MUJI - Kawaguchi

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact MUJI

住所 :

イオンモール川口 1F 3180 Angyoryonegishi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 333-0834, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 333-0834
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM

イオンモール川口 1F 3180 Angyoryonegishi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 333-0834, Japan
丸輝くんパパ on Google

売り場面積広かったです。 近隣の他の店舗で品切れ中の目的の物を探しに行きました。売り場に置いてなかったので店員さんを探してから在庫を確認してもらって、、少し時間が掛かってた感がありました 広い売り場が裏目に出てる感じがしたので 売り場の担当者呼び出しや在庫もパッとわかるようなツールがあれば待ち時間も減るのではないかと思いました。
The sales floor area was large. I went to another store in the neighborhood to find the item I was out of stock. I didn't put it in the sales floor, so I had to look for a clerk and then check the inventory, and I felt that it took a while. I felt that the large sales floor was backfired I thought that waiting time would be reduced if there was a tool that could call the person in charge at the sales floor and quickly understand the inventory.
shin2row on Google

圏内では旗艦店クラスの広さと充実さです。 衣料・生活雑貨・食料品の充実はさることながら、本なども売ってたり守備範囲が広く、アイテム数も基本多いです。 中でも目を引くの店舗内にフードエリアがあり飲食が出来る数少ない店舗なところですかね。無印良品ファンは是非。
Within the area, it is as spacious and fulfilling as a flagship store. In addition to a wide range of clothing, household goods, and groceries, books are also sold and the range of defense is wide, and the number of items is basically large. It's one of the few stores where you can eat and drink because there is a food area inside the eye-catching store. If you are a fan of MUJI, please come.
カモミール on Google

「無印良品」内のカフェ。 なんかゆったり出来ました! ここで販売されているカレーがカフェで食べられます。 バターチキンカレーは、チキンがスプーンでほぐれ、食べやすく大変美味しかったです!
A cafe in "MUJI". I was able to relax! You can eat the curry sold here at the cafe. The butter chicken curry was very delicious because the chicken was loosened with a spoon and it was easy to eat!
Koichi Mase on Google

The strongest store filled with various charms of MUJI. There is also a book corner, eat-in space, and break corner, which are not normally found in MUJI, so you can have an exciting experience.
ちゃと君 on Google

最近、無印良品さんのお品がお気に入り。 すごい安いわけでもないのですが惹かれるものがありますね。 こちらの店舗はかなり広めで、紙コップ式のコーヒー(1杯100円)を販売されていたり飲食出来る場所があります。 無印好きな人にはおすすめです。
Recently, I like MUJI's products. It's not really cheap, but there is something that attracts me. This store is quite large, and there are places where you can buy and drink paper cup coffee (100 yen per cup). Recommended for those who like MUJI.
富士サンタクロース on Google

ここの無印良品は大きい!食品のラインナップが豊富です。店内には100円でコーヒーが飲める休憩スペースや、無印カレーがいただけるイートインコーナーがあります。 ムジラーには魅力的なお店です。
MUJI here is big! We have a rich lineup of food products. There is a break space where you can drink coffee for 100 yen and an eat-in corner where you can enjoy MUJI curry. It is an attractive shop for musicians.
新藤修一(白ヒゲ) on Google

広い売り場!豊富な品揃え。 前川イオンのMUJIよりも遥かに広く快適な空間。 書籍もある!その本を座って読む事もできる! 軽く食事もできる! 100円のコーヒーを試しに飲んでみた。 これは大失敗。非常に不味い。w 良いカトラリーを探しにきたのだけど、気にいるものは残念ながら無し。 いやあ、でもここのMUJIは良いねえ。 星が4なのはコーヒーのせいかな??
Large sales floor! A wide selection of products. A much larger and more comfortable space than Maekawa Aeon's MUJI. There are also books! You can even sit and read the book! You can also eat lightly! I tried drinking 100 yen coffee. This is a big mistake. Very bad. w I came looking for a good cutlery, but unfortunately nothing I like. No, but MUJI here is good. Is it because of coffee that has 4 stars? ??
Adachi Ka on Google

埼玉県一の広さらしい店舗 たしかに広い...。 店内が広い分、品揃えも豊富 無印ファンとして嬉しい 店内にカフェスペースに本屋コーナー カフェスペースの近くに手洗い場の設置 そこには無印商品の石鹸等の使用もできる レジも6台ありお会計待ちになることがほとんどない セルフレジもあり セルフレジの前には、消毒スプレーの設置 ステキな店舗でした
The largest store in Saitama prefecture Certainly wide ... As the store is large, there is a wide selection of products Happy as a MUJI fan Bookstore corner in cafe space inside the store Setting up a hand-washing area near the cafe space You can also use MUJI soap etc. there There are 6 cashiers, so there is almost no waiting for payment. There is also a self-checkout Installation of disinfectant spray before self-registration It was a nice store

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