Ginza Diamond Shiraishi Takasaki - Takasaki

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ginza Diamond Shiraishi Takasaki

住所 :

33-2 Torimachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 370-0053
Webサイト :

33-2 Torimachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0053, Japan
りょうエビ on Google

結婚指輪を選びに店舗を回っていたら白石に入ってすぐにコレ!って思う指輪に出会えて5分で決めました。7.8店舗目で初めてのことでとても嬉しい買い物になりました。 店員さんも丁寧に対応してくださり、雰囲気も良かったです。一階フロアに誰も店員さんがいないのが大丈夫なのかな。と思ってしまいますが、カメラで見てるのかな。
When I went around the store to choose a wedding ring, I entered Shiraishi and immediately got this! I met the ring I thought and decided in 5 minutes. It was my first time at the 7.8th store and it was a very nice shopping experience. The clerk responded politely and the atmosphere was good. Is it okay if there is no clerk on the first floor? I wonder if I'm looking at it with a camera.
ぐりこ on Google

コンシェルジュの方のおかげで素敵な結婚指輪と巡りあうことができました! アフターケアも充実しており、安心です。 これからもよろしくお願いいたします。
Thanks to the concierge, I was able to meet a wonderful wedding ring! Aftercare is also substantial, so you can rest assured. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
atsuya F on Google

婚約指輪と結婚指輪を購入しました! デザイン選びから、その他アドバイスまで丁寧かつ親切にしていただき、スムーズに購入することができました! アフターケアも充実していて安心です✨
I bought an engagement ring and a wedding ring! From design selection to other advice, I was kind and polite, and I was able to purchase smoothly! Aftercare is also substantial and it is safe ✨
あああ on Google

I was worried about seeing quite expensive items at other stores, so it was helpful to be able to start with a proposal that fits my budget. Should I worry a little more? I also thought, but now I think that it was good to make a prompt decision considering the time to visit. I am happy to be able to choose a ring that I am satisfied with in the end.
みどりいぬ on Google

結婚指輪と婚約指輪を購入させて頂きました。 ご担当の方にとても親身に相談に乗って頂き、何も分からない状態からでも満足のいく指輪選びが出来ました。 アフターサポートも充実しているので、ずっと大切に使っていきたいと思います。ありがとうございました。
I bought a wedding ring and an engagement ring. The person in charge consulted me very kindly, and I was able to select a ring that I was satisfied with even if I didn't understand anything. After-sales support is also substantial, so I would like to use it with great care. Thank you very much.
22 7 on Google

We kindly and kindly consulted with us and decided on a ring here. We have very high quality diamonds and are very satisfied. After-sales service is also substantial, so I think it's wonderful that you can wear it with confidence.
y m on Google

結婚指輪と婚約指輪を購入させて頂きました。 店員さんの対応がよく気持ち良くご購入させて頂きました。 他の店舗でも購入しようかと悩みましたが、 夫婦ともに一目惚れしました。 ありがとうございました。
I bought a wedding ring and an engagement ring. The clerk's response was good and I bought it comfortably. I was worried about buying it at other stores, but Both couples fell in love at first sight. Thank you very much.
1031魂(1031魂) on Google

店長の方に接客していただきましたが、親切丁寧で非常に良かったです。 とても気さくで話しやすく、聞きたいことも遠慮なく聞けるような雰囲気で、指輪選びも緊張する事なく楽しい時間であっという間に決まりました。 とても気に入ったデザインにも出会え、ダイヤモンドシライシさんに行って大正解でした。 1ヶ月後の指輪の受け取りが楽しみです。 この度はありがとうございました。 そして今後とも宜しくお願いします。
The store manager served us, and it was very nice and kind. It was very friendly and easy to talk to, and the atmosphere was such that I could listen to what I wanted to hear without hesitation. I came across a design that I liked very much, so I went to Diamond Shiraishi and it was a great answer. I am looking forward to receiving the ring one month later. Thank you for this time. And I look forward to working with you in the future.

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