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Contact 招魂社

住所 :

Matsushiromachi Iwano, 〒381-1234 Nagano,Japan

街 : Nagano

Matsushiromachi Iwano, 〒381-1234 Nagano,Japan
宮下邦彦 on Google

In the 4th year of Eiroku, Kenshin Uesugi set up here during the 4th Battle of Kawanakajima. There is an observatory right next to it, from which you can see Kaizu Castle (Matsushiro Castle).
玉屋のこーちゃん on Google

『招魂』という聞きなれない言葉にググってみますと。 あらら、『死者の魂』を招き祭るとあります。 『まつる』の漢字には『祭る』と『祀る』がありますが、『祭る』は死者に対し慰霊の意味が強く、『祀る』は神仏を崇める事です。 『奉る・たてまつる』は謙譲語で『差し上げる』『献上』の意味です。 てことは亡くなった方の霊を慰める為のお社。 日本各地に在る『護国寺』や『靖国神社』にも『招魂祭』を執り行う所が在ります。 此処『妻女山』山頂の『招魂社境内』にも慰霊碑と共に亡くなられた方の名前が書かれています。 よく見てみると、『戊辰戦争』『日清・日露戦争』『満州開拓団』『シベリア抑留』などなど戦争犠牲者の方々を慰霊しています。 余り長居すると暗くなりそうなので合掌して展望台へ急ぎます。
When I try to google for the unfamiliar word "invitation". Oh, it is said that the "soul of the dead" is invited and celebrated. The kanji for "matsuru" includes "worship" and "worship", but "worship" has a strong meaning of memorial service for the dead, and "worship" means worshiping the gods and Buddha. "Dedicated / Tatematsuru" is a humble word meaning "give" or "present". The thing is a company to comfort the spirits of the deceased. There are also places where "Gokokuji" and "Yasukuni Shrine" are held in various parts of Japan. The name of the person who died along with the memorial monument is also written here in the "Shokonsha precincts" on the summit of "Saijosan". If you take a closer look, you can see the memorial services for the victims of the war, such as "Boshin War," "Sino-Japanese War," "Manchurian Pioneer," and "Siberian Detention." If you stay too long, it will be dark, so I will join hands and hurry to the observatory.

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