東京パニーノ アロマフレスカ グランスタ東京

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東京パニーノ アロマフレスカ グランスタ東京

住所 :

Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0005 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.tokyoinfo.com/shop/mall/gransta/tokyo_panino.html
街 : Tokyo

Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0005 Tokyo,Japan
aru gasu on Google

Great for killing time before getting on the Shinkansen. 1 minute to the JR East Shinkansen ticket gate. Prosecco was delicious. Prosciutto is also recommended.
Keita Nakajo on Google

A delicious panini shop that can fill your stomach by the Shinkansen. Wait for the panini to be ready while drinking raw Italian beer Peroni. This time I ate a tripper (beef stomach) boiled tomato panini. It's quite small, and it's a convenience store rice ball 2/3 dark image. The taste is very delicious. I thought it would be better to use rosemary as the herb instead of mint. The clerk's customer service rhythm is also good and light, and it feels like "killing time with a good feeling".
やまだめがね on Google

席について、ほんのちょっとだけ温かいものが食べたい…………という時に丁度いいお店。 パニーノはやわらかく、とても美味しいです。 カフェとして利用するには割高ですがお酒を飲む方には手軽で良さそうです。
As for the seats, it's a good place to eat something that's just a little warm. Panini is soft and very tasty. It is expensive to use as a cafe, but it seems to be easy and good for those who drink alcohol.
Naciel on Google

改札内にあるお店です。8番線と9番線の間の通路の、中央通路と北通路の間辺りにあります。 パニーノのお店ですが、ランチ限定でパスタもあります!とても美味しかったです。イートイン席は高さのある椅子とテーブルになっているので、のんびり過ごすというよりは、電車の乗り換えの合間に利用するのにちょうど良さそうです。
It is a shop inside the ticket gate. It is located between the central and north passages of the passage between lines 8 and 9. It's a Panini shop, but there is also pasta for lunch only! It was very delicious. The eat-in seats are tall chairs and tables, so it seems to be a good place to use between train transfers rather than spending time leisurely.
Kanako on Google

Great for a little drink alone! The attentiveness of the staff and the warm customer service also ooze. A set of Prosecco and 3 kinds of snacks for 1200 yen will blow away the tiredness of the day.
Hikaru S. on Google

ワインと一品みたいな利用の方がお得そうでしたが、小腹空いたのでカフェ利用してみました。パンやわらかくて美味しかったです。アメリカーノはさっぱりした味で飲みやすくパニーノとの相性もよかったです。 お酒飲みたいときにまた利用します。
It seemed to be more profitable to use it like a dish with wine, but I was hungry so I tried using the cafe. The bread was soft and delicious. Americano has a refreshing taste, is easy to drink, and goes well with panini. I will use it again when I want to drink.
Kurukuru Oyatsu on Google

パスタ類のホットドックみたいな料理を頂きました。想像してたより小さめでした。美味しいイタリアンを手軽に楽しめる点はいいのですが、満腹にしようと思うと2000円は軽く超えそう。 目立たない場所でお客さんが少なめ。イートインもできます。1月上旬はアルコールもありました。平日16時ころの訪問でしたが、店内はお客が2名だけで閑散としてました。穴場かも。東北新幹線北のりかえ口正面奥にあります。
I had a dish like a hot dog of pasta. It was smaller than I had imagined. It's nice that you can easily enjoy delicious Italian food, but if you want to get full, it will easily exceed 2000 yen. There are few customers in an inconspicuous place. You can also eat in. There was also alcohol in early January. The visit was around 16:00 on weekdays, but the store was quiet with only two customers. It may be a little-known spot. It is located in front of the north transfer gate of the Tohoku Shinkansen.
William Kuan on Google

Caffe latte made me nauseous all day, the milk was suspicious. Staff was really friendly though, two stars for them.

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