てしごと料理 まる山

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact てしごと料理 まる山

住所 :

Minamiaoyama, Minato City, 〒107-0062 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
街 : Tokyo

Minamiaoyama, Minato City, 〒107-0062 Tokyo,Japan
Erika Takeuchi on Google

夕食で行きました。少し高めですがその価格を納得できる味でした。 追伸、今年はおせち料理をお願いしました。お重の蓋が閉まらないほどぎっしり丁寧な仕事のお料理が詰まっていました。写真が無いのが残念です。中でも酢ナマコは今まで食べたことのない柔らかで素直な旨味たっぷりの逸品でした。来年も頼みます!!
I went for dinner. It was a little expensive, but the taste was reasonable. PS, I asked for New Year dishes this year. It was packed with polite work dishes so that the heavy lid wouldn't close. I am sorry that there is no photo. Among them, vinegar sea cucumber was a gem with a lot of soft and honest taste that I had never eaten before. I will ask again next year! !!
Ryo IT on Google

繊細な味の料理が楽しめます。 少し値段は張りますが、それ相応の味だと思います。 ランチタイムは少し安めで料理を楽しめます。
You can enjoy delicate dishes. It's a little expensive, but I think it tastes good. You can enjoy cooking at lunchtime for a bit less expensive.
Akira Tasaka on Google

For lunch set meals, you can choose from three types of rice. I do not claim the taste of rice to good or bad so much, so even if you order a main with a strong taste, it suits you.
tom a on Google

よもぎうどん、しらすと茗荷のかき揚げの定食1,350円をいただきました。うどんが少量なので選べるご飯も全部いただけました。お昼は990円から小鉢の充実した和食がいただけます。雰囲気も落ち着いていて◯。 2018/3再訪)定食は1,000円からでした。選べるご飯はお代わり一回までOK。お刺身とても美味しかったです。
I was given a set meal of Yomogi udon, shirasu and fried fried eggplant for 1,350 yen. The udon is so small that I had all the choices. At lunch, you can enjoy Japanese food with small bowls starting from 990 yen. The atmosphere is calm and good. 2018/3 revisited) The set meal was from 1,000 yen. You can choose one meal as a replacement. The sashimi was very delicious.
May S on Google

ランチに出れる日によく伺います。 落ち着いた大人な雰囲気です。 毎回大満足のお昼ご飯がいただけます。 この品数で1000円。と消費税。 炊き込みご飯は選べて、おかわり1回できるので違う味も楽しめます。 この界隈で、一番美味しいお昼ごはんお店と言っても過言でないお店です。
I often visit on days when I can go out for lunch. It is a calm and mature atmosphere. You can have a very satisfying lunch every time. This number is 1000 yen. And sales tax. You can choose the cooked rice, and you can enjoy a different taste because you can refill it once. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most delicious lunch restaurant in this area.
yu-suke murayama on Google

ランチで牛肉と豆腐の煮合わせを食べました。主菜も味噌汁も美味しく、ご飯も一杯までおかわり無料で、千円にしては大満足の昼食でした。 刺し身定食もとても美味しかったです。
I ate a boiled beef and tofu at lunch. The main dish and miso soup were delicious, and the rice was free of charge, and it was a very satisfying lunch for 1,000 yen. The sashimi set meal was also very delicious.
Ka Ma on Google

先日河豚を頂きました 養殖または天然が選べて 白子有り無しも選べます 定期的に妻と足を運びますが 価値の高いお店です 心からこのお店を推薦致します 『てしごと まる山』店名通り 手抜き無い仕事振りに関心仕切りです 器も大変拘っていらしゃって 目でも美味しさを楽しめます ここは人の温もりに包まれた空間そして 料理とお酒に時を忘れさせて下さいます この度の一皿の画像を添えておきます メインディッシュとなる雑炊画像は あえて投稿致しません あの繊細の味は画像では伝わりにくく かつ女将さんがしっかり炊き上げる 味を直接味わって頂きたいものです
I got a blowfish the other day You can choose farmed or natural You can choose with or without milt I visit my wife on a regular basis It's a high-value shop I sincerely recommend this shop As the name of the "Teshigoto Maruyama" store I'm interested in the work style that doesn't cut corners. You are very particular about the vessel You can enjoy the deliciousness with your eyes This is a space surrounded by the warmth of people and Let me forget the time for cooking and drinking I will attach an image of this dish The porridge image that becomes the main dish is I will not post That delicate taste is hard to convey in the image And the landlady cooks it well I want you to taste the taste directly
ponta hanahana on Google

ハズレなしの割烹。 てしごと料理 まる山さん。 外苑前の駅から徒歩5分。 こんな所にステキな割烹のお店が❤️ 一見、入りにくいかな? ランチは1000円で大満足の和食定食がいただけます。定食というより、ミニ割烹。 季節のご飯が選べるところも、お店の丁寧さがあらわれてます✨ 夜も落ち着いた雰囲気とお客さまの層で、コロナ禍でも安心してお食事できます。 リーズナブルに抑えたい方はお鍋料理がオススメ♪ 今日はアラカルトで、ビールに軽く食しました✨ 先付けにカラスミさま❤️ お造りを1人分に盛り付けていただき、 大好きな銀杏。 ビール一杯で終わらせる予定が、こりゃ、お酒すすんでしょうがない? 嬉しい悲鳴? こちらのお店のお料理は、お名前通りとても丁寧なお仕事されてるので、一品、一品心から味わえます。 そして何よりも、お店の方が皆さんとても優しく、良い距離感でお声掛けしてくださったり、おススメしてくださいます。 お心遣いが最高なので、接待にも最適✨ 個室もあるのでさらに◎ おひとり様にはカウンターでのんびりと。 ランチは必ず並びますが、並ぶだけのことある美味しさです♪ ご馳走さまでした。
Kappou without losing. Teshigoto Cuisine Maruyama-san. 5 minutes walk from Gaienmae station. There is a nice Japanese restaurant in such a place ❤️ Is it difficult to enter at first glance? Lunch is 1000 yen and you can have a very satisfying Japanese set meal. Rather than a set meal, it's a mini-kappou. The politeness of the shop is also reflected in the place where you can choose seasonal rice ✨ With a calm atmosphere and a customer base even at night, you can eat with confidence even in the corona. If you want to keep it reasonably priced, we recommend hot pot dishes ♪ Today was a la carte and I ate lightly with beer ✨ Karasumi-sama in advance ❤️ Serve the sashimi for one person My favorite ginkgo. I'm planning to finish it with a glass of beer, but I don't think I'll drink alcohol ? Happy scream ? As the name suggests, the food at this restaurant is very polite, so you can enjoy it from the bottom of your heart. And above all, the shop staff are very kind, and they are kind enough to talk to me with a good sense of distance and recommend me. The best consideration is great for entertaining ✨ There is also a private room, so even more ◎ Relax at the counter for one person. Lunch is always lined up, but it's delicious enough to line up ♪ It was a feast.

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