Daikazoku no Yu - Okayama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Daikazoku no Yu

住所 :

197-1 Kume, Kita Ward, Okayama, 701-0144, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 701-0144
Webサイト : http://okayama-daikazokunoyu.com/

197-1 Kume, Kita Ward, Okayama, 701-0144, Japan
豚まんトマト on Google

豊富な種類のお湯で飽きることなく通っています。露天風呂も2ヶ所あり両方にテレビがついており、サウナも2ヶ所あり片方にはテレビがついているのでテレビを鑑賞しながらの入浴も可能です。 また、コロナ禍ということもあり、午前中に行くとあまりまだ人がいないのでおすすめです。
I go there without getting tired of the wide variety of hot water. There are 2 open-air baths, both of which have TVs, and 2 saunas, one of which has a TV so you can take a bath while watching TV. Also, because it is a corona disaster, it is recommended to go in the morning because there are not many people yet.
チョキ on Google

スーパー銭湯♨️ だけど、種類と規模は上位にランクイン! いろんなお風呂があります。 もちろん、温度もかえている。 露天風呂も最高。壺風呂もいいわー。 サウナはアチアチの3段。 水風呂は15度くらいかな…?? 気持ちいいわー。?? なんか子どもが多い。あれ?プール 温水プールがあるのね? ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♂️ 食事所もありましたが、今日はパス。 外に屋台やバンドコンサートもしてました。 840円だったよー。?
Super public bath ♨️ However, the type and scale are ranked high! There are various baths. Of course, the temperature is also changing. The open-air bath is also the best. The pot bath is also good. The sauna has 3 levels of Achiachi. The water bath is about 15 degrees ... ?? It feels good. ?? There are many children. that? Pool Is there a heated pool? ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♂️ There was a restaurant, but today I passed. We also had food stalls and band concerts outside. It was 840 yen. ?
めしげ on Google

一般820円 たくさんの種類のお風呂ありますが長居前提なのか全てぬるい。サウナは塩とドライがありドライ80度と低め。 この日は人いっぱいでしたがドライヤー台数も多く待たずに利用できた。駐車場にシャトレーゼがあり帰りに好物のアイス買いました。
General 820 yen There are many types of baths, but they are all lukewarm, probably because they are supposed to stay longer. There are salt and dry in the sauna, and the dry temperature is as low as 80 degrees. It was full of people on that day, but there were many dryers and I could use it without waiting. There was Chateraise in the parking lot and I bought my favorite ice cream on my way home.
Takayuki Akagi on Google

露天風呂、サウナ、備え付けのシャンプー等使用しない条件で大衆浴場利用券430円でした。体を洗うときは必ずシャンプー等が置かれていないブースがあるのでそちらを使うようにしないと通常料金を払うことになります。 私はサウナをもともと利用しないので関係なし、露天風呂が使えないのが残念ですが、内風呂にも源泉風呂があるので良かったです。 町中の温泉施設なので無理して露天風呂に行く必要も感じません。 風呂上りはジュースもいいですがアイスのほうが安かったのでこちらをいただきました。130円。
The public bath ticket was 430 yen under the condition that the open-air bath, sauna, shampoo, etc. were not used. Whenever you wash your body, there is a booth where shampoo etc. are not placed, so if you do not use that, you will have to pay the normal fee. It's a pity that I can't use the open-air bath because I don't use the sauna originally, but I'm glad that the indoor bath also has a source bath. It's a hot spring facility in the town, so I don't feel the need to go to the open-air bath forcibly. Juice is good after taking a bath, but ice cream was cheaper, so I got this. 130 yen.
22 on Google

岡山市内の日帰り温泉ならほのかの湯と並ぶくらいいい温泉です! 温泉の数も多く、露天も二つあり、季節ごとに色んなお風呂があるので、とても楽しめます! サウナも高温サウナと低温サウナ(ロウリュウ)があり、サウナの苦手な方も楽しめます! 水風呂16-17度くらいで四人くらいは入れます!ととのいイスも複数あり、露天も広いのでしっかりととのえます! 設備はジムもプールもあるので、温泉以外もとても楽しめます! お風呂上がりはアイスも種類豊富で、何より瓶のコーラがあるのが嬉しいです? 今後とも沢山利用させて頂きたいです!
A day trip hot spring in Okayama city is as good as a faint hot spring! There are many hot springs, there are two open-air baths, and there are various baths depending on the season, so you can enjoy it very much! There are also high-temperature saunas and low-temperature saunas (Rouryu), so even those who are not good at saunas can enjoy it! A water bath of 16-17 degrees can accommodate about 4 people! There are several chairs, and the open air is wide, so you can take it firmly! The facilities include a gym and a pool, so you can enjoy other than hot springs! There is a wide variety of ice cream after the bath, and above all, I'm glad that there is a bottle of cola ? I would like to continue using it in the future!
curan Chie on Google

楽しみにしていた、外の露天風呂は、調整中で入れず。 様々なお風呂は、あって、楽しかったけど、洗い場の場所は、お湯が出っぱなしになってたり、使用禁止の場所もあり、補修が必要な箇所が目立つ。(女子風呂) お風呂の大きさと比べて、入浴後の休憩スペース(畳みや椅子)は、狭く、横になられてる方が多く、なかなか場所も空かない。2〜3歳位の子供が、走り回ってるが、親は湯あたりされてるのか、横になられてたり、テレビや携帯見てたりで、一向に注意される気配無し。 ジャズの人形(模型)が置かれてるが、誰も気にかけて見る人が居ない。
The open-air bath outside, which I was looking forward to, was being adjusted and could not be entered. There were various baths and it was fun, but there are places where hot water is left out and there are places where use is prohibited, so there are conspicuous places that need repair. (Women's bath) Compared to the size of the bath, the rest space (tatami mats and chairs) after bathing is small, and many people lie down, so it is difficult to make space. A child of about 2 to 3 years old is running around, but there is no sign that his parents are being warned at all because he is lying down, watching TV or mobile phone. There is a jazz doll (model), but no one cares about it.
Chaiya Situ on Google

Huge variety of indoor and outdoor pools, decent price, good restaurant. Lots of resting areas. A must try if you are in the area.
Andrea Miyata on Google

A nice spa. Has a great variety of baths including two saunas, an indoor pool (20m x 1.0m deep), fitness room, massage services, a cafe, and more. Great for families, large groups.

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