自家製うどん もりた

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 自家製うどん もりた

住所 :

Midoridai, Satte, 〒340-0151 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888788
Webサイト : http://udon-noodle-shop-960.business.site/
街 : Saitama

Midoridai, Satte, 〒340-0151 Saitama,Japan
なめこじる on Google

写真は週替わりのうどん定食(肉葱つけうどんととろろご飯)。 肉葱つけうどんはその見た目から武蔵野うどんを連想するが、麺が柔らかめで汁の味も薄く、武蔵野うどんには程遠い。正直イマイチ。 つけ汁はもう少し甘辛いほうが良いと思った。 連れの食べていた幸手うどんは豆乳をベースにした汁にエビ天や明太子をトッピングした変わり種。 これはとても美味しかった! 特に天ぷらがサクサクで、これなら天ぷらうどんか天丼セットを食べれば良かったと少し後悔。 上記に加え、うどんの麺のコシと風味がやや欠ける印象なので、総合としては☆3。
The photo shows a weekly udon set meal (meat onion udon and tororo rice). The appearance of the meat onion udon is associated with Musashino udon, but the noodles are soft and the taste of the juice is light, which is far from Musashino udon. To be honest, it's not good. I thought the soup should be a little sweeter and spicy. The Satte udon that my companion was eating is a variant of soy milk-based soup topped with shrimp tempura and mentaiko. This was very delicious! Especially the tempura is crispy, so I regret that I should have eaten the tempura udon or tempura bowl set. In addition to the above, the impression is that the noodles of udon are slightly lacking in elasticity and flavor, so the overall score is ☆ 3.
高橋まる on Google

うどんがツルツルで 腰も丁度よく 天ぷらも変わり種があって 美味しかった。
Udon is slippery The waist is just right Tempura also has a different kind was delicious.
のくゆう on Google

少しわかりづらい場所だけど 評判どおり とてもおいしいです! 天ぷらはさくさく リーズナブル うどんは見た目のツヤツヤ感 コシもあり上品な味 つゆもあっさり目 強いて言えば ざるうどんなので 麺がもう少し冷たいと 良かったかな なまあたたかったので また必ず行きます!
It's a little confusing place According to reputation very delicious! Tempura crispy reasonable Udon has a glossy appearance It has a chewy and elegant taste The soup is also light Speaking forcibly Because it ’s a colander When the noodles are a little colder Was it good Because it was warm I will definitely go again!
さんえー on Google

本格的な讃岐うどんの口コミを発見して訪問。元々埼玉のうどんの麺はレベルが高いので讃岐うどんチューニングも問題ないと思っていたけれど、水の違いから出汁については興味深々で伺った。お店は住宅街の中に立地していてルートによっては直ぐには分かりづらいかもしれない。駐車場は店先の4台がキャパらしい。車で行く際は要注意。 季節柄冷たいうどんを選択して、付け合わせに天ぷらもいくつか注文。天ぷらは単品で食べたいものを頼むのがデフォルトの様だ。少し待っていると、天ぷらとうどんが別々に運ばれてきた!かけうどんはトッピングに蒲鉾とネギにおろし生姜とうどんを邪魔しないもの。注目の出汁だが、黄色がかって透き通った見た目。試しに出汁だけ一口頂く。ガッツリ来るいりこの風味。これ以上強くするとえぐくなるのではないかと思うくらい濃厚で芳醇!麺は喉越しの良さが強くて、麺のコシもあり食べ応えがしっかりしていて、粉の香りと甘みが後からやってくる。これは美味い。 一緒に頼んだ天ぷらもカラッと揚がっていてうどんとの相性が良い。本場の讃岐うどんよりも天ぷら自体はレベルが高いかも。 今回は冷たいうどんだったため出汁は強めだったのかも知れず、今度は暖かいうどんを食べに行きたいと思った。
Discover and visit authentic Sanuki udon reviews. Originally, Saitama udon noodles have a high level, so I thought that Sanuki udon tuning would not be a problem, but I was curious about the soup stock because of the difference in water. The shop is located in a residential area and may be difficult to understand immediately depending on the route. The parking lot seems to have a capacity of 4 cars in front of the store. Be careful when you go by car. Choose seasonal cold udon noodles and order some tempura as a side dish. It seems that the default is to order tempura as a single item. After waiting for a while, the tempura and udon were brought in separately! Kake udon is a topping that does not interfere with grated ginger and udon. It's a remarkable soup stock, but it has a yellowish and transparent appearance. Just take a bite of soup stock as a trial. The flavor of dried sardines. Rich and mellow enough to think that if you make it stronger than this, it will become harsh! The noodles have a strong throat feel, and the noodles are chewy and have a firm response to eating, and the aroma and sweetness of the powder come later. This is delicious. The tempura I ordered together is also crispy and goes well with udon. The level of tempura itself may be higher than that of authentic Sanuki udon. This time it was cold udon so the soup stock might have been stronger, so I wanted to go eat warm udon this time.
クラッタ on Google

