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Lee心斎橋店│美容室・美容院Lee(リー) - Hair-lee.com


Contact Lee心斎橋

住所 :

Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0085 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://hair-lee.com/hair_salon/lee-shinsaibashi/
街 : Osaka

Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0085 Osaka,Japan
あらゆち on Google

スタッフみなさん丁寧!気さくな方が多く、失敗が少ないです。最後の仕上げも、いつも手を抜かれることがないです! スタッフさんは年齢若め、ほとんど20代前半。来られてる客層も20代前半〜半ばが大半。 カラーが特に綺麗に仕上がると思います。どちらかといえばいろんな色で楽しむ方が多く来られてる様子。 ただし、混雑している時間に行くと待ち時間が多いです。特に、シャンプー後の髪乾かした後に待つことが多かったり...美容室はどこもそうかもしれませんが、気の良いスタッフさんと気分良く帰るためにも、美容室の流行り時期は避けて行きたいです。 ネイルも併設されてるので、髪の毛を整えてもらってる間に爪も綺麗にすることが可能です!
Staff everyone polite! There are many friendly people and few mistakes. The final finish is always untouched! The staff is young and almost in their early 20s. Most of the customers who can come are from the early 20's to the middle. I think the color is particularly beautiful finish. It seems that there are many people who enjoy it in various colors. However, there are a lot of waiting times when going to crowded time. In particular, I often wait after drying my hair after shampooing ... although the beauty salon may be everywhere, the trend of the beauty salon should be avoided to return well with the nice staff I want to A nail is also attached, so you can clean your nails while you have your hair trimmed!
上田ゆき on Google

The other day I went to the store for the first time, but the stylist I was in charge of listening to the hairstyle and hair color that I wanted to do very carefully, please suggest some styles and trends that suit me The The assistant also explained the technical explanation in an easy-to-understand manner, and the technology was very polite and good! ! The finish is also a very satisfying finish and is well received from friends. Although I was allowed to go for the first time, everyone was very kind from the beginning to the end and I had a really good time. I'm looking forward to the next time. Thank you in advance.
ro hi on Google

初めて行きました! お店の雰囲気やスタッフ間な感じなどすごく 快適でした! 施術もカラーをしてもらったのですが思っている以上の仕上がりになりとても大満足です! 担当の方にしてよかったです! これからも通いたいと思いました! よろしくお願いします!
I went there for the first time! The atmosphere of the shop and the feeling between the staff are very much It was comfortable! The treatment was also colorized, but the finish was more than I expected and I was very satisfied! It was good to be in charge! I wanted to continue going! Thank you!
りか on Google

1年ぐらいこちらに通わせていただいてますが、いつも思い通りの仕上がりにしてくださいます 特に特殊カラーがとても上手でとても満足しています!! 美容師さん達もお話ししやすく、楽しく施術していただいています! またお願いします❤︎
I have been here for about a year, but I always try to make it the way I want Especially special color is very good and very satisfied! ! Beauticians are also easy to talk to and have fun performing! Thank you again.
西原しの on Google

美男美女のスタッフさんばかりですし、皆さんラフに話しかけてくださるのでとても楽しくいつも過ごさせていただいてます! いつもカラーやカットも細かくどうしたいのか聞いてくださいますし、仕上がりもすごく綺麗に仕上げてくださるのでずっと通い続けてます! 奇抜なカラーから茶髪などの一般的なカラーまで全て素敵に仕上げてくださるので是非!
There are only beautiful and beautiful staff, and everyone talks roughly, so I am always having a very good time! He always asks what he wants to do with the colors and cuts, and the finish is so beautiful that he keeps going! Come on to finish everything from unusual colors to common colors such as brown hair!
Melody Wai on Google

友達とホットパパービューティーでカート+パーマ+トメントのセットを予約して、髪をカールしたい、スタッフの態度はよかったのですが、2時間かけても効果がなく、髪はカールせず、ただ洗っただけのようでした。 外国人なので、はっきり言えなかったのかもしれないと思いますが、美容師さんに参考になる写真を見せたり、google翻訳を使ったりしたのですが、まったく効果がありませんでした。 外国人を相手にしている場合は、言うことをきちんと伝える義務がある。もし彼のセットが彼の思うようにならない場合は、セットを変えて、google翻訳に合わせてお客様にあなたの意味を理解してもらうことができる。 我和朋友在Hot papper beauty上预订了カット+パーマ+トリートメント的套餐,希望能把头发弄卷,工作人员态度还可以,但是两个小时的时间,最后一点效果也没有,我的头发一点都没有卷,就跟只是刚刚洗完头一样。 因为是外国人,我想可能是我没有表达清楚,但我有给理发师看了可以参考的照片,也使用了谷歌翻译,结果是一点效果都没有。如果你服务的对象是外国人,你有义务让她清楚你所说的,如果她的套餐无法做成她想要的效果,你可以推荐换套餐,配合谷歌翻译让客人明白你的意思。
I booked a set of cart + perm + toment with my friend at Hot Papa Beauty and wanted to curl my hair. The staff's attitude was good, but it didn't work for 2 hours, my hair didn't curl, I just washed it. It was just like. I'm a foreigner, so I think I couldn't say it clearly, but I showed the beautician a reference photo and used google translate, but it didn't work at all. If you are dealing with a foreigner, you have an obligation to tell what you are saying. If his set doesn't look like him, you can change the set to get your customers to understand what you mean by google translate. Tomo Iwa Hot papper beauty Hot papper beauty Cut + perm + treatment-like troupe, hopeful hair revival, craftsman's stance reduction possible, however, two individual small time periods, last one point effect, one point effect, one point卷, 巟 只 只 刚 刚 刚 头 1 sample. The cause is a foreigner, I can think of it, and it is neat and clean, but I can see it as a reference. Foreigner, 你 佉 义 让 她 楹 楚 你 译 译 译 让 褠 译 译 让 褠 译 译 让 褠 译 译 让
もーも on Google

技術に関しては、普通に茶色く染めて貰っただけなので、特に何も感じませんでした。 カラーの説明は丁寧にしてくださりました。 悪かったなと思うのは トリートメントとクーポンの押しつけが凄いです。 お会計の時に、こちらはお得なクーポンなんですよー!と押し付けられても初めて来たお客さんは買わないと思います。 イヤーキャップが外れても、外れてるのが分かっているのに床に落とされました。つける意味あるんですかね?? 次の予約を取られます。新規だけじゃなくて継続的に次の客を取りたいのは分かりますが、いい美容院ならクーポンなしでも次も予約したいと思いますが、もう行きたいとは思いませんでした
Regarding the technology, I just got it dyed brown, so I didn't feel anything in particular. The explanation of the color was polite. What I think was bad The treatment and the imposition of coupons are amazing. At the time of payment, this is a great coupon! I don't think that customers who come for the first time will not buy it. Even if the ear cap came off, it was dropped on the floor even though I knew it was coming off. Does it make sense to put it on? ?? You can make the next reservation. I understand that I want to get the next customer not only new but also continuously, but if it is a good hairdresser, I would like to make a reservation for the next one without a coupon, but I did not want to go anymore
Sawa N on Google

Found this place on instagram and I’m so happy about the resolut!! So friendly and professional. Highly recommended:)

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