Manten-no Yu - Kurashiki

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Manten-no Yu

住所 :

981-1 Tamashima Tsumasaki, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0252, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 710-0252
Webサイト :

981-1 Tamashima Tsumasaki, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0252, Japan
ミニーマウス on Google

アルカリ美肌塩温泉なので、毎日入るとお肌がツルツルのスベスベになっちゃいます♡ 泉質のカルシウムとナトリウム含有量は、 西日本随一を誇っているんですって♪ 無色透明の天然美肌温泉で、 2016年に日帰り温泉ランキングで 第2位になった事があるんだそうですよ♡ これは、入浴しない手はないですよね? 山陽本線沿いの岡山駅近辺にあり、 新幹線こだまの停車駅である新倉敷駅前 周辺にある温泉施設で徒歩12分程度です。 新倉敷駅の南口から真っ直ぐ直線的で、 迷う要素がないから安心ですよ♪ 更にバイパス沿いに面している為、 新幹線や電車や自動車のどれかにせよ、 非常にアクセスしやすいのが魅力的♡ 複合商業施設が併設されている ショピングモールで、 店内にはマルナカ新倉敷店、 洋服屋、薬屋、化粧品、眼鏡屋、 靴屋、宝石店、本屋、Softbank、 100円ショップのダイソー、GEO、 ゲームセンター、マクドナルド、 ケンタッキーがあります。 マルナカ周辺の駐車場内には 倉式珈琲館、ラーメン店があり、 昨年春から24時間スポーツジムの レシオボディデザインが 満天の湯と提携しました♡♡♡ 買い物帰りにでも入浴しやすく、 駐車場が広々していて 土日祝はかなり混み合いますが、 駐車出来ない程ではないと思います。 レンタルタオルもありますが、 基本的にタオルを持参する人達が 圧倒的に多いです。 ちなみに、満天の湯は一般950円で、 会費無料のポイント会員は750円で、 (アプリ会員やJAF会員も750円です) 回数券11枚綴りだと7500円しますが、 1回あたりの計算だと682円になります。 ポイント会員になると毎回200円引きで、 お誕生月だけは1回だけ無料ですよ♪ ポイントが10個→ジュース1杯無料 ポイントが20個→入浴食事200円引き ポイントが30個→入浴無料招待券 滅多に来ないんだから貯まる訳が⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅。 いつもポイントアップキャンペーンを していて、通常よりポイント獲得量が 増えるイベントが毎日必ずありますよ♡ 毎回、回数券を購入するたびに いつも入浴無料招待券が貰えますが、 だいたい7月か12月のボーナス時期は 通常より1~2枚多く貰える傾向が♡ また、回数券を利用してお食事をする 事も可能なので有効期限を確認してね♡ とにかく満天カレンダーを 毎月、毎日、必ず要チェックですね♪ 満天の湯の施設内には大浴場の他に ジャグジー2種類、ジェットバス、 打たせ湯、水風呂、露天風呂、 遠赤外線サウナ、スチームサウナ があります。 露天風呂は岩風呂なんですよ~♪♪♪ 一般的適応症としては、 神経痛、筋肉痛、関節痛、五十肩、 運動麻痺、関節のこわばり、打ち身、 挫き、慢性消化器病、痔疾、冷え症、 病後回復期、疲労回復、健康増進 療養泉質による適応症としては、 痛風、動脈硬化症、高血圧症、 慢性胆嚢炎、胆石症、慢性皮膚病、 慢性婦人病、切り傷、火傷、虚弱児童 の効果がありますよ♪ お風呂の温度がちょうど良いので、 長湯しやすく、保温効果が高いから 身体がポカポカして心身共にリラックス する事が出来ますよ♡ ただ、他の人達の口コミを読むと、 冷え症の女性にとっては、大浴場や 脱衣所やお風呂やサウナなど全体的 に温度が低く感じられるそうですよ。 また、泉質は柔らかくて最高なんですが、 怪我をしていたり、敏感肌や日焼け肌とか 西日本随一の塩分量を誇っているので、 温泉が肌に合わない人達が存在するのも 残念ながら事実ですね。 脱衣所のドライヤー周りに、 櫛が置いてないので自前で願います。 どうやら盗難防止対策みたいですね。 オムツ台は脱衣所に設置してますが、 何故かベビーバスは置いてないので 充分に気を付けて下さいませ。 休憩室がないので横になってくつろぐ のが難しくて長居しずらいんですが、 併設されたレストランには畳部屋がある ので何とかなりそうな気がします。 でも、誰か異性と待ち合わせていたりと 食事をする気が全然ない場合は、 出入り口付近にあるソファーのみです。 (最近、ソファーが増えたので安心♡) コロナ禍になってお客様が減ったので、 フロント周りに食料品売り場があり、 お食事面でも新メニューを増やして 強化している様ですね♪ でも、特に注意して頂きたい事があり、 緊急事態宣言やまん延防止措置が発動 すると夜のディナーが中止になります。 くれぐれも忘れない様に気を付けて! 満天ホームページを要チェック♡ 以前のコロナ禍になる前であれば、 下駄箱とロッカーの鍵を交換してました。 現在ではコロナ対策として、 マスク着用 アルコール手洗い フロントでの体温測定 下駄箱の鍵は個人で所持しておく!! (鍵を無くしたら1000円ですよ!) 使用済みロッカーは除菌しています♡ 洗い場は密接回避で少なめになってます 短縮営業になる確率がすごく高い!!! 日本全国のどこかで (緊急事態宣言)や(まん延防止等重点措置) が発動されると短縮営業になります。 遠赤外線サウナはやたら狭くて混雑します。 3密❰密閉・密集・密接❱の三大要素の 条件が全て簡単に揃ってしまいます。 コロナを回避する意味でも、御自身で 利用すべきかどうか判断して下さいね。 客層は常連客が多く、さすがにマナー はあまり良いとは言えないですね(笑) (サウナ内は特に傾向が強いんですよね) もしサウナを御利用したのであれば、 御自身で責任を持って判断した訳ですから、 あまり文句を言わないで頂きたいですね。 満天の湯は、もともと 毎月第2火曜日のみ定休日 だったんですが、コロナ禍になって 毎週火曜日が定休日 になってしまいました。 (年度末の12月と1月は除きます) 以前は夜11時半まで営業していました。 コロナ禍になってからは、 通常営業だと夜10時で閉店、 短縮営業だと夜9時で閉店です。 コロナ対策を実施していますので、 御理解、御協力の程、 何卒よろしくお願い致します。 短縮営業で営業時間が変更した場合は、 貼り紙の作成が毎回やたらと遅くて、 毎週火曜日の定休日に貼り紙を貼るのは 全然珍しい事ではありません(笑) いつも毎回毎回不思議に思うんですが、 何故そろそろ準備しておこうかな?と 思わないんでしょうね??????? ですが、こんなコロナ禍であっても 頑張って営業して頂いてるだけで感謝 ですし、何よりも閉店30分前までなら 大丈夫なのが、ものすごく嬉しい♡♡♡ 遠赤外線サウナは何だかいつも臭いし、 全体的に掃除やメンテナンスや管理が 全然行き届いてない様に感じるので、 〖ハッキリ言って汚ないです!!!〗 そういえば、満天の湯も築23年が経ち、 だいぶ老朽化が目立ってきました。 他の口コミでの浴室の床がヌメヌメの件 もしくは、フロント周りの床の汚れの件 ですが、新築当時から利用しているけど イマイチ理解に苦しむので、全くもって そこら辺の状況は全然分かりかねます。 と言う訳で、残念ではありますが 星4つの評価とさせて頂きますね。 ここまで長々と最後まで読んで頂き、 本当にありがとうございました。 そんな素敵なあなたにプレゼント♡ 昨年春に24時間スポーツジムと提携 した❰レシオボディデザイン新倉敷店❱ の口コミも是非ご覧になって頂けると 満天の湯のめちゃくちゃお得な情報が 入手出来るかもしれませんよ♪ えっ!?○○○円???冗談でしょ? ま、まさか満天の湯の入浴料が、 毎日毎日ず~~~っと○○○円??? お値段は一体いくら何でしょうね? 思わず二度見しちゃうかも?(笑) 楽しみにしていてね~♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ (ごく一部、情報が重複しております)
