武孝子 on Google

The size of the shop is small, but it is convenient to have all the groceries and detergent miscellaneous goods. There is a parking lot and Hirayama Housing Park is nearby, so it's a good place to let your children play before shopping.
うそつき on Google

It is convenient for people who live in the housing complex.
森田倉司 on Google

昔はスーパーだったのが、潰れた後にイオン系スーパーになりました。何が違うかと言うと、売れないので、半額になりやすい事かも(+_+) そのせいか結構足繁く通います^_^ 雨の日はお惣菜が早く安くなります。 イオン系商品が多く、定価でも安い。イオン系インスタント焼きそばは、良く買います(^^) 「ちょっと雑炊」など、意外と気の効いた商品も半額などで売っているので、ここは良く覗きます。 京王ストアも無くなった今、平山城址公園駅周辺では貴重なスーパーになりました。
It used to be a supermarket, but after it was crushed, it became an ionic supermarket. What's different is that it doesn't sell, so it's easy to get half price (+ _ +) Because of that, I often go there ^ _ ^ On rainy days, side dishes are faster and cheaper. There are many ionic products, and the list price is cheap. I often buy ionic instant fried noodles (^^) Surprisingly smart products such as "a little porridge" are also sold at half price, so I often take a peek here. Now that the Keio Store has disappeared, it has become a valuable supermarket around Hirayama Castle Ruins Park Station.
渡邊一人 on Google

Surprisingly, it's just a small store that isn't enough and is used in time. It faces a large housing complex, but customers are below the convenience store. Vegetables in fresh food are still good, but meat and fish are not recommended.
Kazushi Takahashi on Google

It functions as a reduced version of AEON MALL Tamadaira no Mori, but I feel that it is higher than AEON MALL because of its narrowness.
岩間宏充 on Google

小規模店舗で品揃えは少ないです。 ちょっとした買い物なら事足りるとは思います。
The product lineup is small in small stores. I think that a little shopping is enough.
Tomofumi TAKAHASHI on Google

東平山と西平山における唯一のスーパーマーケットである。正直なところ、国道20号八王子南バイパスが事業が終了するまで生き残るかは余談を許さないかもしれない。 もう一つ、ここのライバルがセブンイレブン日野東平山2丁目店というのが残念である。あそこにイオン銀行のATMがなかったら、セブンイレブンにかなわないと愚考してしまう。
It is the only supermarket in Higashihirayama and Nishihirayama. To be honest, it may not be a digression whether National Highway No. 20 Hachioji Minami Bypass will survive until the project is completed. It is a pity that the rival here is Seven-Eleven Hino Higashihirayama 2-chome store. If there was no ATM at AEON Bank over there, I would wonder if it could match Seven-Eleven.
山星 on Google

いつもレジ女店員の私語が多く、スーパーにしては意識の低い感じの悪い店だな〜という印象。(男性店員は特に感じ悪くありません) 驚いたのは会計時、まだこちらのお金の受け渡しが済んでいないというのに、次の1人だけいた客のレジ打ちを始めたこと。 (別に自分高齢者ではありませんw) ・・客がほとんど居ないから、ずっとヒマそうにしてるくせにw。 他の商店でこういう対応をされることは普通、無いです。 狭いし品揃えが全体的にイマイチなのは、やはり人から聞いた通りです。 店内探してやっとなんとか買えるものが見つかる感じで、一般のスーパーというよりは、団地専用店か。
There is always a lot of private language of the cashier female clerk, and I get the impression that it is a store that is unconscious and uncomfortable for a supermarket. (Male clerk is not particularly unpleasant) What surprised me was that at the time of checkout, even though I hadn't handed over my money yet, I started to check out the next customer. (I'm not an elderly person w) ・ ・ Since there are few customers, I've been trying to get rid of it all the time. This kind of response is usually not done at other stores. As I've heard from people, it's narrow and the product lineup isn't good overall. It feels like I can finally find something that I can buy by looking inside the store, so it's more like a housing complex store than a general supermarket.

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