Mebukiya - Shiwa District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mebukiya

住所 :

Hachiman-142 Kamihirasawa, Shiwa, Shiwa District, Iwate 028-3441, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 028-3441
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

Hachiman-142 Kamihirasawa, Shiwa, Shiwa District, Iwate 028-3441, Japan
でらお on Google

Delicious and reasonable.
Hiroyuki Takisawa on Google

だんごなどで親しみのある芽吹き屋さんです。三色だんごが有名です。 団子はやや硬めで、ぶつっと噛み切れるタイプのものです。バリエーションも多く、和風のお菓子好きには好まれるお店ではないかと思います。試食がありますのでぜひ試してみてから購入しましょう。団子以外にも饅頭をはじめとした様々な県産品デザートなどを扱っていますので、お土産品の購入などにも良いと思います。 ジェラート、ソフトクリームも販売しています。カップかコーンを選択可で、コーンはワッフルタイプでした。 支払いにはクレジットカードを利用できます。駐車場からはスロープがあり、外扉はボタン式自動ドア、内扉は完全自動ドアになっています。
It is a sprout shop that is familiar with dumplings. Three-color dumplings are famous. The dumplings are a little hard and can be bitten off. There are many variations, and I think it is a shop that is preferred by Japanese-style sweets lovers. There is a tasting, so please try it before you buy. In addition to dumplings, we also sell various desserts from the prefecture, including buns, so I think it's a good place to buy souvenirs. We also sell gelato and soft serve ice cream. You can choose cup or cone, and the cone was a waffle type. You can use a credit card for payment. There is a slope from the parking lot, the outer door is a button type automatic door, and the inner door is a fully automatic door.
みみみみやび on Google

定食屋さんです。 芽吹き屋の店の中に食堂として入っています。 北上に本店があり、メニューは本店とほぼ変わりません。数量限定のメニューも同じくあり、競争率的に本店と比べて低いので数量限定メニューを狙う際にはコチラに行くのも1つかもしれません。 海鮮を中心とていますが、天ぷらや、そば、ラーメン、カレー、フライなど様々な定食を提供しています。 食券製です。カウンター24席とテーブル8席あり。席数は多いです。 お水などはセルフとなっています。 定食は、ご飯とお味噌汁がお替り自由です。 食券を購入し、自由な空いている席に座り、料理が出来上がったらアナウンスされるので取りに行くシステムです。 初見だと少しわかりづらいかもしれません。 「天ぷら定食」をいただきました。 量はちょうどよく。さなざまな種類の天ぷらが楽しめました。揚げたてで美味しかったです。海老が少し小さくて残念でした。。。 何度か本店のほうには行ったことがありますが、安く、量もおおく、質もよく、美味しいのでオススメです。(料理にもよりますが)
It is a set meal shop. It is in the restaurant of the Mebukiya. The main store is located in Kitakami, and the menu is almost the same as the main store. There is also a limited quantity menu, and the competition rate is lower than that of the main store, so if you are aiming for a limited quantity menu, you may want to go here. We mainly serve seafood, but we also offer various set meals such as tempura, soba, ramen, curry, and fried food. It is made of meal tickets. There are 24 seats at the counter and 8 seats at the table. There are many seats. Water etc. are self-service. Rice and miso soup are free to change for the set meal. It is a system where you buy a meal ticket, sit in a free seat, and when the food is ready, you will be announced so you can go get it. It may be a little difficult to understand at first glance. I had a "tempura set meal". The amount is just right. I enjoyed various kinds of tempura. It was freshly fried and delicious. It was a pity that the shrimp was a little small. .. .. I've been to the main store several times, but I recommend it because it's cheap, the quantity is large, the quality is good, and it's delicious. (Depending on the dish)
R 282 (National road) on Google

2022/01 訪問。 和菓子は、もちろん食事コーナーもあります。 ジェラートもあります。 駐車場も広く、トイレもきれいです。 キャッシュレス決済もありました。
Visited 2022/01. Of course, Japanese sweets also have a meal corner. There is also gelato. The parking lot is large and the toilets are clean. There was also cashless payment.
5700 taronpe on Google

