
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 木下鍼灸整骨院

住所 :

Miharadai, Minami Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0111 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
街 : Osaka

Miharadai, Minami Ward, Sakai, 〒590-0111 Osaka,Japan
中原信夫 on Google

二宮彩子 on Google

ヤグラユリコ on Google

わらじ俊弥 on Google

You can respond carefully.
吉田泰隆 on Google

バイタルリアクトセラピーは凄い治療法なんですね!長年の腰痛が数回の通院ですっかり良くなりました! 知人にも紹介したら、大変喜んでもらえました!
Vital React Therapy is a great treatment! Many years of low back pain have improved in just a few visits! I was very pleased if I introduced it to an acquaintance!
みずたま on Google

He is a kind, accurate and very reliable teacher. It is strange that the treatment is painless and magically relieves pain and improves the condition. The treatment fee is a little high, so I can't go even if I want to go, but ... I can't do it! I am indebted to you at that time.
Akihiro Satake on Google

四十肩がヒドく、ひと月前あたりから左肩が日によっては肩より上にあがらなくなっていました。 症状を診ていただきすぐに治療開始。 治療中にも痛みが緩やかになっていくのが実感でき、治療後は腕をグルグル回しても痛みも違和感もなく驚きでした。 アフターフォローとして日々のストレッチの相談にものっていただき、具体的な対処法も提示いただきました。 治療後の経過をみている最中ですが、今のところ良好です。 車で1時間かけて行った甲斐がありました。
Forty shoulders were severe, and the left shoulder had not risen above the shoulder depending on the day from a month ago. Immediately after the symptom was examined, treatment was started. I was able to feel that the pain gradually eased during the treatment, and after the treatment I was surprised to see the pain and discomfort even when I swung my arm around. As a follow-up follow-up, he was asked for daily stretch consultations, and he also presented specific countermeasures. I am in the process of seeing the treatment, but it is good for now. It was worth the one hour drive.
maus T on Google

急な股関節の痛みで、仕事や家事に支障がでてきましたので、木下先生に治療をして頂きました。症状を確認後、独自の医療機器を使用し丁寧な施術、それから神経系をほぐし 自然治癒力を引き出すそうです。 一回の施術で、車の乗り降り、階段の上り下りや、寝返りがとても楽になりました。 股関節に負担をかけにくい寝る時の姿勢も 教えて頂きました。人気のある先生ですよ
Sudden hip pain hindered my work and housework, so I had Dr. Kinoshita treat me. After confirming the symptoms, use a unique medical device to perform a careful treatment, and then loosen the nervous system. It seems to bring out the natural healing power. With one treatment, getting in and out of the car, going up and down the stairs, and turning over became very easy. The posture when sleeping that does not put a burden on the hip joint I was taught. It ’s a popular teacher.

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