Mausoleum of Emperor Kōgen - Kashihara

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mausoleum of Emperor Kōgen

住所 :

Ishikawacho, Kashihara, Nara 634-0045, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 634-0045
Webサイト :

Ishikawacho, Kashihara, Nara 634-0045, Japan
鮫嶋雅之 on Google

第8代 孝元天皇 こうげんてんのう 広い池の畔の小高い山の天皇陵。石張りの坂道を100mほど上った所が参拝場所です(^.^)落ち着いた良い場所です♪
8th Emperor Komoto Tengenou Emperor's Mausoleum of a small mountain on the shore of a large pond. The place of worship is about 100m up the stone slope (^. ^)
yobo yobo on Google

【Kougen 8th emperor's ancient tomb】 第8代目の陵墓
[Kougen 8th emperor's ancient tomb] 8th Tomb

橿原神宮前駅から東へ1km弱のところにある前方後円墳(公式形式は山形)。 剣池の南東に位置する。 第8代孝元天皇はいわゆる「欠史八代」のひとり。 古事記や日本書紀にも故事の記載がなく、伝説上の人物である可能性が高い。
Kashihara Jingumae Station is located about 1 km east of Kashihara Jingumae Station. Located southeast of Kenike. The eighth emperor Takamoto is one of the so-called "missing Yatsushiros". Kojiki and Nihon Shoki have no mention of the past, and they are likely to be legendary characters.
いやさか祥平 on Google

池に囲まれた御陵。拝所は少し高いところにある。森に入ると土がふかふかで氣がとてもいい感じがした。 第8代目の天皇で、倭迹々日百襲姫(卑弥呼)さんの異母兄弟にあたる。
Goryo surrounded by a pond. The place of worship is a little high. When I entered the forest, the soil was fluffy and I felt very good. The 8th emperor, the half brother of Wakkayo Hibikihime (Himiko).
旅行大好き寺マニア on Google

You can park your car just a little bit wide, but it is better to come back soon. Tumuli that can be maintained if you go on foot
kurashi yamaneno on Google

The entrance is on the south (west) shore of Ishikawa Pond. The approach is stairs and you climb about 100m. Emperor Takamoto is the 8th emperor. It is the so-called Satoshi Yatsushiro. (In short, it is said that it will not be real if it is made up properly). Kenike is said to have been made in the days of Emperor Ojin (the 15th generation). It was expanded later, and is now called Ishikawa Pond, but if you look closely at the pond, you will see concrete piles, which are said to be boundaries. (The inside of the stake is Ishikawa Pond with the outside of Ken Pond extended)
Satoshi 467 on Google

被葬者:第8代・孝元天皇 石川池のほとりに劔池嶋上陵があります。 拝所は陵の内部奥地にある珍しい形になっていました。 第8代・孝元天皇は欠史八代の一人で、記紀には系譜の記載のみで、事績は不明です。 拝:2020/07/13
Burial: Emperor Takamoto There is Tsurugiike Jōryo on the banks of Ishikawa Pond. The place of worship had an unusual shape in the inner back of the mausoleum. The eighth generation, Emperor Takamoto, is one of the eight generations of history, and the history is unknown only in the genealogy. Worship: 2020/07/13
Masaki Ida on Google

朝の散歩で行ってきました。冬のこの時期は池の水がなくなり、また違った風景を感じることができます。 こちらの天皇陵は少し階段はあります。駐車できるスペースもあります。 つるぎ池の中心にあり、散歩にはうってつけです。 役に立ったボタン押してもらうと嬉しいです。
I went for a walk in the morning. At this time of winter, the pond runs out of water and you can feel a different landscape. This tomb of the Emperor has a few stairs. There is also a parking space. Located in the center of the sword pond, it is perfect for a walk. I would be grateful if you could press a useful button.

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