Jodo sect. There is also a reading of the morals of the superior. Although it is a legal word of the Kamakura period, there are things that are familiar to the present age.
内河すめろう on Google

出世大仏様が大きく荘厳です。 秋葉神社も同じ敷地にあります。
The Great Buddha is great and solemn. Akiba Shrine is also on the same site.
丸山健 on Google

A temple that has a tradition of being associated with Minamoto no Yoritomo. The Great Buddha is golden.
Hiko Mike on Google

出世大仏の見事さに圧倒されました。 大仏堂にはお札や御朱印等が置いてありました。
I was overwhelmed by the magnificence of the Great Buddha. There were bills and red stamps in the Great Buddha Hall.
Ree YooU on Google

The temple of the Jodo sect, the mountain number is Shiunzan, and the name is Yoryo-in. It seems that the foundation of the foundation is the founder of Genryo. According to Yuki, on March 23, 1197 (8th year of construction), Shinyō Zenkoji Temple was rebuilt, and when the main lord Yorinocho visited the area, the purple clouds fluttered when the procession reached the area It is said that Amida Nyorai of Ikko Sanson was reflected, and “Namiamidabbutsu” and “Tenshin” of the Tengento Buddha were directly conferred to the Gen Yuri morning public. It is said that the public has designated this area as a holy place, built Ichiu, and called it “Shiunzan, Yoritomoin, Jonenji”.

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