Mammy Mate - Nagoya

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mammy Mate

住所 :

ライオンズマンション栄 1014号 3 Chome-12-6 Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 460-0008
Webサイト :

ライオンズマンション栄 1014号 3 Chome-12-6 Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan
富田桂子 on Google

兄弟で一時お預け利用させていただきました。 先生方がすごく感じのよい方ばかりで親切で明るくて安心して預けることができました♪ 二人とも楽しかったみたいでまた行きたいと言ってます♪ 忘れ物をしてしまって名前書いていなかったのにすぐにお電話くださり本当に助かりました。 ありがとうございました!
I used it as a temporary deposit with my brothers. All the teachers were very nice and kind, cheerful and I was able to leave it with confidence ♪ They both seemed to have fun and want to go again ♪ Even though I had forgotten something and didn't write my name, it was really helpful to call me immediately. thank you!
近藤夏美 on Google

初めての利用です。念のため用意されているオムツのサイズを伺う電話をして、予約してから預けました。ランチや買い物の3時間の利用です。子ども楽しかった、もっとあそびたい!と帰り際に話していました。私が預けた日は子どもが多く、先生方も忙しそうでした。 そんな中、たくさん遊んでいて喉が乾いていそうだから、と給食とは別に念のため、と持ち込みしたフルーツを食べさせてくれていて、ちゃんと目配りしてくれているんだなと嬉しくなりました。
This is my first time using it. I called to ask about the size of the diapers prepared just in case, made a reservation, and then deposited it. It is used for 3 hours for lunch and shopping. Children had fun, I want to play more! I was talking on my way home. There were many children on the day I left, and the teachers seemed to be busy. Meanwhile, I was happy that he was feeding me the fruit I brought in, just in case I was playing a lot and my throat seemed to be dry, and that he was keeping an eye on me. ..
豊田明美 on Google

初めて利用させて頂きました! 予約なしの本当に飛込みでお願いしましたが、快く預かって頂きました(*^^*) 娘も初めはギャン泣きだったみたいですが、お迎えに行った時は笑顔で、帰りの車でも『お兄ちゃんと遊んだ』『バイバイした』『◯◯した』と凄くお喋りで、『あ~楽しかったんだなぁ♪良かったなぁ♪』と預かって貰って本当に良かったです(*^^*) 料金もお安くて利用しやすいのに、本当に良い先生方ばかりで、預ける親としても本当に良かったです(*^^*)
I used it for the first time! I really asked for a dive without a reservation, but I was happy to keep it (* ^^ *) My daughter seemed to be crying at first, but when she picked her up, she smiled, and even in the car on her way home, she said "I played with my brother", "Bye-bye", and "I did ◯◯". It was really good to have you take care of me ♪ I'm glad ♪ ”(* ^^ *) Although the fee is cheap and easy to use, all the teachers are really good, and it was really good as a parent to leave (* ^^ *)
あお on Google

クチコミの詳細を確認せず、星の数だけ見て予約したらクチコミの9割がサクラで震えました(笑) しかしながら予約してしまった以上、とりあえず預けてみて子供から聞こうと思っていました。 まず受付していただいた方もすごく親切な方で一安心。後追いがひどくて…とお話すると、そうだよねそんな時期だよね、と寄り添ったお言葉をいただけてまた安心。 その日は初めての利用で二人を8時間ほど預けたのですが、お迎えに行くと上の子は帰りたくないと半泣きで、楽しかったのが伝わってきました。 お迎えに行った際に出てきてくださった先生もすごく明るい"母ちゃん"的な方で、上の子も懐いていました。 下の子は後追い真っ盛りなのでずっと泣き通しだったみたいですが、かなり抱っこしていただいていたみたいで本当に感謝しかありません。 もう少しどのように過ごしていたか、や、お写真があると嬉しいので☆4ですが、心配していたようなことはありませんでしたので、また利用させていただきたいと思います! すごくよかったのでサクラのクチコミがない方が不信感がなくて良いと思います(笑)
If I made a reservation by looking at the number of stars without checking the details of the word-of-mouth, 90% of the word-of-mouth trembled in Sakura (laughs) However, since I made a reservation, I was thinking of leaving it for the time being and listening to it from my child. First of all, the person who accepted is also a very kind person and I feel relieved. When I talked about the fact that the follow-up was terrible, I was relieved to hear the words that were close to me, saying that it was such a time. On that day, I left them for about 8 hours for the first time, but when I picked them up, my older child was half crying because he didn't want to go home, and I was told that it was fun. The teacher who came out when I picked him up was also a very cheerful "mother", and I missed my older child. The younger child seems to have been crying all the time because he is in full swing, but he seems to have been hugging me so much that I am really grateful. I'm happy to have a photo of how I spent a little more, so I'm ☆ 4, but I wasn't worried about it, so I'd like to use it again! It was so good that I don't have to be distrustful if there is no Sakura review (laughs).
まろしえる on Google

