Matsunami - Setagaya City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matsunami

住所 :

3 Chome-19-7 Wakabayashi, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87878789
Postal code : 154-0023

3 Chome-19-7 Wakabayashi, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0023, Japan
yyy on Google

ラーメンは美味いが、ババアの態度、対応が最悪。 ・人の服にアルコールスプレーぶっかけて謝らない ・厨房の扉を足蹴り ・薬味を使うと怒られる笑 ・食べ終えて間もない器を待ってましたと言わんばかりに回収 ・休む間もなく会計と退店を急かされる ・表情が暗く表に出て接客すべきでない 以上
Ramen is delicious, but Baba's attitude and response are the worst. ・ Do not apologize for spraying alcohol on people's clothes ・ Kicking the door of the kitchen ・ Lol when you use condiments ・ Collected as if I was waiting for a vessel that had just finished eating ・ I am rushed to check out and leave the store without a break ・ You shouldn't serve customers with a dark facial expression that's all
K senoh on Google

Visited before noon on Saturday. It's a popular shop, so it was lined up. Wonton also has a strong taste and is GOOD! The soup tasted stronger than it looked and was delicious.
Roko on Google

松陰神社駅の近くにあります。お昼は混んでいて並んでいることも多いです。 支那そばはスープがあっさりしていて、麺は細麺。優しい味で気に入っています!餃子もおすすめです。
It is near Shoin Shrine Station. It is often crowded and lined up at noon. Chinese soba has a light soup, and the noodles are thin noodles. I like it because of its gentle taste! Dumplings are also recommended.
akihisa yuge on Google

2021.2.14 日曜日のランチに利用。しかも正午ちょっと過ぎ。いつもなら大行列ですが、奇跡的に客足が途切れていました。それでもちょうど満席、外で待っている人がゼロという状態でした。ほんの数分待って席に着くことが出来ました。 女房は得心麺、私はツケ麺。 ここのスープは他でもありそうでない感じ。濃いめですが、それで誤魔化すことなく、なければならない味はあるし、それ以上のものをはみ出さずに入れ込んでいるのが好き。 ツケ麺食べてスープも全ていただき、その後、女房の得心麺のスープの残りをいただきました。この流れ、クセになりそう。
2021.2.14 Used for lunch on Sunday. Moreover, it's just past noon. It's usually a big line, but miraculously the number of customers was cut off. Even so, it was just full and there were no people waiting outside. I was able to get to my seat after waiting just a few minutes. My wife is good noodles, and I am Tsuke noodles. The soup here is unlikely to be anywhere else. It's dark, but it has a taste that must be taken without being disguised, and I like to put in more than that without sticking out. I ate Tsuke noodles and had all the soup, and then I had the rest of my wife's specialty noodle soup. This flow seems to be a habit.
牧落猿之助 on Google

2021.8再訪問 昨夜の〆タンはこちら 松陰神社前の松波ラーメン店さんにお邪魔 ワンタンメン 880円をオーダー ゴロゴロワンタンが入ってますね まずはスープを 魚介の程よい余韻が良い感じ ウメエ しかし麺が??? なんだかスープにマッチしないなぁ 好みではないなぁ そして大好きなワンタンも ボリュームあるけど 味わいも? ちょっと好きなタイプではないなぁ バランスよくなかったなぁ ゴチ
2021.8 Revisit Click here for last night's 〆tan Visit the Matsunami ramen shop in front of Shoin Shrine Wonton noodles ordered 880 yen It contains rumbling wonton. First of all, soup The moderate finish of seafood feels good Umee But what about noodles? ?? ?? Somehow it doesn't match the soup I don't like it And my favorite wonton There is volume Also the taste? I'm not the type I like a little It wasn't well-balanced Gochi
上野博之 on Google

昼イチ開店前に並んでギリ1回転目。 コロナディスタンスワイドでカウンター3席、テーブル3席。入店時のアルコールも強制だし、ちゃんとしてました。口コミの接客の悪さは無かったよ。 支那そば、煮干のえぐみが少しわざと感じられる程度に残る具合が好き? 具沢山な得心麺をチョイスしましたが、サービスライスが炊き込みご飯と知り、やっぱ要ります!って頼んじゃいましたw普通より美味いレベルで
The first turn in line before the opening of the store at noon. Corona distance wide with 3 counter seats and 3 table seats. Alcohol at the time of entering the store was also compulsory, and it was proper. There was no bad word-of-mouth service. I like how the Chinese noodles and dried sardines remain a little on purpose ? I chose a lot of special noodles, but I knew that the service rice was cooked rice, so I still need it! I asked for it w At a level that is more delicious than usual
maaboo M on Google

コロナの影響で最近は昼時しかやっていない模様。土曜日の13時半頃いったが3組ほど待っており、20分ほど待ち入る。 得心麺を注文。具沢山だが、私にとっては少し塩味強く、麺とスープが合っていない気が…再訪はないかな
Due to the influence of corona, it seems that he is only doing it at noon recently. I went around 13:30 on Saturday, but I've been waiting for about 3 groups, and I'll be waiting for about 20 minutes. I ordered the special noodles. There are a lot of ingredients, but for me it's a little salty and I feel that the noodles and soup don't match ... I wonder if I'll come back again.
ときどき on Google

松波ラーメン店にてチャーシュー麺を頂きました。2021年最終営業日の夜の部でした。 お店は世田谷線沿いにあり、ちょっと暗い路地に看板の灯りが情緒があります。切ない話しをするには良さそうで、映画に出て来そうです。 次の日には消えて無くなっても不思議ではありません。 ここから物語が始まり終わりそうな雰囲気。 是非カップルでもしくは親子で、又は愛人と行って欲しいお店です。 只、液晶テレビは場違いでいらない気がします。 トランジスタラジオが似合っています。 さて、チャーシュー麺です。 スープは煮干し系でほっとする味です。 ちょっと薄味かなと思いましたが薬味の揚げニンニク、揚げ玉ねぎを足すといい塩梅になります。入れなくても美味しいと思います。 チャーシューは2種類入っているようです。赤味が掛かった?これは中華料理に出て来るチャーシューのようで噛む度に味が染みだします。それと通常ラーメンに付いて来る油身が入ったチャーシューの2種類です。 麺は丸細麺で、さっぱりしてスープによく合います。麺の喉越しがたまりません。 一緒に瓶ビールを頂きました。 今日は私も仕事納めです。 お疲れ様とごちそうさまでした!
I had char siu noodles at the Matsunami ramen shop. It was the night part of the last business day of 2021. The shop is located along the Setagaya Line, and the light of the signboard has an emotional atmosphere in a slightly dark alley. It looks good to talk about sadness, and it seems to appear in the movie. It's no wonder it disappears the next day. The atmosphere where the story seems to start and end from here. It is a shop that I would like you to go with a couple, a parent and child, or a mistress. However, I feel that LCD TVs are not needed out of place. Transistor radio suits you. By the way, it is char siu noodles. The soup is a dried sardine and has a relaxing taste. I thought it was a little light, but if you add the condiment fried garlic and fried onions, it will be a good salted plum. I think it's delicious even if you don't add it. It seems that there are two types of char siu. Is it reddish? It's like the char siu that comes out in Chinese food, and the taste oozes out every time you chew. There are two types of char siu, which usually comes with ramen and contains oil. The noodles are round and thin noodles, which are refreshing and go well with soup. The noodles are irresistible. I had a bottle of beer together. I have finished my work today. Thank you for your hard work and feast!

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