Meidaimae Mental Clinic - Setagaya City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Meidaimae Mental Clinic

住所 :

レインボー明大前マンション 2F 2 Chome-45-10 Matsubara, Setagaya City, Tokyo 156-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 156-0043
Webサイト :

レインボー明大前マンション 2F 2 Chome-45-10 Matsubara, Setagaya City, Tokyo 156-0043, Japan
Takanori HAYASHIDA on Google

I've been indebted to you for a long time, and I've gotten better. I am grateful.
鳥居萌 on Google

Very calm and good teacher
Kam “Cheng” Kimura on Google

I just looked at the computer without listening to one story, and didn't believe the patient's worries. The worst doctor.
anne on Google

予約制なので患者さんはいつも2〜4人というところ。先生もクリニックも穏やかで良い。 下に直ぐ薬局がある。
Because there is a reservation system, there are always 2-4 patients. The teacher and the clinic are calm and good. There is a pharmacy right below.
tjpg on Google

Visited for chronic headache. It was said that the disorder of the autonomic nerve was the cause, but there was no explanation about the side effects of the prescribed medicine, and when the side effects actually occurred, I visited the hospital again, and half-laughed, "Do you investigate suicide methods?" I was surprised. The type of medicine changes frequently, so it feels worse. You should quit here.
96 tetsuko on Google

他の方も書いていますが長くに渡り伝えていたことをまた初めから説明しなければいけないの繰り返し。 診察は瞬殺。 話してる途中に処方箋印刷されます。 空いてる時に行っても同じ。 さっさと終わらせたいんだなと思います。 あまり会話したくない、薬だけ貰って早く帰りたい人には良いかもしれません。
Others have written it, but I have to explain what I have been telling for a long time from the beginning. The medical examination is an instant kill. The prescription will be printed while you are talking. It's the same even if you go when you're free. I want to finish it quickly. It may be good for people who don't want to talk too much and want to get medicine and go home early.
たろこん on Google

I had you see me for the first time. I had a psychiatrist near my house, so I was taken care of by my child's house, so I ran out of medicine, so I went to see him here. He understood the situation, listened to various stories, and suggested the type of medicine and how to take it. He was a very nice and kind teacher. If my house is near ... I would like to take care of you forever.
Soph on Google

先生は穏やかですが、合う合わないはあるように感じます。 過去数ヶ月に渡って毎回伝えていることを忘れたりされるので、脱力する時があります。最初はこちらの精神状態を試されているのかな(過去の話と相違がないかという意味で)と思ったのですが、そうでもない様子。 初回は生育歴など含めてヒアリングされますが、精神療法・心理療法ではなく薬物療法に重きをおいているのか、継続通院となると1回診察時間は5分強という感じです。カウンセリング的なものや話を聞いてもらって自分の気持ちを整理することを期待している場合はおすすめできません。 あと、薬の処方数の間違いがわりと多いのは改善していただきたいです。処方間違いで再通院して、下の処方薬局に処方箋を出したら、「処方間違いがそれなりの頻度である」というような話を聞きました。
The teacher is calm, but I feel that there are some things that don't fit. Sometimes I'm weak because I forget what I'm telling you every time over the past few months. At first, I wondered if this mental state was being tested (in the sense that it was different from the past story), but it doesn't seem to be the case. At the first time, we will hear about your growth history, but maybe you are focusing on drug therapy rather than psychotherapy / psychotherapy, and if you continue to visit the hospital, it seems that the consultation time is just over 5 minutes. Not recommended if you are expecting counseling or listening to your feelings. Also, I would like you to improve the fact that there are relatively many mistakes in the number of prescriptions for medicines. When I returned to the hospital due to a prescription error and gave a prescription to the prescription pharmacy below, I heard a story such as "The prescription error is a reasonable frequency."

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