ヴィレッジヴァンガード イオンモール川口前川店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ヴィレッジヴァンガード イオンモール川口前川店

住所 :

Maekawa, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0842 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://www.village-v.co.jp/shop/detail/876
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Saitama

Maekawa, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0842 Saitama,Japan
ゾロ轟氷 on Google

If you really sell out Kussou, put a sticker saying that it is sold out! Even though I came all the way from a distant place, what is the reason why the store is often destroyed?
オイ松!!なんっすか? on Google

It's Ville Van ❗ A store where you can enjoy treasure hunting and just have fun! ️ Happy encounters with unexpected encounters ⤴️⤴️⤴️, but I'm sad that the founder's favorite Jazz and bossa nova CD sales floors are equivalent to disappearing! ️
横山正之(いづパパ) on Google

If you go to Corona for the first time in a long time, the charm will be halved. The number of attractive books and CDs has decreased.
大沼菊枝 on Google

楽しい本屋さん。 最近は、本よりも雑貨目当てでいってます。 ハリー・ポッターのカエルチョコと百味ビーンズが売っててビックリ。もちろん、ユニバのやつとは違います。 小さかったり、量が少なかったり、パッケージが省エネですが、ユニバになかなかいけないので、アリです。
A fun bookstore. Recently, I'm saying that I am looking for sundry goods rather than books. Harry Potter's frog chocolate and herbs bean selling are surprising. Of course, it is different from the one of Univa. It is small, the amount is small, the package is energy saving, but it is hard to go to Univa, so it is ant.
トリオさん on Google

A mix of interesting things and good things is a fun shop. For some reason I buy sweets here. I came to buy exciting things, but if I hit an unfriendly shop assistant, I would be tensioned down. Let's enjoy it as well.
くまうさ on Google

Interesting goods and books are lined up in the dimly lit store. There was also a bag on the far right after entering. There were plenty of Micra strategy guides, and there was also Photona's clothes. I thought it was popular with boys, but young girls were flocking to the cosmetics in the foreground. There were plenty of idol goods, so it may be popular regardless of gender.
Koichi Mase on Google

入口の店名ロゴがちょっとおどろおどろしい感じがユニークな店。 店内はオーソドックスなヴィレッジヴァンガードになっている。他の店いに比べて壁に沿った移動がしやすい配置になっている。
A unique restaurant with a slightly terrifying feel at the entrance. The shop is an orthodox village vanguard. Compared to other shops, it is easy to move along the wall.
大潮凪介 on Google

慣れたせいか昔ほど新鮮味がないが、相変わらず変わった物が置いてある。 友人同士のパーティー等、ちょっとした小物のプレゼントとかには重宝するかな。軽めのやつ。品揃えは幅広いので思わぬモノが見つかるかも? あと、若年層にはウケがいいかもね。
It's not as fresh as it used to be, probably because I'm used to it, but there are still some strange things. I wonder if it will come in handy for small gifts such as parties between friends. A light one. Since the product lineup is wide, you may find something unexpected. Also, I think it's good for young people.

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