Alkaline skin salt hot spring, so if you enter every day, your skin will become smooth and smooth ♡ The calcium and sodium content of the spring quality is I'm proud of being the best in western Japan ♪ A colorless and transparent natural skin-beautifying hot spring In 2016 one-day hot spring ranking It seems that he has been in second place ♡ Isn't this a hand that doesn't take a bath? Located near Okayama Station along the Sanyo Main Line, In front of Shin-Kurashiki Station, which is the stop for Kodama on the Shinkansen It is about a 12-minute walk from the nearby hot spring facilities. Straight from the south exit of Shin-Kurashiki station, It's safe because there are no elements to get lost ♪ Furthermore, because it faces along the bypass, Whether it's the Shinkansen, the train, or the car, Very easy to access is attractive ♡ There is a commercial complex At the shopping mall Inside the store is Marunaka Shin-Kurashiki store, Clothes shop, drug shop, cosmetics, eyeglass shop, Shoe store, jewelry store, bookstore, Softbank, 100-yen shop Daiso, GEO, Game Center, McDonald's, There is Kentucky. In the parking lot around Marunaka There is a Kura-style coffee shop and a ramen shop, 24 hours sports gym from last spring Ratio body design Partnered with Manten no Yu ♡♡♡ Easy to take a bath even on the way home from shopping The parking lot is spacious Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are quite crowded, I don't think it's too much to park. Rental towels are also available, Basically people who bring towels It is overwhelmingly many. By the way, Manten-no-Yu is generally 950 yen, Point members with no membership fee are 750 yen, (App members and JAF members are also 750 yen) If you spell 11 coupon tickets, it costs 7500 yen, but It will be 682 yen if it is calculated once. Every time you become a point member, you get a 200 yen discount. It's free only once in the month of birth ♪ 10 points → 1 glass of juice free 20 points → 200 yen discount for bathing meals 30 points → Free bathing invitation ticket Because it rarely comes, the reason why it is accumulated is ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅. Always have a point-up campaign And the amount of points earned is higher than usual There will always be more events every day ♡ Every time I buy a coupon ticket You can always get a free bathing invitation ticket, About the bonus period in July or December I tend to get one or two more than usual ♡ Also, use the coupon ticket to eat It is possible, so please check the expiration date ♡ Anyway, a full sky calendar Be sure to check it every month and every day ♪ In addition to the large communal bath, there is a large communal bath in the Manten no Yu facility. Two types of jacuzzi, whirlpool, Hitase hot water, cold bath, open-air bath, Far infrared sauna, steam sauna there is. The open-air bath is a rock bath ~ ♪♪♪ As a general indication, Neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, frozen shoulder, Motor paralysis, joint stiffness, bruise, Sprain, chronic gastrointestinal illness, hemorrhoids, poor circulation, Post-illness recovery period, fatigue recovery, health promotion As an indication depending on the quality of the recuperation spring, Gout, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, Chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, chronic skin disease, Chronic gynecological illness, cuts, burns, frail children There is an effect of ♪ The temperature of the bath is just right, so Because it is easy to take a long bath and has a high heat retention effect Your body feels warm and you can relax both physically and mentally. You can do it ♡ However, when I read the reviews of other people, For women with poor circulation, a large communal bath Overall, such as dressing rooms, baths and saunas It seems that the temperature is low. Also, the quality of the spring is soft and the best, Injured, sensitive skin or sunburned skin It boasts the highest amount of salt in western Japan, so There are people who don't like hot springs Unfortunately it is a fact. Around the hair dryer in the dressing room, I don't have a comb, so please do it yourself. It looks like anti-theft measures. The diaper stand is installed in the dressing room, I don't have a baby bath for some reason Please be careful enough. There is no break room so you can