平禄寿司 仙台泉市名坂店

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 平禄寿司 仙台泉市名坂店

住所 :

Matsumori, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3111 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.heiroku.jp/store/sendai-izumi-ichinazaka/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : Miyagi

Matsumori, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3111 Miyagi,Japan
伏見弥生 on Google

I was worried when I saw the all-you-can-eat reviews, but when I made a reservation, I was able to eat the all-you-can-eat course and the sushi was delicious. I think I want to go again.
teau enba on Google

タッチパネルで注文して、寿司は手渡しされるので、ちょっと忙しないです。(回転レーンでは運ばれて来ません) ネタの味がわからないくらいワサビが多くて、私は苦手です。(途中でリタイヤして、サビ抜きに変更します)
I order on the touch panel and the sushi is handed to me, so I'm not busy. (Not carried in the rotating lane) There are so many wasabi that I don't understand the taste of the ingredients, so I'm not good at it. (Retire on the way and change to rust-free)
きく年筋 on Google

久しぶりで食べました 美味かった 以前より美味かったのはなぜかな? 店員さんの対応も良かった お客さんも多かったような気がしたしやはり美味かったと言っていた 確かに。若い時ほど食べられなかったのが残念。また来ればいいか。
I ate it for the first time in a long time. It was delicious. Why was it better than before? The clerk's response was also good. I felt that there were many customers, and he said it was delicious. It's a pity that I couldn't eat as much as I was young. Should I come again?
ねこちゃんねるこね on Google

Overall, it's delicious, but I always love Tekka Maki and order it, but the color is really bad. I'd like to refrain from ordering for a while, but there is an iron-fired roll in the lunch ... Thank you for your consideration of improvement. ☺️
Whateley (ウェイトリ) on Google

The clerk responded well, and I was able to eat all-you-can-eat delicious sushi.
バブチャン on Google

ランチで食べ放題をよく利用します。 1番安いので1980円(税別)で150円までの皿が食べ放題です。 いつもこのコースで利用してます、充分食べれます。 プラス500円でしゃぶしゃぶ食べ放題もあるようですが、これはまだ利用してませんが、自分は寿司食べ放題で充分です。この食べ放題は仙台ではここの仙台泉市名坂店のみのようです。
I often use all-you-can-eat for lunch. It's the cheapest, so you can eat all-you-can-eat dishes up to 150 yen for 1980 yen (excluding tax). I always use it in this course, I can eat enough. There seems to be an all-you-can-eat shabu-shabu for an additional 500 yen, but I haven't used this yet, but all-you-can-eat sushi is enough for me. This all-you-can-eat seems to be only at the Sendai Izumi City Ichinazaka store here in Sendai.
y mu on Google

旅行で仙台へ… 札幌でとっても美味しかった平六。 仙台にもあるんだとウキウキ来店。 しかし… 食べ放題を頼んだら商品が来ない。来店時間は開店時間11時で、客も自分達を、入れて2組〜3組、何度頼んでも15分以上来ない。 最制限時間10分前に今まで頼んでたものが、どーんと。 12.3皿一気に来て10分前って言われても食べれません。 食べ放題は、利益を確保するためにコントロールしているのか? そんなに、赤字になるほど沢山は頼んでいません。 一緒に行った人と話しながら、美味しいお寿司を食べたかった。ただそれだけです。 制限時間の半分以上が、たった時に「来ないね、来ないね」の話題しか話さなく、最後の10分前に一気に全部来たら、もはや食事ではなく、早食い競争。結局無理矢理詰め込み、気持ち悪くなり退店。 お残しは追加料金を頂きますとの表記。 食べ放題の金額+10分前にオーダーしたものを 一気に出し、「ほれっ食べれないだろ、追加料金払え!」という態度が腹立たしかった。 そんな、意地悪プレイ有り? って感想です。 食べ放題をうまく運営出来ないのならやめてしまえば良いと思います。 仙台のイメージめちゃ悪くなりました。 もう伺うことはないでしょう… 仙台のお土産は、平六さんから頂いた「胃もたれ」でした。 どうも「胃もたれ」ありがとうございました。
Travel to Sendai ... Heiroku was very delicious in Sapporo. I came to the store with excitement that it is also in Sendai. However… If I ask for all-you-can-eat, the product will not come. The opening time is 11 o'clock, and the customers do not come for more than 15 minutes, including themselves, 2 to 3 groups, no matter how many times they ask. What I had been asking for 10 minutes before the maximum time limit was dong. 12.3 I can't eat even if I come to the plate all at once and say 10 minutes ago. Is all-you-can-eat controlled to secure profits? I haven't asked so much that I'm in the red. I wanted to eat delicious sushi while talking to the people I went with. That's it. More than half of the time limit only talks about the topic of "I'm not coming, I'm not coming", and if I come all at once 10 minutes before the last 10 minutes, it's no longer a meal, but a fast-eating competition. After all, I was forced to stuff it, and I felt uncomfortable and left the store. It is stated that there will be an additional charge for the remaining items. All-you-can-eat amount + what you ordered 10 minutes ago I was annoyed by the attitude of "I can't eat it, pay an additional fee!" Is there such a mean play? It is an impression. If you can't manage all-you-can-eat well, I think you should stop. The image of Sendai has become very bad. You won't be asking anymore ... The souvenir from Sendai was the "stomach leaning" given by Mr. Heiroku. Thank you very much for your "stomach leaning".
LEE Sungok on Google


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