You can leave it with great peace of mind every time. Even though there are children of all ages, there is also a dedicated Kuhan booth for 0-year-olds, so you can rest assured even if you can't speak the language. They also look at diapers and milk as needed, so you can spend your time at home without rushing. It also keeps a stroller and a carrying strap, so it's easy to go home without having to carry it as luggage. I would like to use it again!
藤村夏菜子 on Google

初めて一時預かりを利用しました。 私自身が不安いっぱいでしたが、最初の受付で先生がテキパキ説明してくださりつつ、子どもたちにはこまめに声かけしてらっしゃるのを見て、覚悟が決まりました。 それから用事を済ませて、お迎えに行きました。 その日の様子をお聞きしながら、ごはんやトイレのことなども様子とともに書き込んだメモをいただいて、楽しく過ごせていたのがわかり安心しました。このメモは初めての一時預かり記念の宝物です! 息子にとっても、私の用事に付き合わされて、ベビーカーや抱っこでしばられて不自由で退屈な時間を過ごすより、先生方のおかげで楽しく有意義に過ごせたのではないかと思えました。 その他良かった所は、 ・1時間区切りで、預けた時間だけ、クレジットカード払い出来るのはとてもありがたかったです。 ・お昼ごはんもお願いしていて、エプロンや飲み物なども一応持って行ってはいましたが、預けなくても大丈夫で、かといって洋服を汚したりもしてなかったので本当に手ブラでもいいという所です。 ・抱っこひもやベビーカーも預かってもらえるので、子どもを預けた後も身軽になる所 お願いして本当に良かったです。
I used temporary custody for the first time. I was full of anxiety, but when I saw the teacher explaining to me at the first reception and talking to the children diligently, I was determined. Then I finished my business and went to pick him up. While listening to the situation of the day, I was relieved to know that I was having a good time by receiving a memo that I wrote down along with the situation such as rice and toilet. This memo is the first treasure to commemorate the temporary custody! For my son, it seemed that the teachers made it more enjoyable and meaningful than spending a boring time with a stroller or a hug while hanging out with my errands. Other good points are ・ I was very grateful that I could pay by credit card only for the time I deposited, with one hour interval. ・ I asked for lunch, and I brought an apron and drinks with me, but it's okay if I don't leave it, but I didn't stain my clothes, so it's really okay to use a handbra. is. ・ A place where you can take care of your child's thong and stroller, so it will be lighter even after you leave your child. It was really good to ask.
林加奈子 on Google

初めての利用です。念のため用意されているオムツのサイズを伺う電話をして、予約してから預けました。ランチや買い物の3時間の利用です。子ども楽しかった、もっとあそびたい!と帰り際に話していました。私が預けた日は子どもが多く、先生方も忙しそうでした。 そんな中、たくさん遊んでいて喉が乾いていそうだから、と給食とは別に念のため、と持ち込みしたフルーツを食べさせてくれていて、ちゃんと目配りしてくれているんだなと嬉しくなりました。 部屋が広くてたくさんのおもちゃがあります。 良心的な価格は本当にありがたいです。つかの間ママを休んで、独身の頃のウキウキする気持ちに戻れました。近くの路地にお洒落なお店がたくさんあるし、飲食店も多いので育児で煮詰まった時にひと息つける、ステキな施設です。
This is my first time using it. I called to ask about the size of the diapers prepared just in case, made a reservation, and then deposited it. It is used for 3 hours for lunch and shopping. Children had fun, I want to play more! I was talking on my way home. There were many children on the day I left, and the teachers seemed to be busy. Meanwhile, I was happy that he was feeding me the fruit I brought in, just in case I was playing a lot and my throat seemed to be dry, and that he was keeping an eye on me. .. The room is large and there are many toys. A reasonable price is really appreciated. I took a break from my mom for a while and returned to the excitement I had when I was single. There are many fashionable shops in the nearby alleys, and there are many restaurants, so it is a wonderful facility where you can take a break when you are boiled down by childcare.
m m on Google

3回預けていますが、安心して預けられます。 先生達も優しく元気のある方達です!ミルクをどれだけ飲んだかと寝た時間も記録してくれてました! また何回か予約したので宜しくお願いします! サクラがなぜか多いですが、私はサクラではありませんのでご安心くださいww
I have deposited it 3 times, but I can deposit it with confidence. The teachers are also kind and energetic! He also recorded how much milk he drank and how long he slept! I made a few reservations again, so thank you! There are many cherry blossoms for some reason, but please be assured that I am not a cherry blossom ww

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