lie down and relax It's difficult to stay long, but There is a tatami room in the attached restaurant So I think it's quite like that. But somebody is meeting with the opposite sex If you have no intention of eating, Only the sofa near the doorway. (Recently, the number of sofas has increased, so I'm relieved ♡) Since the number of customers has decreased due to the corona disaster, There is a grocery store around the front desk In terms of meals, we will increase the number of new menus. It seems to be strengthening ♪ However, there is something I would like you to pay particular attention to. State of emergency and measures to prevent spread are activated Then the evening dinner will be canceled. Be careful not to forget it! Check out the Manten homepage ♡ If it wasn't before the corona wreck I exchanged the key for the shoe box and the locker. Currently, as a measure against corona Wearing a mask Alcohol hand wash Body temperature measurement at the front desk Keep the key to the shoe box personally! !! (If you lose the key, it will be 1000 yen!) Used lockers are sterilized ♡ Washing area is less due to close avoidance The probability of shortened sales is very high! !! !! Somewhere in Japan (State of emergency) and (Priority measures such as prevention of spread) Will be shortened when is activated. The far-infrared sauna is rather small and crowded. 3 dense ❰ sealed, dense, close ❱ of the three major elements All the conditions are easily met. In the sense of avoiding the corona, by yourself Please decide whether to use it. There are many regular customers in the customer base, and it is true that manners Is not very good (laughs) (The tendency is especially strong in the sauna, isn't it?) If you used the sauna, Because I made the decision on my own responsibility I hope you don't complain too much. Manten no Yu was originally Closed only on the second Tuesday of every month It was, but it became a corona disaster Closed every Tuesday It has become. (Excluding December and January at the end of the year) It used to be open until 11:30 pm. After becoming a corona wreck If it is normal business, it will close at 10 pm, If it is a shortened business, it will close at 9 pm. We are implementing measures against corona, so Understanding, cooperation, Thank you for your cooperation. If the business hours are changed due to shortened sales, The making of the sticker is very slow every time, Putting a sticker on a regular holiday every Tuesday It's not unusual at all (laughs) I'm always wondering every time, Why should I prepare now? When Don't you think? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? However, even with such a corona disaster Thank you for your hard work But above all, if it's up to 30 minutes before the store closes I'm really happy that it's okay ♡♡♡ The far-infrared sauna always smells, Overall cleaning, maintenance and management I feel like it's not perfect at all, so 〖It's not dirty to say clearly! !! !! 〗 By the way, Manten no Yu is 23 years old. The aging has become noticeable. The bathroom floor is slimy in other reviews Or, the matter of dirt on the floor around the front However, I have been using it since it was newly built I have a hard time understanding it, so I have it at all I don't know the situation around here at all. So, unfortunately It will be rated as 4 stars. Please read this far to the end I'm really thankful to you. A gift for such a wonderful you ♡ Partnered with a 24-hour sports gym last spring ❰ Ratio body design Shin Kurashiki store ❱ Please take a look at the reviews of Insanely good deals on Manten no Yu You may be able to get it ♪ eh! ?? ○○○ yen? ?? ?? you're kidding? No way, the bathing fee for Manten no Yu is Every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day, every day. ?? ?? How much is the price? Maybe you'll see it twice involuntarily? (Lol) Please look forward to it ~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ (Some information is duplicated)
虎命生涯 on Google

