桜医院 - Hino

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 桜医院

住所 :

桜医院 1丁目-2-3-A, Nishihirayama, Hino, Tokyo 191-0055, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 191-0055

桜医院 1丁目-2-3-A, Nishihirayama, Hino, Tokyo 191-0055, Japan
夢みる太陽 on Google

ワクチン接種のためお世話になりました。 かかりつけ医ではなかったので、Googlemapを見ながら行きました。 ピンクの看板のお陰で見つけやすかったです。 開院したばかりで、きれいな建物&駐車場でした。 口コミにあるように、ワンオペでした。 患者さんが多い時は大変だと思いますが、女性の先生がお一人で普通に受付からワクチン接種までされていました。 普通でした。 開院したばかりでワクチン接種の病院になり大変だろうなと思いました。
Thank you for your vaccination. I wasn't a family doctor, so I went while looking at Google map. It was easy to find thanks to the pink sign. It was just opened and it was a beautiful building & parking lot. As you can see in the word of mouth, it was one operation. I think it's difficult when there are many patients, but a female teacher was usually alone from reception to vaccination. It was normal. I thought it would be difficult to become a vaccination hospital just after opening the hospital.
takky 7777 on Google

ワクチン接種で、来院。 皆さんお書きのように先生のワンオペでした。 エアコンついてませんでしたが、時間15分前ですぐに接種。15分たったら帰って結構です、と。 まぁ、接種だけに来たので、治療とかは、あまりよくわかりませんが話は早いですね。 親切な案内掲示みたいなものはありません。 待合室に雑誌とかも置いてませんし。 予診票とクーポンはそこに置いてください、と口頭で(笑) 先生の対応は、悪くありませんでした。
Visited the hospital with vaccination. As you wrote, it was a teacher's one operation. The air conditioner wasn't on, but I was inoculated immediately 15 minutes before. It's okay to go home after 15 minutes. Well, since I came only for inoculation, I don't know much about treatment, but the story is quick. There is no such thing as a kind information bulletin board. I don't even have magazines in the waiting room. Orally, please put the pre-examination slip and coupon there (laughs) The teacher's response was not bad.
tombo gokuraku on Google

I was surprised to see the reception desk. Of all the hospitals I've visited, it's by far the least organized. Since the building itself is new, more scattered documents stand out. I went for vaccination, but it was messy from the reception desk to the teacher's desk. I don't think the desk can be disinfected if there are unnecessary items such as character cushions on the desk. For vaccination, I took out the syringe from the trashed desk and threw it in the box next to it after the vaccination. I went from reception to inoculation by myself. I think that the number of visitors will increase if the receptionist is hired and the documents are organized and cleaned. I had a side reaction after the vaccination, so I was a little relieved that the vaccine was genuine. It is a hospital that will be the story of the story.
yuta on Google

1回目のワクチン接種で行ってきました。まず受付に誰もいないので、待ち順に入れません。しばらく待っていると先生と思われる人が出てきてグチャグチャの紙に名前を書くように指示されました。受付は整理整頓されておらず書類がとっ散らかっており、とても管理されているとは思えません。 9:30の接種でしたが、来た時にすでに多くの人がいたことに加えて後からもどんどん人が来るので室内に人が収まっていません。 30分待って診察室に入ると、これが一番驚いたのですが、机の上に注射器のゴミ?が散乱していました。ワクチンの保管方法について質問したかったのですが出来ず。接種時に針を抜いたあと”押さえてて!”と怒られたり接種券についての質問をしたら何故かキレられたりとあまり良い印象は持てませんでした。 ワンオペで頑張っているからという理由で多く星をつけている方もいますが、この病院はいつ事故が起こってもおかしくない環境だと思うので絶対におすすめできません。私も2度と行きません。
I went with the first vaccination. First of all, there is no one at the reception, so I can't enter the waiting order. After waiting for a while, a person who seemed to be a teacher came out and was instructed to write his name on a messy piece of paper. The reception is unorganized and cluttered with paperwork, so I don't think it's very well managed. It was an inoculation at 9:30, but in addition to the fact that there were already many people when I came, more and more people came later, so there are no people in the room. When I waited for 30 minutes and entered the examination room, I was most surprised at this. Is it garbage from the syringe on the desk? Was scattered. I wanted to ask about how to store the vaccine, but I couldn't. After pulling out the needle at the time of inoculation, I was angry with "Hold it down!" And when I asked a question about the inoculation ticket, I didn't have a very good impression. Some people have given a lot of stars because they are doing their best in one operation, but I definitely do not recommend this hospital because I think that it is an environment where accidents can occur at any time. I will never go again.
HFRY on Google

ワクチン接種のため行ってきました。 エアコンは点いていませんでしたが、今日は涼しかったので大丈夫でした。 先生はワンオペらしく診察室と受付を行ったり来たりしていましたが、そんなに待たずに接種を終えました。 せめて、受付に「ワクチン接種の方は紙に名前を書いてお待ちください」と貼り紙でもしておけば、もう少しスムーズになるかも。 ちなみに手指消毒薬は受け付けカウンターの左隅にありました。
I went for vaccination. The air conditioner wasn't on, but it was cool today so it was okay. The teacher went back and forth between the examination room and the reception desk like a one-operator, but he finished the inoculation without waiting so long. At the very least, if you put a sticker saying "If you are vaccinated, please write your name on a piece of paper and wait", it may be a little smoother. By the way, the hand disinfectant was in the left corner of the reception counter.
otabe on Google

あり得ない。小汚い愛想のないオバサン医者。二度と来ない。 東京都の発熱相談センター案内され、藁にもすがる思いで来院。 何度コピーした?ってくらい薄れていて、枠がはみ出ている問診票。申し訳程度のヒーター、静寂な院内に目立つ汚ったない受付。 来る時間を指定されきたが、1時間半待たされてようやく対応。 診察終わったと思いきや、会計まで30分以上かかり治るどころか余計悪化な気がする。 ワンオペで頑張っているのかどーか知らないが、あり得ない。
impossible. A dirty and unfriendly doctor. I will never come again. I was guided to the fever consultation center in Tokyo and came to the hospital with the feeling that I was hungry for straw. How many times did you copy it? A questionnaire that is so thin that the frame is out of the way. Sorry heater, clean reception that stands out in the quiet hospital. I was given a designated time to come, but I finally responded after waiting for an hour and a half. I think that the medical examination is over, but it takes more than 30 minutes to complete the checkout, and I feel that it is worse than it is. I don't know if I'm doing my best in one operation, but it's impossible.
A A on Google

Thank you for your support during the Omicron pandemic of Corona. I was surprised to see a female doctor alone, but the other hospitals were so crowded that I couldn't see them, which was very helpful. I felt that the number of patients I was handling was supporting community medical care. If you don't understand something, he will answer you accurately when you go to the clinic with a stance of asking. I think it's better than a long-talking doctor.
Mohammed Imran on Google

Doctor does it all. Went for vaccination, it was relatively smooth. There's onsite parking for 5 cars. Not sure about other functions of the hospital.

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