Maruta Clinic - Kawasaki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Maruta Clinic

住所 :

丸田クリニック 3 Chome-4-5 Saginuma, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 216-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 216-0004
Webサイト :

丸田クリニック 3 Chome-4-5 Saginuma, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 216-0004, Japan
65 noby on Google

The teacher was nice with a beautiful clinic.
しつてはしたか on Google

I was saved because I had a medical examination on my day off.
Y. U. on Google

There are differences in medical departments depending on the day of the week. On Wednesday, general internal medicine and allergy internal medicine.
みぃ on Google

日曜日でも診療しているということで行きました。 建物自体は新しく、綺麗でした。診察より先に看護師さんからの問診があり、インフルの疑いがあるので、先に検査室に通されたり事前検査をしてくれたことは評価したいと思います。 説明は丁寧でした。特に不安になるようなことはないですね。
I went there because I was on a Sunday. The building itself was new and beautiful. There is an inquiry from the nurse before the examination, and there is a suspicion of flu, so I would like to evaluate that I was sent to the laboratory first and had a pre-inspection. The explanation was polite. I don't feel particularly anxious.
神崎葵 on Google

夜中に突然お腹が痛くなり下痢が出るようになりました。翌日、発熱もあり、インフルエンザの可能性を考え受診。 正直二度と受診しないと思いました。 診察は、下痢の状態はどうですかと聞かれただけ。下痢の状態は、インフルエンザの下痢ではないので、検査はしないと言われました。また、眼球の様子や口の中は見ない、聴診器も使わない。会話のみで感染性胃腸炎と言われました。話し方も一方的な感じが忘れられません。 代替わりしたのか、改装する前の方がいい病院だと思います。
Suddenly my stomach hurts in the middle of the night, so I got diarrhea. The next day, there was a fever, I thought about the possibility of influenza and I visited him. To be honest I thought that I will not visit again. The examination was only asked how the state of diarrhea is. The condition of diarrhea was not influenza diarrhea, so it was said that we will not test. Also, I do not see the state of the eyeball, the mouth, do not use a stethoscope. It was said that it is infectious gastroenteritis only in conversation. I can not forget the way of speaking one way. I think that it is better to have a substitute or better before refurbishing.
S T on Google

別の方も仰っていますが、ここの医師はコミュニケーション力に欠けている気がします。症状についてほとんど尋ねられず、話そうとしても遮られ、診察は1分弱。 患者に聞こえるところで、大きい声で「あの人が自分で思ってるのと実際は違うんだよ」「お会計して、早くお会計」と言うのが聞こえてきました。 もう行かないと思います。
As another person says, I feel that the doctors here lack communication skills. I was hardly asked about my symptoms, and even if I tried to talk, I was interrupted, and the examination took less than a minute. When the patient heard it, I heard a loud voice saying, "It's actually different from what he thinks himself" and "Pay for it, pay for it quickly." I don't think I'll go anymore.
HD KT on Google

腕は良いかも知れませんが、コミュニケーション力がない先生です。その分を看護師さん達が補っているようなクリニックです。町医者に取って大切なものは、判断力ばかりでは無いはずで、患者さんの話を良く聞いてあげたり、診察を通して安心させることも大切な能力ですが、その点がやや欠けた先生です。基本愛想がよくありません。どなたかが仰っていましたが、風邪症状で訪問しているのに、聴診器を当てない事や喉を見ない事もあります。やはり町医者ならば、きちんと診察し笑顔で応対することも重要な事だと思います。 初診の方は不愛想な事は覚悟した方が良いです。★3.5です。
He may be good at it, but he is a teacher who has no communication skills. It's a clinic where nurses make up for that. Judgment is not the only thing that is important for a town doctor, and it is also important to listen to the patient's story and reassure him through a medical examination, but he lacks that point. Basic amiability is not good. As somebody said, sometimes I'm visiting because of a cold, but I don't use a stethoscope or look at my throat. If you are a town doctor, it is important to have a proper medical examination and respond with a smile. If you are a first-time visitor, you should be prepared for unfriendly things. ★ It is 3.5.
CneAkoT on Google

正如以上一些日语评论所说,医生的交流能力可能没有那么好。但是就我来说,对于病情的把握医生的交流能力是足够了的,还会有护士追加说明,无需担心。必要时医生也会追加内窥镜检查。 搬家后医生也很亲切的写了介绍信以便于之后医生的交接。 评分点: +环境挺好 +应用医生的处方病情有所缓解 +根据病情提供生活建议 -交流一般,在你诉说症状后可能并没有足够的回应,安心感不充足(去了很多诊所,这类问题可能做诊所的医生都有)
As some of the Japanese comments above say, the doctor's communication skills may not be that good. But as far as I am concerned, the doctor's communication ability is enough to grasp the condition, and there will be additional explanations by the nurse, so there is no need to worry. Doctors will also add endoscopy if necessary. After the move, the doctor also kindly wrote a letter of introduction to facilitate the handover of the doctor in the future. Rating points: + good environment +The condition has been relieved by applying the doctor's prescription +Provide life advice according to the condition - Communication is general. After you complain about your symptoms, you may not have enough response, and you may not have enough peace of mind.

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