Menya FUKURO - Takasaki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Menya FUKURO

住所 :

33 Torimachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 370-0053
Webサイト :

33 Torimachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0053, Japan
酒井重巳 on Google

Thin noodles, thick noodles, and two types of mixed soba noodles, both of which make good use of the characteristics of each noodle! It would be great if there was additional food, but naa!
ロードトリップ on Google

ラーメンは美味しいし、つまみも豊富。 飲み放題があるので、一次会でも〆でも使い勝手が良い。 ただ、席は少なめです。
The ramen is delicious and there are plenty of knobs. There is all-you-can-drink, so it's easy to use at the first party or at the end. However, there are few seats.
itaiyo onakaga on Google

高崎の鯖だしラーメンのお店。 鯖だしラーメンを食べに行ったのだが太まぜそば チェダーチーズトッピングが美味しそうだったのでそちらを注文。 この量でもペロリと完食出来る美味さ。
A mackerel ramen shop in Takasaki. I went to eat mackerel dashi ramen, but I ordered the thick mixed soba cheddar cheese toppings so delicious. Even with this amount, it is delicious enough to eat with pelori.
一夢カズム on Google

ラーメンがとても美味しい。 シンプルでありながらも鯖節の風味がしっかり効いて、麺もツルツルシコシコ。 お昼でもオススメの逸品です。
The ramen is very delicious. Although simple, the flavor of mackerel is effective, and the noodles are smooth and chewy. It is a recommended gem even at noon.
味噌汁大臣 on Google

群馬県高崎市の一推しは福籠です。こちら高崎駅からもかなり近いです。 本当にまぜそば美味しいです。基本チーズはあまりトッピングしないのですが、贅沢したい時はトッピングしてました?そのまま食べて頂いても相当美味しいのですが、チーズをトッピングするともう止まりません。お酒やサイドメニューも充実していて、ローストビーフ丼もあったりします。何より駅近で、足を運びやすく、出張で群馬に来た方やラーメンとお酒をセットでとか締めで行くでも万能で美味しいです。ぜひともチーズをトッピングしてお召し上がり下さい。
Fukugo is one of the best places in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture. This is also quite close to Takasaki station. The mixed soba is really delicious. I don't use much toppings for basic cheese, but when I wanted to be extravagant, I used toppings ? It's quite delicious to eat as it is, but when I top it with cheese, it doesn't stop anymore. There are plenty of sake and side menus, including roast beef bowls. Above all, it's close to the station, easy to visit, and it's versatile and delicious even for those who came to Gunma on a business trip or for a set of ramen and sake. Please enjoy it with cheese as a topping.
dadada 8686 on Google

Deep and deep taste. Smooth noodles. I am very satisfied. delicious.
ペロリでございます on Google

さば塩ラーメンのチャーシュー入り、1,130円をいただきました。ほんのり魚の香りがして、太い縮れ麺と塩のさっぱり感。美味しかったです。 メニューが豊富で、夜の時間も楽しめそうでした。カウンターもあるので、サクッと一人飲みでも使いやすいお店の雰囲気。 今度は夜に行きたいです。エキトマ使えます!
I received 1,130 yen for Saba Shio Ramen with char siu. It has a slight fishy scent and a refreshing feeling of thick curly noodles and salt. It was delicious. The menu was abundant and it seemed that I could enjoy the evening time. There is also a counter, so the atmosphere of the shop is easy to use even if you drink alone. I want to go at night this time. You can use Ekitoma!
でぃがすけ on Google

It was a little before noon, but it was relatively free. There seems to be a lunch set, but I ordered mackerel salt ramen separately. good. It doesn't have a savory and mackerel flavor, but you can feel the aroma of mackerel in a nice way. The noodles also go well with the soup. Even those who are not good at sardine soup may like it if they don't even like mackerel. When I drank the soup to the end, I felt a little more pepper, but it wasn't greasy and it was refreshing even after I had finished drinking it, so I thought I might be able to go for another drink if I wasn't good at it. Repeat confirmed. I don't come to Takasaki. Thank you for the meal.

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