Gongendo udon was a satisfying dish in both quantity and taste. Other menus and tempura are delicious, and I will continue to visit them regularly.
Hirosuke on Google

住宅街にひっそりと佇むうどん屋さん。 大通りから一本入った所ですがGoogleマップで無事に辿り着けました。 とにかく天ぷらの衣がサクサク。 食べながらサクサクという音が耳元で心地よい天ぷらは初めてかも知れません。 とり天、竹輪、かぼちゃ、万願寺とうがらしと頂きましたが、どれも本当に美味しかったです。 天ぷら専門店にも引けを取らないと思います。 昆布塩など別のお塩もあったら最高ですね。 うどんは本場の讃岐うどん独特のモッチリとした弾力というよりは、 香川県産の「さぬきの夢」という小麦粉のお味なのでしょうか? ツルツル感が強く比較的モチモチ感が抑えめの、 食べ易く上品なお味のうどんだなと思いました。 おすすめの豆乳ベースの幸手うどんを頂きましたが、 お汁はさっぱりと優しいお味ながら明太子を溶かすとコクも出て美味しかったです。 寒い日はこのお汁だけでもマグカップに入れて飲みたいですね。 そして載ってるエビ天がプリプリ。 ツルツル、サクサク、プリプリ… 耳と舌で心ゆくまで味わいたいうどん屋さんです。 次回は桜の季節に権現堂うどんを食べてみたいですね。
A udon restaurant that stands quietly in a residential area. I entered one from the main street, but I was able to reach it safely on Google Maps. Anyway, the tempura clothes are crispy. It may be the first time for tempura to make a crispy sound while eating. I had Toriten, Chikuwa, Pumpkin, and Manganji Togarashi, all of which were really delicious. I think it is comparable to tempura specialty stores. It would be great if there was another salt such as kelp salt. Udon is not the unique elasticity of Sanuki udon, but rather the elasticity. Is it the taste of wheat flour called "Sanuki no Yume" from Kagawa Prefecture? It has a strong slippery feel and is relatively less chewy. I thought it was an easy-to-eat and elegant udon noodle. I got the recommended soy milk-based Satte udon, The juice had a refreshing and gentle taste, but when the mentaiko was melted, it was rich and delicious. On a cold day, I would like to drink this juice alone in a mug. And the shrimp heaven on it is pre-prepared. Smooth, crispy, prep ... It's a udon restaurant that you can enjoy with your ears and tongue to your heart's content. Next time, I would like to eat Gongendo udon during the cherry blossom season.
あんこちゃんことも on Google

讃岐うどんへの拘り。 お刺身、天ぷらも最高。 美味しいのは勿論、店主の技と、奥様の心のこもった接客。 新しい商品開発。 皆さんも是非。車?は乗り合わせてが良きです。
Insistence on Sanuki udon. Sashimi and tempura are also the best. Not only is it delicious, but the skill of the owner and the heartfelt customer service of his wife. New product development. Please come and join us. Cars ? are good to ride together.
GGtbnk2 on Google

大体600~1000円くらいの値段で、単品うどんやセットメニューが食べられるので、一人で行っても良いのですが、天ぷらやおつまみ類も豊富で美味しそうなので、何人かで一緒に行くとより楽しめそう。 シンプルなうどん類も美味しいですし、創作うどん的な限定メニューも楽しくてお勧め。ちょっとラーメンっぽいスープのうどんや、クリーム系のメニューも多くて、若い人や子供連れでも楽しめます。 他のうどん店よりも多めなのか、うどん単品でも結構なボリューム感。鶏天が3枚乗った権現堂うどんなんかだと、相当お腹一杯になります。ご飯付きの週替わりうどん定食なら、ガッツリ食べたい若い男性でも大丈夫でしょう。
You can eat single udon noodles and set menus for about 600 to 1000 yen, so you can go alone, but the tempura and snacks are abundant and delicious, so it seems that you can enjoy it more if you go together with several people. .. Simple udon noodles are delicious, and the limited menu of creative udon noodles is fun and recommended. There are many ramen-like soup udon and cream-based menus that even young people and children can enjoy. Perhaps it is more than other udon shops, and the volume of the udon alone is quite good. Gongendo, which has three chicken heavens on it, makes me very full. If you have a weekly udon set meal with rice, even a young man who wants to eat it will be fine.

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