
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 浦和自動車解体株式会社

住所 :

Kamiokubo, Sakura Ward, 〒338-0824 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88899
Webサイト : http://www.urawa-kaitai.co.jp/
街 : Saitama

Kamiokubo, Sakura Ward, 〒338-0824 Saitama,Japan
わくわく on Google

I asked from outside the prefecture, "I want you to lift it from the stolen car police station. I want to ride it if it can be repaired, and I will go to see it because there are parts that I can take." In response, he said, “I have already lifted the car so I don't have to come here.” I said, “You told me to ask you.” . It seems to me that my car that had been stolen but remained clean is dismantled without permission.
梅田幸司(フライングダックマン) on Google

廃車手続きでお世話になりました。 親切にして下さり気の利いた解体業者さんです。
Thank you for your help in the scrapping procedure. It is a kind and attentive dismantling company.
sono t. on Google

廃車でお世話になりました。 自社工場には車がいっぱい?なかにはまだ乗れそうな車も。 ネットの業者とこちらで両方査定してもらって、結局対応も金額もよかったこちらにお願いしようと来店しました。 長年地元で営業されてるそうです。
I was taken care of by the scrapped car. There are a lot of cars in our own factory, and some cars still seem to be able to get on. We asked for assessment both on the Internet and here, and we came to the store to ask for the response and the amount after all. It has been open for a long time locally.
yuichiro anazawa on Google

サスペンション一式を快く引き取って頂きました。2000円 事前連絡して行きましたが、しっかりメモされており、スムーズに対応してくれました。
I was happy to pick up the suspension set. 2000 yen I contacted you in advance, but it was well noted and responded smoothly.
まわ. on Google

車両も見ずに「はい、5000円ね」と、いきなり持ち込みの最低価格で提示されました。 確かに市場価値は低い車両でしたが、対応に驚いてしまいました。 少し値上げをして貰いましたが、何店かで買取査定を比べてから頼んだ方がよいでしょう。 処分を急いでいたので出しましたが、もう少しどうにかなったのではないかと思ってしまいました。 店側も商売なので、これも経験と思いました。
Without seeing the vehicle, "Yes, 5000 yen" was suddenly presented at the lowest price to bring. It was certainly a low market value vehicle, but I was surprised at the response. We asked you to raise the price a little, but it would be better to ask after comparing the purchase assessment at some stores. I put it out because I was in a hurry, but I thought it was a little more. Since the store side is also a business, I thought this was an experience.
Yutaka Haramura on Google

自走持ち込みで20年落ちのムーヴが8000円で買い取ってもらえた。(他店では3000と言われた) 15年前のミラでも5000円。 価格は時期で変動すると思うのでいきなり行かず電話して見積もった方がいいとは思う
The Move, which was brought in by itself for 20 years, was bought for 8,000 yen. (It was said to be 3000 at other stores) Even Mira 15 years ago costs 5000 yen. I think the price will fluctuate depending on the season, so I think it's better to call and estimate without going suddenly.
長倉達也 on Google

All of them are kind and pleasant. We are also familiar with parts, so you can consult with us in various ways. I have the impression that it is a professional group, but I am very relieved because they will talk according to this perspective!
m m on Google

Recommended for those who are planning to scrap the car! Thank you for your help in disposing of the car. I thought that everything from the first phone call to what I had on the day was kind, but when I came to the office, other employees were kind and even more surprised! There are details that major companies do not have! When I compared multiple stores and gave up, I am grateful that I was able to get a scrap car fee at a major store or another store, although it was only a feeling for Mr. Urawa Motor Dismantling. If I have another chance, I will definitely repeat it!

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