18日からコロナ拡大防止で22時閉店21時受付終了 本来は今日までは22時までなら受付しとるはずなのに22時前に来たら既に受付終了。 ホームページに書いとることと違うのは何で? 外から見る限り中は真っ暗で客が出てくる。 何も無しに勝手に受付時間内に終了はおえんじゃろ。 追記 2022 1.18 今日から営業時間変更と書いてありましたが今日休館日でした。 なんで休みの日から書いたんでしょうね。 よく分かりません。
From the 18th, the store will close at 22:00 to prevent corona expansion and the reception will end at 21:00. Originally, it should be accepted until 22:00 until today, but if it comes before 22:00, the acceptance has already ended. What is different from writing on the homepage? As far as I can see from the outside, the inside is pitch black and customers come out. It's okay to finish within the reception time without permission. Addendum 2022 1.18 It was written that the business hours will change from today, but it was closed today. Why did you write it from the day off? I'm not sure.
まる on Google

I'm sorry I couldn't figure out the closing time, but when I was in the sauna, a female capacity came and said, "It's past the closing time." I'm sorry I hurriedly tried to sweat in the shower, but the staff-only door was left open and I could see the male staff. I don't know if I could see my nakedness, but it was clearly visible. There was no announcement of closure, the bathroom clock was smoked and invisible, and the sauna clock was stopped. I didn't notice that I was left, and I was in the process of tightening, so I think the door was left open, but I wanted at least to check if there were any customers left ...
Toshicat on Google

