Matsunoki - Fuji

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matsunoki

住所 :

11-13 Sengenkamicho, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 417-0072

11-13 Sengenkamicho, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0072, Japan
プチトマト on Google

このお店に来たいために、富士に来ます。 天婦羅も、お粉が薄いので、食べやすいです。
I'm coming to Fuji because I want to come to this shop. Tempura is also easy to eat because the powder is thin.
Fumフム on Google

混んでます。 でも、混雑も納得の お蕎麦屋さんです。 久しぶりに、駐車場が空いていたので寄りました。 箱天蕎麦を注文しました。 天ぷらサクサク(^^) 蕎麦湯まで美味しい 松の木さん最高です。 頻繁には いけませんが 美味しくて 素敵なお店です。
It's crowded. But the crowd is convinced This is a soba shop. I stopped by after a long time because the parking lot was empty. I ordered Hakten Soba. Tempura crispy (^^) Delicious soba-yu Matsuki is the best. Frequently Don't It's delicious It ’s a nice shop.
yumiko oyumi on Google

Well, it's a common taste that's typical of soba restaurants that have been around for a long time. It's nice to have tempura as well. It's a pity that I can't come out without saying soba after eating. I gave it to my uncle.
覇王柴 on Google

I ordered an assortment of duck steamer and tempura. The duck meat has a nice texture, the soup is a little thick, and the soba has a strong taste. Naturally, the tempura was freshly fried, so it was delicious. However, it seems that the amount of soba is a little small, so if I hadn't asked for tempura, it wouldn't have been enough. Or rather, I asked for a side menu and the amount was just right.
M000ka Asa on Google

北海道の幌加内蕎麦粉100%使用のお蕎麦屋さんです。とっても美味しい。 地元でもリピーターのお客様が多いみたいです。 天かすが無料で貰えます。接客もフレンドリー且つ気配りのサーバーさん達でした。
A soba restaurant that uses 100% Horokanai buckwheat flour from Hokkaido. Very delicious. It seems that there are many repeat customers even locally. You can get a heavenly residue free of charge. The customer service was friendly and attentive.
田中ひろし on Google

美味いです。富士市に行くときは昼時間に合わせて、極力食べるようにしてます。蕎麦好きで出張の折各地の蕎麦屋を探していってます。札幌の「志のや」さんが一番かな。静岡のくろ麦さんも美味い。それぞれ特徴があるから楽しんでます。 ただ、できたら割りばしは竹にしてもらいたい。私からのお願いです。
It is delicious. When going to Fuji City, I try to eat as much as possible according to the daytime. I'm looking for a buckwheat noodle shop around the business trip. Sapporo's "Shinoya" is the best. The black barley in Shizuoka is also delicious. I enjoy each one because there is a feature. However, I would like you to use bamboo if you can. It is a request from me.
green peace on Google

初めて訪問、大もり注文。 もり¥700 大盛り¥250 計¥950 つゆは割とスタンダード、麺は喉越し良く固め。 可もなく不可もなくの蕎麦、次回は天ぷら美味しそうだったので頼んでみようかと。
Visited for the first time and ordered a large amount. Mori ¥ 700 Large serving ¥ 250 Total ¥ 950 The soup is fairly standard, and the noodles are firm and smooth. Soba, which is neither good nor bad, next time the tempura looked delicious, so I decided to ask.
オオカミくん on Google

自家製の麺でとても美味しいです 天ぷらは揚げたてなのでとてもいいです 接客がすごく丁寧で富士に来たら是非行ってください。おすすめは天おろしそばです!
Homemade noodles are very delicious The tempura is freshly fried so it ’s very good. The customer service is very polite and please go if you come to Fuji. We recommend the grated soba noodles!

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