Makotoya - Sayo District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Makotoya

住所 :

1022 Sayo, Sayo District, Hyogo 679-5301, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87987
Postal code : 679-5301
Webサイト :

1022 Sayo, Sayo District, Hyogo 679-5301, Japan
桑原理 on Google

店員さん、元気な掛け声で活気ある店でした! お客さんも多く、流行ってました! 初訪問でしたが、辛いの好きなので辛いラーメン頼みました。 小辛〜激辛とランクがいくつかありますが、『大辛』を頼みました。 辛いの好きな方なら、激辛をおすすめします! 他でもありそうな味でしたが、おいしいラーメンでした! また、近く寄った際には食べに行きたいと思います! ご馳走でした。
The clerk was a lively shop with a cheerful shout! There were many customers and it was popular! It was my first visit, but I liked spicy so I ordered spicy ramen. There are several ranks, from small spicy to super spicy, but I ordered "large spicy". If you like spicy food, we recommend super spicy food! It tasted like something else, but it was delicious ramen! Also, I would like to go to eat when I get close! It was a treat.
on Google

I have raised the price, there is no raw garlic, Takana is this much ? Discount tickets are gone, I will never come again ?
みね on Google

味が濃い牛骨系ラーメンを食べたい方におススメです! 若者にはいいけど年配の方からしたらきついかも汗 LINE特典やTwitter Instagram等に投稿でサービスで餃子がもらえたりします? わたしはこの店好きです? 味5 雰囲気4 値段4 総合的に良い店ですが臭いです 臭い我慢できる人には良いです⭐️
Recommended for those who want to eat rich beef bone ramen! It's good for young people but it may be hard for older people You can get gyoza on the service by posting to LINE benefits, Twitter Instagram, etc.? I like this shop. Taste 5 Atmosphere 4 Price 4 Overall good but smells Good for those who can endure the smell.
yoyo n. on Google

牛骨ラーメンは鳥取県にて有名店 2店舗行くが口に合わず避けていました このまこと屋は違います! クリーミィで油もしつこくない 豚骨ラーメン好きにはおすすめ 無料トッピングも高菜、紅生姜、ゴマ、ニンニクなどテーブルにたくさん! 注文時麺の硬さ、油の量も選べます またセットメニューも多くライスの大盛りは無料! もう少し安ければありがたい また来ます
Beef bone ramen went to 2 famous stores in Tottori prefecture but avoided it because it was unpalatable This Makoto shop is different! Creamy and not oily Recommended for pork ramen lovers There are many free toppings on the table such as takana, red ginger, sesame, garlic, etc.! You can also choose the hardness of the noodles and the amount of oil when ordering There are also many set menus, and a large serving of rice is free! Thank you if it is a little cheaper I will come again
naokii hasii on Google

牛骨ラーメンに疑問があり、盛付けもいまいちだったが、食べたら麺は細麺のストレートで味は豚骨ラーメンと正直違いがわからなかった。 結果として、ほぼ豚骨ラーメンと同じ種類ラーメンとして、味は普段食べている豚骨ラーメンよりも濃厚でどことなく香ばしい、美味しかった。 その他、広めの店舗でファミリーで入りやすい。ウエットティッシュや調味料も揃っており、高菜の山盛りが食べ放題。 総合的に良い店だ。
There was a doubt about cattle bone ramen, the filling was not so good, but when eating, the noodles are straight noodles and the taste is not the same as the pig bone ramen. As a result, almost as the same type of ramen as the pork bone ramen, the taste was richer and somewhat fragrant than the pig bone ramen eating normally, it was delicious. In addition, it is easy to enter with families at wider stores. Wet tissue and seasonings are also available, as well as all-you-can-eat breakfasts of Taka. It is comprehensively a good store.
夢見るキャンパー on Google

I always go to Makotoya on the way back from Sayo Resort! There is always a new menu and I always eat it, but Taiwan Mazesoba is very delicious ❗ No loss ❗
ひろみ on Google

Mixed soba has begun. It was delicious. Kujo green onion backfat soy sauce ramen was also very delicious ??? The green onion is not spicy and soft. I recommend it ?? All-you-can-eat takana, so the set meal of white rice is delicious. The grilled pork bowl is also delicious. You can choose the spiciness of the red spicy beef. Medium is spicy ?
植田真吾 on Google

あっさり鳥醤油らーめんを注文! スープが美味いが塩辛いです。 麺が不味い私には無理でした! ごめんなさい?たべれませんでした。 paypayが使える店を探して入店したのに使えませんでした!
Order light chicken soy sauce ramen! The soup is delicious but salty. I couldn't do it because the noodles were bad! I'm sorry ? I couldn't eat. I searched for a store where paypay can be used and entered the store, but I couldn't use it!

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