Mahoro Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic - Saitama

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mahoro Acupuncture Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

コーポまいやま 102 201 Kamiokubo, Sakura Ward, Saitama, 338-0824, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 338-0824
Webサイト :

コーポまいやま 102 201 Kamiokubo, Sakura Ward, Saitama, 338-0824, Japan
yuqing yang on Google

I fell down while practicing my bike. I came to the osteopathic clinic because I was worried that there was a problem with my knee ligaments. I usually have a pain in my lower back and I said it when I asked a question, but the problem with my lower back is more severe than my knees. It was effective as soon as the pelvic correction was completed. I also found out why when I ride my bicycle, I lean to the right. The director is very kind and will continue treatment
Ki Mitsu on Google

急に腰痛があり、1週間程我慢してましたが 何とも痛みが引かずGoogleの口コミを見て伺いました。当日の予約でしたが、快く受付けて頂き、問診も痛みの原因と治す為のアプローチの仕方を細かく説明頂き大変分かりやすかったです。 はり灸と矯正を施術して頂きましたが、終わった後、下にかがむのも辛かった腰が、痛みが無くなり、首も施術前より可動域が広がり嘘のように動けます。 根本的に治したいので、継続して通いたいと思います。
I suddenly had back pain and had to put up with it for about a week. I didn't feel any pain and I looked at Google reviews. I made a reservation on the day of the event, but it was very easy to understand because I was happy to accept it and explained in detail the cause of the pain and the approach to cure it. I had acupuncture and correction, but after the treatment, my lower back, which was hard to bend down, had no pain, and my neck had a wider range of motion than before the treatment, and I could move like a lie. I want to cure it fundamentally, so I would like to continue going.
齋藤翔平 on Google

家から近かったので寄ってみました。 整形外科、整体などで何年か治療していましたが、全然治らず諦めていた肩痛がよくなってきてます。 先生はとても気さくで優しいです。 いろいろ教えてくれます。 治るまで通います。
It was close to my house so I stopped by. I had been treated with orthopedics and manipulative treatment for several years, but my shoulder pain, which I had given up at all, is getting better. The teacher is very friendly and kind. It will tell you a lot. I will go until he is healed.
to momo on Google

I had a terrible stiff shoulder due to telework, so I visited the osteopathic clinic for the first time. I asked him because he seemed to have a good reputation after seeing the word of mouth, but he kindly taught me how to do the first counseling and rehabilitation at home. I would like to rehabilitate at home and improve my posture.
马也驰 on Google

I got injured when I snowboarded a month ago. My lower back was unbearably painful and I went to see the doctor. I had my teacher adjust my body posture, and the pain was greatly reduced. Since I am a foreign student, the teacher explained in detail that there are some words that I sometimes cannot hear. And my assistant's sister is also very kind. That was a really big help
白黒にゃんこ on Google

デスクワークにより背中と肩のコリが酷く伺いました。初めてなので少し緊張しましたが、院長先生が気さくすぎて一瞬で緊張吹き飛びました。笑 しっかりと隅々まで問診をして下さり、施術についても患者の希望に沿って1つ1つ丁寧に説明していただきました。先生は看護師さんもされていたとの事で、病気についても詳しく心強かったです。 バキッの矯正は初めてでしたが痛みはほぼなく、少しの施術でガチガチだった背中がすごくほぐれたのがわかりました!テーピング、湿布、ベルトをつけていただきました。これから通わせていただきます!よろしくお願いします。
I heard a lot of stiffness in my back and shoulders due to desk work. It was my first time, so I was a little nervous, but the director was so friendly that I was instantly nervous. Lol He asked us all the questions and explained the treatments one by one according to the patient's wishes. The teacher was also a nurse, so it was encouraging to know more about the illness. It was my first time to correct my back, but there was almost no pain, and I found that my back, which had been stiff with a little treatment, was very loose! I had you put on taping, compress, and belt. I will be attending from now on! Thank you.
y TKT on Google

自転車で横転して、1週間しても腰と坐骨の痛みが引かなかった為、来院。 初めての接骨院でしたが、親切でとても分かりやすく、知識も経験も豊富な先生だと思いました。 この先生なら信用して良いなと感じました。完治目指して通います。
I rolled over on my bicycle, and even after a week, I didn't feel any pain in my lower back and ischium, so I visited the hospital. It was my first time at the osteopathic clinic, but I thought he was a kind, very easy-to-understand, knowledgeable and experienced teacher. I felt that this teacher could be trusted. I'm going to aim for a complete cure.
あらフー on Google

I fell down the stairs and hurt my lower back, and it was hard to move, but I experienced the needle for the first time and had the pelvic strain adjusted, and the pain disappeared in 2 days! I didn't expect the pain to go away so quickly, so I'm grateful. The distortion of the pelvis does not heal immediately, so I will go there for a while, but he will explain it carefully and I can go to the hospital with confidence.

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