目的のお店が土日が休みと知らずに行ってしまい、 近くで何か無いかと検索! 「確か、支店が有ったはず」と思いだして、ナビに電話番号を入力 そこそこ走りましたが無事に到着! 駐車場は広かったど、店内は狭かったです。 お昼時には、続々とお客さんが入店! 三人で行って海鮮丼を二食と天丼の食券を購入したら、海鮮丼は売り切れとなり、買えて良かったと・・・ 美味しかったですが、 一品だけ生臭かった(右手前のサーモンのなめろうっぽい品)
The target shop went without knowing that Saturday and Sunday were closed, Search for something nearby! I remembered that there must have been a branch office, so I entered the phone number in the navigation system. I ran so much, but arrived safely! The parking lot was large, but the inside of the store was small. At noon, customers enter the store one after another! When three people went and bought two meals of seafood bowl and a meal ticket of tendon, the seafood bowl was sold out and it was good to buy it ... It was delicious, Only one item was fishy (salmon namero-like item in the foreground on the right)
Neko Ma on Google

江釣子屋に何度か訪問。 海鮮丼などの限定メニューは平日なら12時くらいまであることもあるが、土日は開店から早いに越したことはない。 海鮮丼は鰤やマグロ、サーモン、季節の魚がてんこ盛り。更にアジフライも付くからお腹いっぱいになる。 とんかつはおかしい分厚さ。これを一人で食べ切るのは大変。 接客良く、盛りも味も良いお店です。
Visited Ezurikoya several times. Limited menus such as seafood bowls may be available until around 12:00 on weekdays, but on Saturdays and Sundays it's never been too early. The seafood bowl is full of yellowtail, tuna, salmon, and seasonal fish. In addition, Aji fry is also attached, so you will be full. Tonkatsu has a strange thickness. It's hard to eat this alone. It is a restaurant with good customer service and good serving and taste.
COCORO on Google

今日は久々に江釣子屋の海鮮丼が食べたくなり、11時半にお店に到着。海鮮丼は1日10食なので券売機で丼のところを押してみたらまだ7食あり2人とも海鮮丼にありつけました♪ 海鮮丼は、10種類のネタが入っていていつも目が輝いてしまいます。ネタも新鮮だから美味しいです。隅っこに乗ってるアジフライも揚げたてだからサクサクふわふわでめっちゃ美味しいです。今日は暑い日だったので他の方は冷たい麺や天ぷら、江釣子定食を食べていました。ここのはトンカツもめっちゃ美味しいです。何食べても美味しいんだと思います。週末だけでなく平日も混んでます。お店の方も対応がよく、いつもニコニコしてるので行くと元気をもらいます。 また来ますね〜? たまに芽吹き屋さんでも帰りにジェラートやお餅を買って帰ります。ここもすごく日持ちするのですごくオススメです!
I wanted to eat the seafood bowl of Ezurikoya for the first time in a while, so I arrived at the restaurant at 11:30. The seafood bowl has 10 meals a day, so when I pushed the bowl with the ticket vending machine, there were still 7 meals and both of them were in the seafood bowl ♪ The seafood bowl contains 10 kinds of ingredients and always makes your eyes shine. The material is also fresh, so it's delicious. The fried fried chicken in the corner is also freshly fried, so it's crispy and fluffy and very delicious. It was a hot day today, so the others ate cold noodles, tempura, and Etsuriko set meal. The pork cutlet here is also very delicious. I think it's delicious no matter what you eat. It is crowded not only on weekends but also on weekdays. The shop staff are also very responsive, and I'm always smiling, so I get energized when I go. I will come again ~ ? Occasionally, even a sprout shop buys gelato and rice cakes on the way home. This is also very long-lasting, so I highly recommend it!
菅原信男 on Google

今回は10食限定のトンカツを頂きました。 厚さライターより厚いですよ。 正直、半部食べ進むとお腹いっぱいで後半はバツゲームの世界な位にボリュームあります。 注文はタッチパネルで食券購入してテーブルで待ち、出来上がったら食券番号呼ばれてカウンターに取りに行き配膳も同様のセルフスタイルです。 一発目でかなりのボリュームだったので、事前に料理チェックしないとお腹パンパンになります。
This time, I got a pork cutlet limited to 10 meals. It's thicker than a lighter. To be honest, if you eat half of it, you will be full and the second half will be as big as the world of batsu games. To order, buy a meal ticket on the touch panel, wait at the table, and when it's done, the meal ticket number is called and you go to the counter to pick it up and serve it in the same self-style. The first shot was quite voluminous, so if you don't check the food in advance, you'll be hungry.

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