Minami Chitose Park (Poppo Park) - Nagano

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Minami Chitose Park (Poppo Park)

住所 :

1 Chome-10-4 Minamichitose, Nagano, 380-0823, Japan

Postal code : 380-0823
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

1 Chome-10-4 Minamichitose, Nagano, 380-0823, Japan
山田潤 on Google

A park that can be walked from Nagano Station. It is often crowded as a mini event venue in the city. Surrounded by buildings, it is a mysterious space that becomes quiet at once when traffic is restricted a little. There is a parking lot nearby, but if you want to enjoy it slowly, public transportation is recommended.
あるくまーる on Google

Pigeons who are accustomed to people approached me because it is called Poppo Park. In addition, two cats were healed by basking in the sun near them.
立岡喜彦 on Google

A park with a lot of greenery where the fight in front of the station is surrounded by buildings like a lie. There is playground equipment and can enjoy small child. Of course, access is also excellent, so it is the finest meeting place. However, it may only be annoying for the accustomed pigeons to come close to their desire to feed (although humans who don't give food to the dark).
MASATO HageTake on Google

長野駅善光寺口から徒歩で3分ほどの商業地にある小さな公園です。 整地や舗装なども一部施されていて、スーツなどの人でも緑の木々を眺めながら気持ち良くひと休み出来ます。 飲食店へ向かう際の待ち合わせにはもってこいの場所ですね。 駅前の好立地ということもあり、イベント会場としても度々利用される場所です。 鳩がよくいることもあり、ぽっぽ公園との愛称で呼ぶ方々も多い、市街地のオアシス的な公園です。
It is a small park in a commercial area about 3 minutes on foot from Zenkoji Exit of Nagano Station. Some leveling and paving has also been done, so even people such as suits can take a comfortable rest while looking at the green trees. It's a great place to meet when you go to a restaurant. Because it is in a good location in front of the station, it is often used as an event venue. Due to the frequent use of pigeons, many people nicknamed it Poppo Park, which is an urban oasis park.
守人 on Google

直ぐ近くにはセブンイレブンがあり晴れた日には、そこでランチを買って公園で食べる楽しみもあります。 ただ、鳩が多く近くまで寄って来て餌をねだるのには閉口します。 鳩に関しては、近在の年配の方が袋に詰めたパンくずを撒きに来る様子も見受けられ、鳩として習性に駈られて人の近くまで寄って来るのだと思います。そこは餌を撒く人達にも一考あるべきだと思います。
There is a 7-Eleven nearby, and on sunny days, you can enjoy buying lunch there and eating at the park. However, it is closed to many pigeons coming close to them and begging for food. As for pigeons, it can be seen that older people in the vicinity come to sprinkle bread crumbs packed in bags, and I think that they come closer to people because of their habits as pigeons. I think that there should be some consideration for those who sprinkle food.
zucca on Google

It is a place of relaxation usually called Poppo Park, but it is used in various ways such as music events and flea markets.
traveller DEEP on Google

通称「はとぽっぽ公園」。 わりと地味で目立たぬ公園なのですが、遊具なんかもあります。 たまにイベントをやることもあります。
Known as “Hato Poppo Park”. It's a quiet and unobtrusive park, but there are also playground equipment. Sometimes we have events.
夢乃もち美 on Google

んー良い公園だと思いますが、 やっぱり鳩がいるから仕方ないのか、糞が… あと喫煙しないで欲しいです… なんか寛げない…
I think it's a good park, After all there is a pigeon, so it can't be helped, there is feces ... I also want you not to smoke ... I can't relax ...

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