The facility is not bad, but there are some places in the washroom that are called corona countermeasures and cannot be used, which has caused a waiting line in the washroom. If you want to do that, I think you should attach an acrylic board to the bathtub (laughs). Speaking of corona countermeasures, it may be unavoidable nowadays because everything goes through. Ah, it's stupid.
129 Okb on Google

近くに行ったので利用しました! 温泉自体、頻繁に行くわけではないので完全素人目線での感想です。 値段 900円 少し高めな印象。 商業施設にあり、便利は良いので総合的に見ると値段相応といった感想です! 施設 老朽化が目立ちますが、サウナや滝湯、ジャグジーのようなものや露天風呂もついています! 900円という値段で考えれば十分満足のいく設備だと思います。 ※塩分の入った天然温泉です。 駐車場 マルナカの敷地内に入っており、かなり広い駐車場です。 日中は車も多いですが、駐車できないということはなさそうな印象です。 新倉敷で温泉を探している方は、一度立ち寄ってみても良い施設だと思います!
I used it because I went nearby! I don't go to the hot springs often, so it's an impression from a complete amateur's point of view. price 900 yen Impression that is a little high. It's in a commercial facility, and it's convenient, so when you look at it comprehensively, it's worth the price! Facility It's aging, but it also has a sauna, a waterfall, something like a jacuzzi, and an open-air bath! Considering the price of 900 yen, I think it is a sufficiently satisfying facility. * It is a natural hot spring with salt. Parking Lot It is located on the grounds of Marunaka and is a fairly large parking lot. There are many cars during the day, but it seems unlikely that you will not be able to park. If you are looking for a hot spring in Shin-Kurashiki, you may want to stop by!
KAZU LMGS on Google

家族と行きました。 立地の割に安くて良いですね。 好みの湯ではないが、そこは仕方がないかと。 温まる湯ではあります。 温泉全般ですが、ベタつくので、冬の方が良い。 低評価される程ではありません。 むしろ、身近でアクセスが良いのは魅力的ではないかと。
I went with my family. It's good that it's cheap for the location. It's not my favorite hot water, but I wonder if there is no help for it. It is warm water. Although it is a hot spring in general, it is sticky, so it is better in winter. Not enough to be underestimated. Rather, it is attractive to be familiar and easily accessible.
toshiki on Google

A parent-child set costs 1,100 yen. The price is reasonable. Bathrooms include indoor baths, dry saunas (about 80 ° C?), Steam saunas (about 45 ° C?), Water baths (a little less than 20 ° C?), Hitase hot water, and open-air baths. However, I entered a dense sauna for the first time in a long time. Perhaps there are many locals, even if the capacity is over, it is completely dense, sitting on the floor or standing. Is it one factor that the temperature of the sauna is low and you stay longer? Hot water has a lot of salt. Cospa is good, but I want you to put more effort into infectious disease control and raise the temperature of the sauna.
Judy OBrien on Google

Local public bath attached to the Tamashima Marunaka mall. There is a good range of baths, a dry and steam sauna as well as an outdoor bath. Hair dryers are available for free in the changing room or you can pay to use a Dyson hair dryer. The restaurant is currently closed and the bath closes at 9pm with the last entry at 8.30pm at the moment.

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